of the


JUNE 16, 2010

The Student, Staff & Community Members Recognition Award Ceremony and the Regular Meeting of The Pitman Board of Education were held on Wednesday, June 16, 2010. The meeting convened at 6:30 p.m. for Student/Staff & Community Recognition in the Pitman High School Auditorium followed by the Regular Meeting in the Pitman High School Media Center at 8:00 pm.

With the following in attendance:

Stacy DeClement President

Will Downham Vice-President

Thomas DeGeorge Member (Absent)

Thomas C. Hahn Member

Joseph F. Martin Member (Arrived at 8:00 pm)

Donald W. Pallies Member

Bonnie Savage Member

Patrick McAleer Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Deborah J. Roncace Business Administrator/Board Secretary

Thomas F. Schulte Superintendent

Samuel H. Bullock Solicitor



Notice of the Student, Staff & Community Members Recognition Award Ceremony and Regular Meeting of the Pitman Board of Education was mailed to the Gloucester County Times, posted at Borough Hall, and a copy thereof delivered to the Pitman Borough Clerk. Further, notice was posted and filed as require by law stating that the Board would meet for the Student, Staff & Community Members Recognition Award Ceremony at 6:30 p.m. in the Pitman High School Auditorium immediately followed by the Regular Meeting in the Pitman High School Media Center. The President shall entertain any objections, with supporting reasons, to the conduct of this meeting on the grounds that it violates the Open Public Meetings Act.


Mr. Schulte, Superintendent of Schools, welcomed the honorees and their family members to the meeting. He thanked all parents for their support of our students and the Pitman School District.

Mrs. Stacy DeClement, Board President also thanked the parents for their support of our students.

Mr. Schulte and Board Members presented awards.

Ø  Recognition of Retiring Administrator – John D. Ricketts

Ø  Recognition of Retiring Staff Members

Martha P. Aspras Barbara R. Burd Carol B. Crovetti

Alice M. DeTolla Linda H. Forst Craig A. Harper

Lorraine King Nicholas L. Manogue John L. Marlin

Barbara S. Priggemeier Marcia B. Roberts Rebecca W. Roesler

Barbara W. Stech John P. Zahradnik

Ø  Recognition of Retiring Support Staff Members –

Barbara A. Adler Debra J. Higbree Cheryl B. Mangano Kathleen M. Peek

Ø  Recognition of Community Members

Betsy McAteer – High School Colleen Migeot – Middle School

Valerie Merlino – Kindle School Denise Mennella – Walls School

Judy Walker & Shannon Vallaster – Memorial School

Ø  Student Awards – Attached to minutes

The meeting moved to the Pitman High School Media Center at 7:58 pm.

Mr. Martin arrived at this time – 8:00 pm.

The meeting convened in open session with visitors as identified on back-up Sign-In Sheet.


Thank you letter from the Executive Board of the Pitman Panther Band Association for the Board’s support of the district’s music programs.

PUBLIC HEARING – (15 minutes)

Our attorney has advised us that we cannot prevent you from making remarks about our employees. He has requested we advise you that our employees are not Public Officials and you are not immune from civil actions they may bring as a result of your remarks.

Dan Cooper, Senior minister for the Church of Christ, informed the Board that the church was selling its building and leasing offices located at 154/156 South Broadway in Pitman. He asked the Board to designate his church as a non-profit organization in regards to facilities rental.


Moved by Mr. Hahn

Second by Mr. Pallies

“That the following Resolution is adopted:

BE IT RESOLVED by the Pitman Board of Education that pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Law (NJSA 10:4-1 et. seq.) that it shall immediately enter into an Executive Session to discuss a matter involving the purchase, lease or acquisition of real property with public funds, the setting of bank rates or investment of public funds, where the public interest could be adversely affected if discussion were disclosed and a matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation performance, promotion or disciplining of any prospective or current public officer or employee.

The information discussed at this meeting can be disclosed to the public only upon formal written request to the Secretary of the Board of Education at the next Work, Special, or Action meeting to disclose the information discussed.”

Motion Approved, All In Favor

Motion by Mr. Hahn

Second by Mr. Pallies

“That the Regular Meeting of the Pitman Board of Education reconvenes in open session at 9:50 pm.”

Motion Approved, All In Favor


Motion by Mrs. DeClement

Second by Mrs. Savage

“That the minutes of the Pitman Board of Education as held on the dates listed below are approved as printed and reading dispensed with:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010”

Motion Approved, 5-0-1 (Mr. Hahn abstained)

Motion by Mrs. DeClement

Second by Mrs. Savage

“That the minutes of the Closed Sessions of the Pitman Board of Education held on the dates listed below are approved as printed and the reading dispensed with:

Monday, May 17, 2010 - 7:08 pm

Motion Approved, 4-0-2 (Mr. Hahn and Mr. Martin abstained)

Monday, May 17, 2010 - 9:24 pm

Motion Approved, 5-0-1 (Mr. Hahn abstained)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010 – 7:00 pm

Motion Approved, 4-0-2 (Mr. Hahn and Mr. Martin abstained)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010 – 7:55 pm

Tuesday, June 1, 2010 – 10:41 pm”

Motion Approved, 5-0-1 (Mr. Hahn abstained)


Motion by Mr. Pallies

Second by Mr. Hahn to approve the following six motions:

“That all line-item transfers be approved for the month of April 2010.”

“The Board Secretary certifies that no budgetary line-item account has been over-expended in

violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 as of April 2010.”

“That the Report of the Board Secretary, including the Current Budget Financial Statement is

approved. The Pitman Board of Education further certifies that no major account or fund has been

over-expended pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4 for the month of April 2010.”

“That the Treasurer’s Report be accepted and note that it reconciles with the Board Secretary’s

report for the same period for the month of April 2010.”

“That all bills are properly approved and certified to be paid.”

“That the Student Fund Report be accepted and approved for the month of May 2010.”

Motions Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Pallies

Second by Mr. Hahn

“That the Pitman Board of Education authorizes the schedule of taxes to be remitted to the

Borough of Pitman and paid accordingly.

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pitman Board of Education approve the following

Requisition of Taxes Schedule for the 2010/2011 school year for the annual operating

budget and debt service:

Current Expense Debt Service Total

July 1, 2010 $953,562 $54,527 $1,008,089

August 1, 2010 $950,000 $26,276 $976,276

September 1, 2010 $950,000 $61,941 $1,011,941

October 1, 2010 $950,000 $950,000

November 1, 2010 $950,000 $950,000

December 1, 2010 $950,000 $950,000

January 1, 2011 $950,000 $48,545 $998,545

February 1, 2011 $950,000 $76,988 $1,026,988

March 1, 2011 $950,000 $405,613 $1,355,613

April 1, 2011 $950,000 $950,000

May 1, 2011 $950,000 $950,000

June 1, 2011 $950,000 ______$950,000

TOTAL $11,403,562 $673,890 $12,077,452”

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Pallies

Second by Mr. Hahn

“That the Pitman Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent and the School Business

Administrator to perform all necessary transfers and adjustments to close out the 2009-2010 school

year budget and present same to the board at the next available meeting.

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Pallies

Second by Mr. Hahn

“That the Pitman Board of Education adopts a resolution appointing Len Eckman, Inc. as Risk

Management Consultant for the 2010/2011 school year.”

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Pallies

Second by Mr. Hahn

“That the Pitman Board of Education adopts a Risk Management Consultant Agreement with Len

Eckman, Inc. for the 2010/2011 school year.”

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Pallies

Second by Mr. Hahn

“That the Pitman Board of Education approves a resolution to apply the Board’s share ($17,909)

from return of surplus from the ACCASBOJIF to be applied to the fund’s Aggregate Loss

Contingency Fund for the 2010/2011 school year.”

Resolution Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Pallies

Second by Mr. Hahn

“That the Pitman Board of Education approves to purchase Student Accident Insurance for school

year 2010/2011 with SPELLJIF (School Pool For Excess Liability Limits Joint Insurance Fund) in

the amount of $14,625.”

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Pallies

Second by Mr. Hahn

“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following cafeteria prices for school year


Student Lunch (increase of $.25 from 2009/10):

High School $2.75 Middle School $2.50 Elementary $2.25 Reduced $.40

Breakfast at Walls School (same as 2009/10): $1.50 Reduced $.30

Pre-K and Kindergarten Milk (same as 2009/10): $.35

Lunch Milk all Schools (same as 2009/10): $.40

Ice Cream (increase of $.25 from 2009/10): High & Middle $1.25 Elementary $1.00

Teachers Lunch: Regular Student Double Entrée

Elementary $2.75 $4.25

Middle $3.00 $4.50

High $3.25 $4.75

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Pallies

Second by Mr. Hahn to table the following motion until next meeting

“That the Pitman Board of Education approves to allow the cafeteria to charge up to 40% over the

actual cost of food and paper supplies that are ordered for groups/individuals.”

Motion Approved, 6-0-0


Mr. Downham reported on Student Statistics for May, 2010.

Date / Elem / Middle / High / Out of District / Alt. / Total
5/31/10 / 760 / 362 / 445 / 31 / 2 / 1601
5/31/09 / 787 / 341 / 454 / 29 / 5 / 1616
4/30/10 / 760 / 362 / 445 / 31 / 1 / 1601
Suspensions / 1 / 10 / 4
Inappropriate Behavior 8
Fighting 7

Mr. Downham reported on Fire and Lockdown Drills for the month of May, 2010.

Motion by Mr. Downham

Second by Mrs. Savage

“That the Pitman Board of Education finds the travel and related expenses particular to attendance of staff and board members on the attached list of approved school business leaves (Conference/ Workshop/Meeting/Staff Training) are justified and therefore reimbursable.”

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Downham

Second by Mrs. Savage

“That the Board of Education approves all field trips as submitted except for the July 4, 2010 trip

for the marching band.”

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Downham

Second by Mrs. Savage

“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the Extended School Year placements for eligible

students, whose names are on file in the Child Study Team Office.”

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Downham

Second by Mrs. Savage

“That staff members successfully completing courses be approved for tuition reimbursement in

accord with the negotiated agreement with the PEA.”

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Downham

Second by Mrs. Savage

“That the following staff members be approved for summer curriculum work at an hourly rate of

$28.00, as negotiated with the Pitman Education Association:

Kristen Gleich Research and Study Skills 10 hours

Michael Yeager Integrated Math I, II, III 10 hours

Matthew Elmuccio Integrated Math I, II, III 10 hours”

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Downham

Second by Mrs. Savage

“That the Pitman Board of Education enters into a contract with Paragon Consulting Services for Autism services for the 2010/2011 school year at a rate of $120 per hour plus mileage (50 cents/ mile).”

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Downham

Second by Mrs. Savage

“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following members of the Special Services Department to work a maximum of the following days during the summer of 2010 for a total of 23 days, at their per diem rate, to meet the mandated obligations of providing evaluation plan meetings for newly referred/transferred students and to accept and plan for special requests, review and design programs for transfer students based on reports and scheduling new students:

Daria Pitts 3 days Jenifer Gillin 5 days Diane Thomas 5 days Karen Daly 5 days Roseann D’Arecca 5 days”

Motion Approved, 6-0-0

Motion by Mr. Downham

Second by Mrs. Savage

“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following 2010 summer work for the following Special Services staff:

1. Summer Tutoring: Rita Williams, Cheryl Wnorowski and Kim

Gigantino for 15 students each per week x 2 hours x 4 weeks x $28 per hour for a total of $3,360

2. Summer Speech: Tom Clayton, individual speech sessions for 4

Students x 2 hours per week x 4 weeks x $28 per hour for a total of $896

Kim Streater, integrated speech services (camp)

2.5 hours per day x 4 days per week x 4 weeks x $28 per hour for a total of $1,120

3. Summer Eligibility Meetings: Staff members (to be determined) for 24 meetings

X 2 teachers x 2 hours per meeting x $28 per hour for a total of $2,688

4. Summer Camp: Alicia Walsh, Chris Chapman, Kristin Schleher,

John Hopely as counselors 3 hours per day x 4 days

Per week x 4 weeks x $28 per hour for a total of


Christine Lenentine for 1:1 work with a significantly impaired student at a rate of

$28 per hour for a maximum of $1,792

Sue Arnold, Barbara Hess as camp nurses.

Each will work 24 hours per week x 2 weeks for a total cost of $2,688

5. PSD Camp: Funded by ARRA Grant

Teacher: Lori Staman - 3 hours per day x 4 days

per week x 4 weeks x $28 per hour for a total of


Aide: Chris Heier - 3 hours per day x 4 days

per week x 4 weeks x $11.62 per hour for a total of


6. Summer Evaluations: Testing of classified and potentially disabled

students during the summer of 2010. This

testing involves mandated triennial re-

evaluations as well as testing of newly

referred students. Evaluations are conducted

at the rate of $250 per evaluation for a total

cost of $18,000

Child Study Team Cases:

New Referrals 9 students 27 evaluations

Re-evaluations 15 students 45 evaluations

Total 24 students 72 evaluations