TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014 6:00pm
City Council Administration
Tim L. Thompson, Mayor City Manager, Michael Harris Alphonso Thomas, Mayor Pro Tem Interim City Clerk, Stephanie Tigner
Robin Buschman, Councilwoman City Attorney, Mike Williams
Anthony S. Ford, Councilman
LaKeisha Gantt, Councilwoman
Richard Steinberg, Councilman
Call to Orderby Mayor Tim L. Thompson at 6:00pm
Invocationprovided by Mayor Thompson
Pledge of Allegiancewas recited unison
Adopt Agenda; Anthony S. Ford made a motion to amend the agenda by moving item #14 before #5 and adding item #15 Per Diem Policy; a second was made by Richard Steinberg; the motion passed 5-0.
Review Minutes: Special Called Meeting, April 1, 2014, at 5:30pm
Work Session of April 1, 2014, at 6:00pm
City Council Meeting of April 14, 2014, at 6:00pm
Item #1-Presented by Mayor Tim L. Thompson
Proclamation:Lupus Awareness Month; Richard Steinberg wanted to know if having monthly proclamations was going to become on-going. Michael Harris stated that proclamations raise awareness in the community. Richard Steinberg stated that maybe Council could look at the calendar and prepare the proclamations in advance. No action was taken.
Item #2-Presented by Mayor Tim L. Thompson
Proclamation:Taste of Life Week; Mayor Thompson provided an overview of the FBLA students at Stockbridge High School. These students has placed 3rd in the state and is going to compete nationally.Mayor Thompson stated that students needs to be recognized.
Item #3-Presented by Treasurer, Mike Bush
Informational Item:Monthly Financial Report; Mike Bush provided an overview of the March and Year-To-DateFinancials. Mike Bush stated that he plans to have a comparison chart to show at the next Work Session; the chart would show where the City is this year compared to last year.He wants to place the report on the website for citizen’s review. Anthony S. Ford asked if Council could review before having the Financials being posted on the website; this would allowCouncil to be prepared to answer citizen’s questions. Mike Bush stated that he would submit the documentation to Michael Harris for approval and then send a memorandum to Council. Richard Steinberg asked about the business license revenue that was in the vault since December or January. Mike Bush explained that on the February Financial Report that the additional revenue was included. Mike Bush stated that the City has had issues with Incode and the problem is being corrected for business licenses. Mayor Thompson asked are we running a little below in the budgetfor the year-to-date. Mike Bush explained that the City’s revenues and expenditures are not on a flat lined level. The City revenues and expenditures will run low in certain months but the City will receive a large revenue in December. The City sometimes has increases in certain months showing unusualspikes.Mike Bush stated that he could provide a report showing how the revenues and expenditures change from month-to-month. Anthony S. Ford stated that the report should show what the City is actually spending that have bullet points with explanations on why there are changes in the revenues and expenditures should be sufficient. Mike Bush stated that he could provide a narrative that would be provided with the financial charts.
Item #4- Presented by City Manager, Michael Harris
Ordinance:Eagles Landing Master Sign Plan;City Manager MichaelHarris provided an overview of the master sign plan. Michael Harris spoke with Sherry Matthews and other Henry County staff members and is comfortable with the preliminary review and brought to the Council for consideration for approval of the master sign plan. Robin Buschman asked if the master plan goes above and beyond the ordinance. Did they change the height or does this work into what has been done?Michael Harris stated that the new language in the master sign plan provides more flexibility. Richard Steinberg requested the corrected map from Moore Bass showing all the signs.
Item #5-Presented by City Manager, Michael Harris
Informational Item: Discussion of Various Signage Issues; City Manager MichaelHarris need to develop a plan to address some other signage issues.The City need to create a plan that is clear and consistent of handling all signage. The City has some new proposed cites as well as some existing cites; one business wants to upgrade his sign that includes an LED panel. The LED panel is prohibited in the current ordinance. The current ordinance does not allow any provisions without coming back to Council. The staff would have to deny the application and then the applicant would have to appeal to Council. Michael Harris stated that the City needs some type of mechanisms to deal with unique cases. If the Mayor and Council wants staff to remain steadfast to what the City has correctly then the staff would govern themselves accordingly. Michael Harris asked if Council wants staff to seek other means. Robin Buschman stated that community involvement was low concerning the LED signs with some of the citizen’s thinking that it was circus looking. Robin Buschman stated that the City can get the citizens input. Michael Harris stated placing provisions to include specifications on the type, the size, the illumination of the LED sign. The City could have an Administrative review on the type of sign for final approval. Richard Steinberg stated that the citizens believed LED will turn us into aLas Vegas strip. It should be quantified by how much or how many and it should have some tastefulness into the regulations.Michael Harris stated that the City could have some restrictions that have a certain amount of space between businesses. Richard Steinberg is in support of the business community but it should be a balance of what is appropriate and what becomes too much. Lakeisha Gantt suggested staff look into a type of variance on a case by case basis.Lakeisha Gantt largest concern is that there is no uniformity with the signs. She believes that it is just not with the LED signs but the businesses not having uniformity. She stated that she thinks that staff should look into how the City could make the businesses uniform across the board.Anthony S. Ford stated that he was on the sign committee as a citizen. Anthony S. Ford states that we need to find better ways to make the signs attractive to businesses and for the community. He volunteered to help make the ordinance better with the citizens and staff. Anthony S. Ford wanted to verify if he can participate in the discussion with the Assisted Living Memory Care Facility because he knows the person that owns the business and he wanted to know if he would be in compliance;City Attorney, Mike Williamsstated that the ordinance is general applicability for the City. City Manager, Michael Harris thanked Anthony S. Ford for his assistance. Richard Steinberg also volunteered to assist with the sign issues. Mayor Thompson stated that he has received a call about signage issues. Michael Harris stated he would get with the City Attorney, Mike Williams to draft amendment language to specifically dealing with the LED portion and to have set criteria and share with Council. Mayor Pro Tem Alphonso Thompson volunteered to take a proactive stance and suggested to reactivate the committee.
Item #6-Presented by Chief Executive Assistant, Hugh Austin
Agenda Item:Merle Manders CC Rate Increase; Hugh Austin and Miranda Allen provided an overview of the MMCC rates. Hugh Austin provided documentations supporting a rate increase. The first documentation shows comparison from different locations: Morrow Center, Riverdale Center, Douglasville Center (relatively new), Locust Grove Center, and Newnan Center (relatively new). With all the centers, Merle Manders has the 2nd largest Ballroom. The second documentation provides an annual comparison report of revenues that MMCC has generated since it opened in 2002. The third documentation is a narrative with the suggested pricing. Hugh Austin wanted to bring to the Council attention some observations: Thesign at the end of Burke Street on North Henry Boulevard and Conference Center software that would assist Miranda Allen in efficiently booking and leasing the facility. The Main Street Managerwill take care of the special community events; as well as handle the communities’ activity reports that the State of Georgia requires. Also, the City is planning to hire anAdministrative & Community Services Director. Hugh Austin has requested that the Ballroom have an increase of $500 increase which is about $.33 extra a square foot. Compared to other locations the price is reasonable. The kitchen fee has no change for registered caterers;$500 kitchen fee for all caterersthat are not registered with the City. Each caterer are required to have license from the State of Georgia, both in transporting food/beverage and serving food/beverage,and a certificate of insurance. Richard Steinberg noted a minimal increase only in the Ballroom fee and stated that there is a recommended discount on alcohol for various groups and organizations. Richard Steinberg stated that there is no documentation on the impact from the proposed changes. He wants what the annual pluses and minuses would be based on the proposed adjustments. Richard Steinberg stated that in the past the Ted Strickland Center and MMCC has operated in losses and that Council had to support financially to keep them running. He wanted to have clarification on how these minimal changes would impact the entire component on the proposed increases for MMCC.Hugh Austin stated that the current revenue is about 4% above pace and that amount is part of the slowest months of the year. He stated with wedding season approaching the bookings are ahead. Hugh Austin stated that he doesn’t think that the increases will have a negativeeffect.He believes that the minimal increase will have a positive effect on the City because there is additional revenue. Richard Steinberg wants a clarification of the amount of increase, (i.e. additional 5%, 25%), based on the Ballroom fee. Secondly, he wanted to know if the increase is an offset of the alcohol discounts that would be given to various organizations. Miranda Allenstated that the 20% discounts for alcohol are the current booking guidelines and has been used for at least 5 years; therefore, there will be no negative impact. Miranda Allen stated that the Council should consider that in 2011 MMCC was asked to lower prices from $2990 to $1500 because of the economic downturn. There was a decrease in revenue due to lowering the prices. Saturday bookings are prime for MMCC; the bookings have not slacked and are always reserved.Miranda Allen suggested that the prices should be raised incrementally to get back to the $2990; she does not have an exact percentage of change for MMCC. She stated that MMCC is booked every Saturday except one in 2014. The $500 increase is only for parties that have not gone to contract and future contracts if the increase is approved in the City Council Meeting, May 12, 2014. Miranda Allen stated that MMCC has bookings for 2015 and 2016 that is why if the Council approves raising prices to do so now because people are getting back to booking much further in advance. Robin Buschman stated that MMCC has been up and down because of the economy and she stated that MMCC has down a great job marketing. Alphonso Thomas addressed his concerns with marketing. How can we improve that?He stated that Miranda Allen had answered his question and that having enough staff will assist with attracting businesses. Alphonso Thomas stated that one business was unhappy with the City and wanted to go to another City for their events but wants the City to put a great product out there. Hugh Austin spoke on attending the Hospitality Business Network and passed out MMCC brochures. Anthony S. Ford wanted to know about how many registered caterers are on the City list. Miranda Allen stated that the City has 10 registered caterers; the caterers have different price points and different menu options. Miranda Allen stated that majority of the caterers have been on the list for 10 plus years. Anthony S. Ford wanted to know about the training room and that at one time the City had computers in that room. Miranda Allen stated the City had a contract with Trialityto use their software in 2002 and the company supplied the computers and businesses were brought in to train. The contract dissolved in 2012 or 2013 and the computers were removed and now is just a training space. LakeishaGanttasked what the requirements to become a preferred caterer areand can others apply. Miranda Allenstated that there is an application process; the company must have a business license, food service permit, and have the City of Stockbridge and the Merle Manders Conference Center listed as the additional insured; there is a questionnaire that asked how many years they have been in business and it ask for references. The company had to have catered at MMCC at least 3 events previously. Lakeisha Gantt addressed concerns with elimination of membership. Robin Buschmanstated that the Chamber of Commerce really market the City.MirandaAllen; provided council with an update.The community will complete a ceremonial 1 mile walk; they will meet at the MMCC to have breakfast & coffee. The Sponsors have signed on for the event and their information is on the t-shirts and banners. Alphonso Thomas thanked Miranda Allen for her work and stated that a meeting was going to be held onMay 7, 2014 at 7pm at City Hall. Thanked the council for the support. Anthony S. Ford spoke on the banner that was located at Walt Stephens and Flippen Rd. Alphonso Thomas thanked former MayorLee Stuart for the vision for the Memorial Day March.
Item #7- Presented by City Attorney, Mike Williams
Agenda Item:Municipal Court Ordinance Revisions;Mike Williams provided and over view on items 6,7, and 8 to simplify and remove any confusion in the application of the ordinances. Item # 6 to clarify that if approved to assert jurisdiction over all criminal offenses that state law permits the City. The City Charter authorizes that the court to impose a maximum fine of $1000 and a year in jail. In the ordinance it states that specific penalties and reduce the time to certain offenses 60 days. The Municipal Court is asking Council, to allow the court to impose the maximum at the judges’ discretion. Richard Steinberg asked how the ordinance compares to other jurisdictions. Mike Williams stated that most jurisdictions have a hodgepodge and the preference is to have this done by the court so that they can have uniformity in their own procedures. Richard Steinberg asked if the Judge and Assistant Judge is on board with the proposed idea. Mike Williams stated that it is his understanding that they are but he has not spoken with the Judges. Richard Steinberg asked if anyone had spoken with the Judges.LakeishaGanttstated that she keeps in contact with the courts and in regards to this ordinance the revisions would keep in line with the state level as far as the courts. It allows the judge to use discretion on the penalty. Robin Buschman addressed her concerns about some of the examples that was listed; LakeishaGanttstated that a noise ordinance will be accessed a fine and usually not jail time; Lakeisha Gantt stated that this is geared towards drugs and no insurance. Anthony S. Ford recommended to consolidate and give his personal approval. Mike Williams stated that on Monday, May 12, 2014, he would bring an ordinance for approval.
Item #8-Presented by City Attorney, Mike Williams
Agenda Item:City Ordinances-60 Days Detention
Consolidated with Item #7 in tandem
Item #9-Presented by City Attorney, Mike Williams
Agenda Item: Ordinance Revisions
Consolidated with Item #7 in tandem
Item #10-Presented by City Manager, Michael Harris
Ordinance: Approval of Job Descriptions and Salary Ranges; City Manager MichaelHarris spoke on the job descriptions. The organizational chart has already been approved Council; this will address pay scale and new job descriptions. Alphonso Thomas stated that the new positions and job descriptionsdefinitely has to be approved by Council. Mayor Thompson does not want to burden the Council with these job descriptions and the pay scale if it has already been addressed previously. Alphonso Thomas stated a question. Did the Council vote on the job descriptions? Mike Williams stated that the Council voted on the budget amendment and he doesn’t believe that the Council has to vote on the job descriptions because the ordinance state that Mayor and Council has to approve all Department Heads. The way the language is written it is not clear if it is just all Department Heads. Mike Williams urged council tovote to have it on record. LakeishaGanttstated that she was concerned and she recommends that the Human Resources Manager report to the City Manager and not the Administrative Community Services Director and changing it from Director to Manager.Alphonso Thomas stated that there are only (5) Department Heads per the Charter and there is a process to go through; amending the position to the Y diagram and moving it where it should, which is under the City Manager. Michael Harris made a recommendation to review the organizational chart once more.