Work-Related Driving Procedure

Title: Safe Work Procedure Template / No. DEE ESWB- 30-3-1
Authorised By: Manager ESWB
Issue Date: March 2013
Last Reviewed: N/A
Next Review Date: March 2015 / Page Number: 1 of 2
Description of Work: / Work-related driving
Potential Hazards: Condition of vehicle, adverse weather conditions, traffic conditions, driving for long distances, distractions while driving, fatigue, manual handling
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Required (Check the box for required PPE):
Gloves / Face Masks /

/ Welding Mask / Appropriate
Footwear / Hearing Protection / Protective Clothing
Safe Work Procedure Checklist:
1. Pre driving:
§  Can the activity occur by other means (e.g. teleconference, videoconference, catching taxis or public transport)?
§  Check traffic and adverse weather conditions (e.g. floods, bushfires, and road closures). If necessary choose alternate routes or postpone travel. The sources below provide updated information:
o  the Country Fire Authority website or FireReady application for mobile phones
o  Victorian Bushfire Information Line (Ph: 1800 240 667)
o  ABC Radio.
§  Plan routes in advance so you know where you are going.
§  Complete a vehicle safety check that ensures:
o  there are no obstacles in front of or behind the vehicle
o  tyres are fully inflated and have adequate tread
o  front and rear windscreens are clean and free of damage
o  side mirrors and interior rear vision mirror are clean and adjusted to the right angle and height for you
o  vehicle is free of damage
o  headlights and taillights and indicator llights are operational.
§  Ask your Workplace Manager and/or Management OHS Nominee for a suitable first aid kit, reflective vests and emergency contact numbers for the vehicle.
§  Adjust seat to avoid awkward postures.
§  Pre-set music/radio and climate controls.
§  Secure any loose objects in the vehicle.
2. During driving:
§  Adhere to all road rules.
§  Do not eat and drink while driving.
§  Take regular rest breaks and do not drive for more than two hours without having a break.
§  Pull over to check maps or adjust equipment.
§  Ask passengers to help with tasks e.g. checking map.
§  Where symptoms of fatigue such as yawning, heavy eyes, blurred vision and reduced concentration are being experienced, pull over when safe to do so and either change drivers or have a short 20 minute sleep.
3. Post driving:
§  Movement of equipment or luggage in and out of the vehicle should be done in a way that reduces awkward postures.
§  Ensure any incidents, accidents or damage are reported to the appropriate areas (Workplace Manager, Management OHS Nominee and/or Shared Service Provider – Car Pool Services)
Competent Persons The following persons are authorised to complete offsite work.
Name: / Title: / Contact Details: