Work of Dr B F Skinner


After conducting the research on training pigeons , Skinner developed the Skinner Box It was a device with which animal learning behavior could be strictly controlled and measured His studies guided him towards the concept that the learning process is basically a matter of stimulus and is rewarded, or reinforced, response.


Skinner agreed to the method of reinforcement because it is necessary for learning

For Skinner, reinforcement was a fact and nothing more certain events, following the occurrence of a response, would alter the frequency of that response.

B F Skinner s entire system is based on operant conditioning. The organism is in the process of operating on the environment In other words, it is bouncing around its world, doing what it does.

During this, the organism is encountering a special kind of stimulus called a reinforcing stimulus. This special stimulus has the effect of increasing the operant .This is operant conditioning

The behavior is followed by consequence and the nature of the consequence modifies the organism tendency to repeat the behavior in the future.

To explain the theory, Skinner made a special cage. It is known as Skinner Box This box has a bar on one wall that, when pressed, causes a little mechanism to release a food pellet into the cage.

The rat in the cage is bounces around. When he accidentally presses the bar, a food pellet falls into the cage .Following this experiment Skinner discovered Schedules of Reinforcement.


SKINNER has worked on

Question how we acquire more complex sort of behavior. He responded with the idea of shaping the method of successive approximations.

He used shaping on one of his daughters who was three or four years old, and was afraid to go down on a particular slide.

He picked her up, put her at the end of the slide and asked, if she could jump down.

She did .He then picked her up and put her a foot or so up the slide. She was asked to jump again. She again jumped .He repeated this again and again.

Eventually he succeeded . She could slide all the way down and jump off.

The same method was used in the systematic desensitization. It was invented by Joseph Wolpe, a behaviorist


It is the opposite of a Reinforcing stimuli theory.

A behavior followed by an aversive stimulus results in a decreased probability of a behavior recurring in the future.

If you spank a child for throwing his toys, he will throw his toys lesser and lesser.

If you remove an already active aversive stimulus after a rat or a child performs a certain behavior, yours is being negative reinforcement . Skinner explains

Behavior allowed by removal of an aversive stimulus results in an increased probability of that behavior recurring in the future.


Behavior is affected by its consequences .This process is not trial and error learning . It can be explained with an example.

A hungry rat is placed in a semi soundproof box for several days bits of food are occasionally delivered into a tray by an automatic dispenser.

A small horizontal section of a lever has been resting in its lowest position, when the rat touches it,it moves downward. In doing so, it closes an electric circuit and operates the food dispense. Immediately after eating the delivered food, the rat begins to press the lever rapidly. The behavior has been reinforced by a single sequence . The rat was not trying to do anything when it first touched the lever and it did not learn from an error.

To a hungry rat, food is a natural reinforcer. In this example, the sound of the food dispenser is a reinforcer.

The sound of that one operation of the dispenser would have had an observable effect even though no food was delivered on that time .When food no longer follows pressing the lever, the rat eventually sops pressing it . The behavior is said to have been extinguished.

Human species is distinguished by the fact that its vocal responses can be easily conditioned. As operant behavior is shaped and maintained by its consequences for the individual.

Behavior is what an organism is doing or more accurately what it is observed by another organism to be doing .It is more to the point to say that behavior is that part of the functioning of an organism which is engaged in commerce with the outside world.

Skinner ‘s experimental analysis of operant behavior has led to a technology called behavior modifications.


Skinner believed that psychology should be the science of behavior .This belief had both supporters and detractors.

Derek E Blackman was one of his supporters. He believed that Skinner provided a Bridge between psychology as a biological science and psychology as a social science.

Micheal Wessels was a detractor of Skinner s argument . He criticized Skinner s argument by saying that nearly all of Skinner s prescriptions are problematic in one respect or another and his view of philosophy encounters serious objections.


B F Skinner was one of the great behaviorist. His theoretical papers on why psychology should be the science of behavior, have had a particular effect. He compiled all his ideas to form his theory of behaviorism.

He believed that through the science of behavior, one can assess and control the behavior of an organism as well as a human being. His experimental theories have proved that improved behavior can be used as a tool to create better society.