Work Experience Course Outline
Mrs. Kreifels
Earning credit for your job is a privilege. It is important that you demonstrate responsibility by following the expectations for this class and the job requirements.
- Complete the training agreement and return it in one week with required signatures (be sure to check the medical insurance section of contract). You may be on my class roster, but you WILL NOT receive a grade or credit until I have the Training Agreement signed and returned.
- Keep track of your weekly hours on the Time Sheet provided (to receive five credits, you must have logged 90 hours of work during the term).
- Turn in a paycheck stub copy by 3rd week of term.
- You are required to turn in timesheets weekly at my desk in C201.
- In addition to weekly check in, you are required to attend two meetings with me. Sign up with me in C201. This is a time where we can discuss issues in the workplace.
- Each week there will be assignments to be completed before the next week. You must complete and turn in ALL of the assignments to pass Work Experience.
- You must receive favorable evaluations from your employer during the term.
- You must be enrolled in two other classes (10 credits) besides Work Experience.
- You must pass one other class (receive 5 hours credit) this term in order to receive credit for this class.
- I will conduct one site visit at your place of employment, but will also be in contact with your manager via the telephone or e-mail.
- You must retain your job for the duration of the term.
- ALL requirements must be met to receive credit for this course. Missing any portion will result in an Unsatisfactory (0 credit).
Work Experience Criteria
Enrollment and Courses:
- Must be enrolled in two or more courses (10 credits), which does NOT include Work Experience
- Total number of credits allowed will be 20 credits (4 terms)
- Only Juniors and Seniors may take Work Experience
- Must have a signed contract through Guidance before assigning to WE teacher and considered enrolled in class.
Essential Learnings and Passing Criteria:
Criteria / 2.5 Credits / 5 CreditsRequired Forms / -Training Agreement (in triplicate) / -Training Agreement (in triplicate)
Pay Stub / Provide Copy of Pay Stub / Provide Copy of Pay Stub
Work Hours / Work 45-89 hours / Work 90 or more hours
Teacher Meetings
Students will be responsible for signing up for meetings & showing up. Work Experience teacher will send up to two call passes. / Meet 2 individual times w/ Work Experience Teacher. Time for discussion of workplace issues, etc. / Meet 2 individual times w/ Work Experience Teacher. Time for discussion of workplace issues, etc.
Time Sheets / Submit weekly timesheet
(9 total) / Submit weekly timesheet
(9 total)
Assignment Packet / Complete entire assignment packet / Complete entire assignment packet
Passing Classes / Pass a minimum of one other course (5 credits) during term / Pass a minimum of one other course (5 credits) during term
Favorable Formal Evaluations
Employer can complete and send via mail, e-mail or can be done over the telephone. / Favorable evaluations (one verbal and one formal written) / Favorable evaluations (one verbal and one formal written)
Enrollment / Late enrollment (4 weeks) / Enrolled full 9 weeks
Retain Job
Any employee who is fired will not receive any credit for course. / Must retain job from time enrolled until end of term / Must retain job from time enrolled until end of term
Site Visit
If visit site in Term 1 and all is going well, Work Experience teacher will not visit during Term 2. / One per year / One per year
**Students who are terminated with cause will not receive credit
Updated 10/2/2018