Ug Words
Ug words are the words that make us instructors say “UG!” when we read them. So, you should avoid using them at all costs.
The following words and phrases are used too often in our vocabulary and as such don’t really mean anything to us. If any of the following are in your essay, you should replace them with more concrete or more formal words:
a lot, lots
get (most of the time, you can find a better word)
great (only on rare occasions)
I think, I feel (or “feel” by itself), I believe, in my opinion, etc.
in today’s society (or any variation of “in today’s” where “today” can suffice)
it is . . . (when the “it” has no clear antecendent; e.g., “It is important not to plagiarize.”)
one (as in a person)
quote (unless used properly)
says (say, said)
society (referring to a vague, indifferent group)
states (state, stated)
there are . . .
well, now, yeah (and any other conversational words)
you (unless your instructor gives you permission to use second person)
And speaking of “thing” . . .
Handout courtesy of Cheryl Smith
Don’t Get Caught in the “Thing” Trap
When you write sentences, you may find yourself using the word “thing” too much. To move away from this problem, try one of the words in the list or any other words that fit the subject of your paper.
Weak: As I read about Ben Franklin, I learned many things about his life.
Better:As I read about Ben Franklin, I learned that his life was filled with challenges.
Weak:The authors discussed three things about ever-changing technology.
Better:The article described three features about ever-changing technology.
Weak: The instructor did two things to encourage all her students to read more.
Better:The instructor started two projects to encourage her students to read more.
Weak:Of all the things the characters did in the book, living in the underwater home was the most exciting.
Better:Of all the adventures the characters had in the book, living in the underwater home was the most exciting.
Avoiding Clichés
You can bet your bottom dollar that clichés fall on deaf ears. Even though students heave a sigh of relief because they think they have hit the nail on the head when they use clichés, they are actually up a creek without a paddle because clichés stick out like a sore thumb. When you come right down to it, you may as well whistle Dixie because clichés are like a house afire. It goes without saying that students should make a clean breast of using clichés so their writing can be as fresh as a daisy. So take the bull by the horns and fight like a tiger to avoid clichés. Below is a list to help you identify some of the more common ones.
bet your bottom dollarboggle the mind
breathe a sigh of relief
bright and early
by leaps and bounds
by the same token
calm before the storm
case in point
clear as a bell
dead as a doornail
dead in the water
death warmed over
depths of despair
down in the dumps
draw the line
early bird gets the worm
easier said than done
face the music
fall between the cracks
fight like a tiger
fine and dandy
fly off the handle
fond farewell
food for thought
fools rush in
foot in your mouth
foregone conclusion
generous to a fault
gentle as a lamb
get your feet wet
grain of salt
happy as a lark
head over heels / heart of gold
heave a sigh of relief
heir apparent
high and dry
high as a kite
hit the spot
hook, line, and sinker
if the truth be told
in no uncertain terms
in the long run
in the nick of time
in this day and age
it goes without saying
keep a low profile
knock on wood
labor of love
land of opportunity
last straw
lean and hungry look
leg up on the competition
let your hair down
let the cat out of the bag
let well enough alone
lick into shape
like a newborn babe
long arm of the law
mad dash
make a clean breast of
make a long story short
make ends meet
make no bones about it
miss the boat
moment of truth / more than meets the eye
(the) more the merrier
motley crew
naked truth
necessary evil
neither fish nor fowl
neither here nor there
no holds barred
on cloud nine
on the ball
open and shut case
opportunity knocks
other side of the coin
plain and simple
plain as day
play it by ear
pretty as a picture
pull no punches
pure as the driven snow
quiet as a mouse
rack your brain
rest assured
roll up your sleeves
sadder but wiser
save for a rainy day
time of your life
tried and true
too little, too late
turn over a new leaf
up a creek without a paddle
wet behind the ears
wise as an owl
worst-case scenario
Cliches found in A Guide to Business English
Reprinted from an unknown source.