WordPress Site Creation Checklist
Here's your WordPress Site Creation Checklist. Once you get this method down, you will be putting up blog/websites in about 10 minutes and have them fully customized and ready to go in a matter of hours.
We are here to help
Keep in mind we are here to help you. Also keep in mind that this is a training program so you and/or your staff MUST learn how to do this. You will be totally liberated from geeks overcharging you and giving you poor service.
How to use this document:
- You will read this document and then watch AND TAKE NOTES ON the corresponding videos in this section "WordPress Site Creation" for the details.
- You will also refer to other documents in this section like our "Plug-in" and "Ping List" documents.
- Throughout this checklist you will see "DONE _____ DATE ______," or when it's a longer project, "DONE _____ DATE(s) ______." These will help you keep track of your progress and also help you make sure you aren't missing anything.
Keep in mind…
- You WILL NOT be hosting your blog at WordPress.com. Wordpress.com is a place where it's super easy to get started (similar to the Google owned Blogger.com), but you can't do all the things you need to do if you want to have a really good blog. Also if you try to host your blog at wordpress.com, the address to your blog will be something like You don't want that.
- You will be installing the free WordPress software on a regular hosting service. Many hosting services already have the free WordPress software ready to install. There are two cheap hosting services mentioned at the home page of
(NOTE: this is our old training site….the word "training" is left off.)
- You will see various references to “WordPress.org.” As you learn more about blogging you will be using this site to find various tools that make your blog function better.
WordPress Site Creation Checklist
NOTE: If your blog software is already installed, you can skip to Step 5.
STEP 1: Watch all the videos
Watch all the videos in this section "WordPress site creation" before starting anything. There are lots of details you will miss if you jump right in without watching the videos and this will absolutely delay your overall progress. Don't worry if you don't understand them at first. You will later. Do not skip this step!!!!!!! Understand you will most likely be watching each video again in the individual steps below. Watching more than once is necessary for it to sink in. Trust me on this.
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STEP 2: Purchase a domain name
Refer to your “Click” ebook and read the section on "Choosing Domain Names" first before buying one. or both good places.
STEP 3: Purchase Hosting
Hosting should be less than 10 dollars a month. Visit homepage for two cheap hosting places. Get the cheapest package they offer. That's all you need.Keep track of the welcome email from the hosting service. It will contain important information necessary to do the next step below.
STEP 4: Change your DNS settings
This is the setting that tells the entire world to look to your new hosting service to find your domain name. Refer to the video on this and, remember, once you change the settings to the new hosting service there could be up to a 48 hour delay before the entire world is alerted to look to the new hosting service to see your domain.
NOTE: Your domain name can be purchased at one company like hosted at another company.For example, you have a place you purchase domains where you can keep track of them all, but each website/blog could be hosted at a different hosting company. Sometimes you will host your blog/website at the same place you bought the domain name, but in my system, from the search engine's point of view, that is not a good idea when you have many sites on the same topic and you want to link them together.
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STEP 5: Search for Themes
While you are waiting for the DNS settings to take effect, you can be searching for themes that will control the look and feel of your blog. Refer to the video on this and note that you should choose at least five themes that you like from five different places. Themes are free, which means they vary widely in quality. Even though they may look nice, they may not actually work very well. We won't know that until we try. Usually it's more trouble to try to fix a poor quality theme than to simply choose another one.You can also purchase "premium themes" that have lots of fancy functionality built in. They can run about $100.00.
There are also theme making software programs, but you wouldn't want to tackle making your own theme unless you are pretty handy with a computer.
- Usually the top part of the theme can be customized to your business so don't worry that the theme may look too generic. It won't after it's customized.
- If you choose a two column theme, make sure the larger column is not too wide which makes your text hard to read. The wider text is, the more difficult it is to read.
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STEP 6: Install WordPress
Install WordPress software using Cpanel and Fantastico: watch the videos on this. Note: get help from our web guys if you need it.
STEP 7: Upgrade
Upgrade to the latest version of WordPress: watch video on this
STEP 8: Adjust your privacy settings
Log in to your blog's dashboard. Click on "settings" / then click on "Privacy." Choose “I would like to block search engines….” The reason you do this is that you don't want the search engines to constantly get hit with all your practice posts. Your blog software automatically reports each of your postings to lots of blog directories. The blog directories and Google will think you are spamming them even though you are innocently practicing using your blog.
You will come back after your blog is all ready to go and change these settings so the search engines and directories will see you.
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STEP 9: Install a theme
Install one of the themes you located in Step 5. Refer to video on this and keep in mind that WordPress uses "zipped" or "compressed" files so once you download the zip file for a theme, DON'T OPEN IT OR IT PROBABLY WON'T WORK! WordPress will open the file automatically for you.
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STEP 10: Set basic blog settings
Refer to "Settings" video for this.
NOTE: Do not confuse with "DNS Settings"
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STEP 11: Practice using the blog
At this point you should just practice using the blog to get familiar with how to do things. Watch and try out the following videos ONE AT A TIME. Once you go through this process, you won't ever have to do it again no matter how many blogs you make.
Edit PostingsDONE______DATE ______
Adding PicturesDONE______DATE ______
Adding LinksDONE______DATE ______
Adding AudioDONE______DATE ______
Bulleted and Ordered ListsDONE______DATE ______
Adding Static PagesDONE______DATE ______
WidgetsDONE______DATE ______
Links/BlogrollDONE ______DATE ______
STEP 12: Install plug-ins
Refer to videos "Plug-ins and Hidden Pages" and "Private Pages."
Plug-ins allow you to add extra functionality to your blog.
IMPORTANT NOTE:This is a very significant step. Allot plenty of time to learn to find and install plug-ins. Also refer to our document in this section that discusses many of the plug-ins we use.
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STEP 13:Watch "Freebies" Video
This video will show you how to upload to your blog a free digital giveaway like a special report, audio file, Ebook, etc.
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NOTE: This step would also be a good time for you to develop a freebie that will be used to encourage people to opt in to your database to get the freebie.
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STEP 14: Adjust your permalinks
Adjust your permalinks for best search engine optimization (SEO): Watch and take notes on the videos "Permalinks - Introduction" and "Permalinks - What's the Proper Format." Then click on "Settings" and then "Permalinks." Make the adjustment as outlined in the video.
STEP 15: Create and install your opt in form
(This step, which requires expenditure of money for the shopping cart/database system, can be skipped if you are crazy enough to NOT want to build your database.)
- Make absolutely sure you have completed Step 14 BEFORE you do this step.
On this step you will create the opt in form in put the code for the form on your blog. This form will take the person's name and email, and then display the page where they can download their freebie AND also send them an email autoresponder with a link to the same Freebie.(Don't forget to write up some benefits of getting your freebieto be placed by the sign up form so that people will really want to get their freebie.)
Sign up to see how this entire process works
Sign up near the "top right" of to see how this works.
NOTE:Top left signup is something different and will be covered later.
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Give away a freebie
Here are the steps to complete for you to be able to give away a freebie:
- Sign up for a learn a couple things that you will need to know to put a form on your blog.
Learn how to use a cart
Refer to: This is a site that has videos to learn how to use their cart. Sometimes the videos don't exactly match the "look" of the cart, but the information is top notch on using your cart. You should make time to thoroughly learn how to use your cart so that more money pours in your front door.
- Watch the Autoresponder section
For this section you will be watching and taking notes on all the videos in the "Autoresponder section of also the "Custom Forms" video.
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- Create a Private page
Create Private page on your blog where the freebie will be given away. Copy the link to this page because you will need it when you create the opt in form.
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- Create the Autoresponder message
Create the Autoresponder message and set up an autoresponder in the cart -- Something like: "Thanks for signing up for our free report. In case you missed the download link here it is again: I'll be sending you lots of great tips in the future. Blah, Blah, blah Thanks Tom"
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Create the custom form
The form needs the link to the private page and the autoresponder so that's why we make them first.
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Contact our web guys
Contact our web guys to put this form on your blog. NOTE: You must have Step 13 (freebie upload) completed before we put the form on your blog. People would be pretty upset if they filled out the form and the freebie wasn't there to download.
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STEP 16: Request a progress review
Have Tom do a progress review of your work.
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STEP 17: Customize your theme
By this time you should have tried out several themes and have experimented enough to see which one seems to work. Then contact our web people to customize the top graphic for you. Keep in mind it won't fair very well if you have our guys customize a graphic for you and then you keep changing your mind about which theme you want.
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STEP 18: Request a final review
Have Tom do a final review of your work.
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Upon approval from Tom, reverse the settings in Step 8 to allow the search engines access to your blog.
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STEP 19: Install ping list
This is the list of sites your blog will report to automatically every time you make a posting. We have a document in this section with the Ping List Tom uses.
After you reverse the privacy settings as mentioned in Step 18 and Step 8, click on "Settings" then click on "Writing.” At the bottom of that page you will see a box with a title above it called "Update Services."Paste the ping list in that box with each website on a line by itself. Click "Save Changes" and you are done. YOU CAN START BLOGGING NOW!
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STEP 20: Sign up Feedblitz.com
Sign up for This is a cheap service that allows people to subscribe to your blog so they can receive notice when you make a posting. Feedblitz gives them several options on how they are notified.
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Contact our web guys to put the Feedblitz form on your blog.
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There will be lots more to learn, but you are ready to blog so, HAPPY BLOGGING!
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