Word Up! Young Poet Laureate Entry Form

Thank you for your interest in Word Up! – Before you send us your poems we need you to send us this form.

To begin with we need your details:

Your Name:


Your Age:


Your Address:




Your Telephone Number:


Your E-Mail Address:


Then we need to know about your poems:

Name of poem one (Please note this is the one about 'Freedom'):


Name of poem two (Please note this is about a subject of your choice):


Then we need to explain the rules:

1.  You need to live in Worcestershire or attend a school, college, university or youth club in Worcestershire.

2.  You need to be aged between 13 and 19.

3.  The poems need to have been written by you and you only.

4.  If you get chosen to take part in the grand final you need to be available on Sunday 14 January 2018, from midday to 19:00. All finalists will be expected to read their poems out loud or nominate someone to do it on their behalf.

5.  If you're under 16 we need to have your parents/guardians permission to take part. Please ask them to complete the consent section at the bottom of this form.

6.  You can submit your poems in a number of ways – paper, e-mail, CD, MP3. If you are sending it on a CD or MP3 we also need a paper version in order to read the words.

7.  Do not send us the only copy of your poems.

8.  If you have hand written the poems please make sure we can read your writing.

9.  Submissions can be e-mailed to or posted to:

Natalie McVey, Service Lead Young People, Libraries, Learning and Arts,
County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester

Please send between the dates of 28th September and 31st December 2017. Anything received after this date will not be considered.

What happens next?

1.  We'll send you an e-mail or letter to say that we have received the poems.

2.  We will read your poems and score them out of 20. We will be looking for originality, meaning, style and content.

3.  The best poets will be invited to the live grand final which will be taking place at The Hive on Sunday 14th January 2018.

4.  If you win you'll get a special engraved cup and a poetry mentor, along with paid performances and commissions throughout the year.

Finally, thanks and good luck!

If you are under 16 please ask a parent or guardian to complete this section to say that they are happy for you to enter this competition.

Name of signatory and relationship to entrant:




Contact telephone number:
