Woodstock Minor Hockey Association

Minutes Date Apr 28, 2012 Time 8:30am Woodstock Complex

TYPE OF MEETING / Special – Rep coaching selections
ATTENDANCE / Mike Collins, Andrew Burns, Pat Sloan, Tracy Collins, Becky Avey, Pat Langdon, Karen Raymond, Deb Ward, John Langdon, Jim , Wendi Csordas
REGRETS / Jack Vessoyn, Violette Boyse
WELCOME / Mike welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 8:30am
IN CAMERA / MOTION # 120428-001
“Motion to go in camera” (Tracy, Karen)
Voted: 8-0 in favour CARRIED
OUT OF CAMERA / MOTION # 120428-002
“Motion to go out of camera” (John, Tracy)
Voted: 8-0 in favour CARRIED
MOTION # 120428-03
“Motion to choose Ken Rushton for the head coach position for the Minor Atom Rep team” (Tracy, Becky)
Voted: 7-1 in favour CARRIED
MOTION #120428-004
“Motion to choose Albert Olah for the head coach position of the Major Atom Rep team” (Karen, Tracy)
Vote:8-0 in favour CARRIED
MOTION #120428-005
“Motion to choose Bill Wallace for the head coach position of the Minor Peewee Rep team” (Karen, Wendi)
Voted: 8-0 in favour CARRIED
MOTION #120428-006
“Motion to choose Jerry Vandenbusche for the head coach position of the Major Peewee Rep team” (Karen, Andrew)
Voted:7-1 in favour CARRIED
MOTION #120428-007
“Motion to choose Rich Morton for the head coach position of the Minor Bantam Rep team” (Becky, John)
Voted:8-0 in favour CARRIED
MOTION # 120428-008
“Motion to choose Tom Murphy for the head coach position of the Major Bantam Rep team” (Tracy, Andrew)
Voted: 8-0 in favour CARRIED
MOTION # 120428-009
“Motion to choose Brent Lindsay for the head coach position of the Minor Midget Rep team” (Becky, Wendi)
Voted: 8-0 in favour CARRIED
MOTION # 120428-010
“Motion to choose Dean Karn for the head coach position of the Major Midget Rep team” (Pat, Tracy)
Voted: 8-0 in favour CARRIED
John Langdon will call each coach and then John will let Pat know that they have been contacted. The coaches will then be posted on the website.
Discussed that all of the coaches need to contact Brain Wabbie regarding the coach’s clinic and the goalie clinics which are coming up. Week of May 1st.
Discussed that the Minor Peewee coaches MUST attend the body checking clinics on May 2nd and May 9th to help out with the kids.
Mike declared that the coaching selections were completed.
FOR 2012-2013 /
MOTION # 120428-011
“Motion to not accept the budget as it currently stands and to leave registration fees as they are” (Karen, Andrew)
Voted: 8-0 in favour CARRIED
Discussed changing the website to offer an “Early Bird Rate” to encourage people to register early. This would be instead of the late registration fee that we are currently using. It was announced that registration was to start April 28th at noon.
MOTION # 120428-012
“Motion to allow the use of a recording device during Board meetings. To be used for minutes only and then to be erased” (Wendi, Karen)
Voted: 8-0 in favour CARRIED
Pat Langdon brought to our attention that last year’s board agreed to switch to a new website provider, but it was never voted on by the board. Discussed the benefits to the new program MD Sports web. The cost is about the same as the former provider RAMP, but there are many added features.
MOTION # 120428-013
“Motion to switch website provider from RAMP to MD Sports web”
(Pat, Andrew)
Voted: 8-0 in favour CARRIED
Currently all of the emails were going to the minor hockey office and Pat was distributing them as needed. Discussed that the Board members would each set up a temporary hotmail account to be used until we get the new website up and running and send to Pat Langdon.
Karen Raymond discussed that the President & Secretary will need to go in to the Royal Bank to switch over signing authority in the next couple of weeks. Date to be determined
POSITION / Discussed the fact that there is still an open position on the Board (Bantam/Midget/Juvenile HL division director). Mike stated that Jason Robinson has applied by email for the position. He has stepped down from coaching in that division so he is able to take the position on the board.
MOTION # 120428-014
“Motion to accept Jason Robinson’s application for the position of Bantam/Midget/Juvenile HL Director” (Andrew, Karen)
Voted: 7-1 in favour CARRIED
Mike will contact Jason and let him know.
FUNDRAISER / Deb discussed that Sobey’s and Dempsters is running a promotional charity BBQ and offered for WMHA to take part. Sobey’s will donate $1000.00 and money will be made from the sale of the food items. This will take place on May 19th, 2012 from 11am-1pm.(maybe longer if permitted) Discussed using jerseys for advertising at the fundraiser, asked for volunteers for the day. Pat Langdon is to put on the website and we are also going to advertise in the Sentinel Review and on Heart FM.
ADJOURNMENT / Pat asked for volunteers to help with the sign in for the upcoming Goalie and body checking clinics. Pat will write out the schedule and let us know who is doing what and when.
Discussed the Alliance AGM which is to take place on June 1st & 2nd. Karen and Andrew expressed that they might attend the meeting. Pat is also planning on going to the meeting
MOTION # 120428-015
“Motion to adjourn meeting” (Karen, Wendi)
Voted: 8-0 in favour CARRIED