Woodmen Pointe Homeowners Association, Inc.

Annual Meeting

September 9th, 2008

Fire Station #20

Call to Order:6:18 P.M. by President Rodger Oetjen

Attendance: Board members Rodger Oetjen, Bruce Brian, John Cyboron and Todd Gripentrog. Homeowners Leea DiPentino, Rocendo Bracamontes, Judy Ames, Laura Jeffords, Jason and Cynthia Wilkinson, Jeffrey Albin and Karla Keyser, Judith Rosen and David Klauber, Barry and Barbara Goodman, Herbert and Joan Pereyra and Jeffrey Jones. Managing Agent Ann Jagitsch.

Quorum: Fourteen homeowners were present at the meeting and two proxies were received for a total representation of sixteen homeowners. The HOA failed to achieve the required quorum of 28 homeowners (20%) required by the HOA’s Bylaws. The Board elected not to schedule an additional Annual Meeting at a later date due to the expense and probable lack of homeowner attendance. The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 6:20 P.M. and a monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was subsequently convened to brief homeowners regarding Board activities and address homeowner issues / concerns.

Woodmen Pointe Homeowners Association, Inc.

Meeting of the Board of Directors

September 9th, 2008

Fire Station #20

Call to Order:6:20 P.M. by President Rodger Oetjen

1.Board Business / Homeowner Concerns and Questions:

a. The Board briefed the HOA’s draft 2009 budget (Encl 1) and financial status to homeowner attendees. There were no questions / concerns.

b. The Board briefed homeowners regarding significant current and past Board activities during the last 6 months (Encl 2).

c. Several useful comments were made by homeowners regarding the proposed Rules changes to include the following:

1. Paragraph 7: Concern that composite material decks are already “weatherproofed” and do not require periodic weatherproofing.

2. Paragraph 16: Add a statement that the 138 residential units are restricted to residential use only.

3. Paragraph 19: Add a clarification that trash containers can be placed out for pick-up no earlier than the evening before pick-up.

4. Paragraph 23: Concerns that the new Colorado Statute allowing clothes lines, solar panels, swamp coolers, etc. would lead to unsightly displays in the neighborhood. The Board assured homeowners that the law allows the HOA to dictate reasonable provisions regarding the dimensions, placement, external appearance (screening), etc. Any requests must be reviewed by the ARC and subsequently approved by the Board at which time reasonable restrictions can be emplaced.

5. The Board unanimously approved extending the Rules voting for two weeks to allow more homeowners to cast their votes either electronically (details forthcoming to those with EMAIL) or by hardcopy using the manual ballots and postage free envelopes previously provided to all homeowners with the Annual Meeting materials. Upon completion of the voting, the Board will make additional minor adjustments where it agrees the modification(s) is / are warranted.

d. The Board queried homeowners regarding whether traffic calming measures should be investigated. Specifically, whether problems exist with: 1) speeding in the Community 2) motorists ignoring the “Stop” sign at the intersection of Descartes and Chancellor and 3) getting onto Austin Bluffs from Descartes. The consensus was that these are all problem areas. The Board will investigate what measures can be taken to make these areas safer to include a letter to the City addressing the problems and requesting any of the following remedies: 1) 3 way “Stop” sign at the intersection of Descartes and Chancellor 2) Temporary radar trailers placed at various locations in the Community 3) 3 way “Stop” sign or traffic signal at the Descartes / Austin Bluffs intersection.

e. The Board asked homeowners for landscaping ideas regarding Fargo Hill and the Descartes entrance. Current Board plans call for new mulch and some grass reseeding at the Descartes entrance. Homeowners provided no additional recommendations for this area. The homeowner consensus regarding Fargo Hill is that the area between the retaining wall and trees should be mowed regularly and kept at a manageable level / height.

f. Homeowners expressed a concern regarding the Urgent Care light. The Urgent Care business has received an estimate from its electrician regarding the cost to decouple the front and rear signs so that the rear sign can be “turned off” after business hours. The Board is awaiting the estimate and will subsequently make a decision to proceed with the work or obtain another independent estimate.

g. The Board invited homeowners to check out the new concrete path between Manston and Buckskin Charlie Park. The new path should make access to the park easier for homeowners with baby carriages or disabilities, as well as preclude the red sand / rocks in this area from continuing to “bleed” over onto the sidewalk or neighboring driveways. The path was completed by an independent contractor at a cost of $2000 to the HOA.

h. The Board briefed homeowners regarding the updated timetable for Lennar to complete its common area improvements. As of September 7th, work is scheduled to commence sometime within the next 30 days.

i. Homeowners stated that Rocky Mountain Disposal is still not performing recycling. The HOA’s contract with Rocky Mountain states: “Recycling of plastics, paper and aluminum will be provided to all customers the same day as scheduled weekly service on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month.” Homeowners experiencing a problem were asked to contact RockyMountain immediately at Tel #492-2050 when the contractor fails to perform the required recycling. The homeowner should provide RockyMountain with the time / location of the recycling failure as well as any other pertinent information; i.e., name of the driver and any misinformation provided by the Contractor.

2. Adjournment:7:47 P.M.

Executive Session

The Board of Directors reconvened in Executive session at 7:54 P.M. and made the following decisions:

1. Unanimously approved / ratified the 2009 budget as presented to Homeowners with the Annual Meeting materials.

2. There being no homeowner nominations to the Board, unanimously approved retention of Scott Glaze (At Large) and Todd Gripentrog (Secretary) as members of the Board for additional two year terms (Todd Gripentrog did not vote regarding his retention).

3. Unanimously approved the transfer of any excess income collected by the HOA beyond operating expenses for the year ending December 31st, 2008 into the HOA’s Reserves.

4. Unanimously agreed to hold the next Board meeting at 6:00 P.M. on October 7th at 7710 Fargo Drive, Woodmen Pointe.

Adjournment:7:58 P.M.



INCOME 2008 2008 2009


Homeowner Dues $57,960 $43,704 $43,704

Late Fees $414 $414 $500

Miscellaneous Income $100 $100 $100

Interest Income on Accts $500 $2,132 $2,000

TOTAL INCOME $58,974 $46350 $46304



Electric $320 $320 $455

Sewer / Water $4,130 $4,130 $5,100

Trash Removal $14,700 $14,700 $15,312

Repairs and MT

Sprinkler Repair $700 $700 $700

LS MT Contract $11,760 $8,113 $4,100

Snow Removal $875 $875 $1,200

LS Repairs $500 $500 $3,325

Misc Expense $100 $100 $100

Sign Repairs $250 $250 $250

Wall Repairs $250 $250 $250


Audit / tax return $900 $900 $900

Insurance $2,500 $2,500 $2,500

Legal $2,500 $2,500 $2,500

Mgmt Fees $6,000 $6,000 $6,000

Website Hosting $1,000 $1,000 $250

Copies / Postage $5,000 $2,000 $1,750

Misc Admin $550 $0 $100

Social Functions $1,000 $1,000 $1,000

Bad Debt Collection $500 $500 $500

TOTAL EXPENSES $53,535 $46338 $46,292

RESERVE X-FER $5,439 $12 $12

NET INCOME / (LOSS) $0 $0 $0

ANNUAL DUES $420 $316 $316

RESERVE BALANCE (AS OF 31 JULY 2008) $56,210.05



Dues Analysis ($316 versus $420)

Homeowner Authorization for Electronic Voting

New Website ( (Projected annualsavings $825)

Established Committees (ARC, Social, Welcome and Covenant Enforcement)

Adjudicated 340 carryover violations / complaints

Personal contacts with homeowners regarding violations

Board writes / signs violation letters

Simplified homeowner request process

Updated / Revised Summary of Policies, Procedures, Rules and Regulations

Eliminated free Board member meals (Projected annual savings $550)

Electronic Board packets (Projected annual savings $612)

Reserve investment in CDs (Projected additional annual income $1600)

Copies and postage (Projected annual savings $3000)

Garage Sale

Picnic in Buckskin Charlie Park

Concrete pathway from Manston to Buckskin Charlie Park

Workman’s Compensation insurance


Landscape improvements

Descartes entryway

Fargo hill

Lennar completion of requirements

New State laws