Woodland Hills Low Ropes Lesson
Katy Hertel and Jason Kelley
Goals: That the participants will build teamwork, communication skills, and trust within their group.
Objectives: Our students will learn
•Trust in each other willbe necessarily demonstrated through participation in the low elements (specifically where spotting is necessary, the Wild Woozy where success is determined by ability to trust your partner, and elements that challenge ones’ personal comfort with touch and physical closeness). Behaviors that may suggest trust is present include: greater willingness to fully participate in activities requiring trust, demonstrating a more relaxed manner during times when trust in the group is required, or verbalization of a feeling of trust during any of the activities or debriefs.
•Positive communication skills within their group. This will be done through questions and activities that promote sharing statements, communicating thoughts, feelings, and ideas to the group. We could expect to see behaviors that reflect positive communication as participation in the elements progresses. Some may include: a greater ease in sharing one's ideas, thoughts, feelings prior to,during, or after activities, initiate in verbalizing needs to group (not always lead to by questions provided by leader), or a change in the group answering posed
questions back to leader but rather directed toward peers.
• To work constructively as a team. This is a more complicated concept that will be observed through several signs in combination. Likely, team building willbe a conglomerate of improving communication (described above), higher trust among members (members more likely tobe an active team member- physically, cognitively, emotionally), successful problem solving that occurs with healthy discussion of possible solutions taking into consideration all team members before the start, and a visible effort in caring for others (this could be seen if members begin checking-in with each other, perhaps asking what their teammates need for support, or even how they are doing/ feeling).
•Woodland Hills Adjudicated Youth Residential Facility.
•Low Ropes Course Picnic Table
•8am-10:30 am. Thursday April 4
•lesson Plans
•Three Balls (Katy)
• Trolley(Anne)
•Woodland Hills Falcons Group: 12 adjudicated youth, 15-1 7 year old males.
•Experiential (low ropes), Guided Discovery, Games, Scenarios, Discussion. Inquiry
• Introduction.
•Today we will be participating in some activities that will challenge you and the group. During these activities, we will be working to build team, improve communication skills, and trust in each other.
►Name game
•Ball Toss. Participants and leaders will form a circle. Each person states name and favorite outdoor activity. Then, a ball is introduced. One person throws the ball to another person restating name and activity. Later, two additional balls are introduced.
►What are some expectations you have for today"(Personally and ofleaders) ►Use ideas offered to first question to segue into Full Value Contract discussion.
1. Respect
2.Open Mind and Positive Attitude
►Challenge by Choice
•You are required to participate to the best ofyour ability.If you do not fully participate, you must share with the group howyou will contribute.
•Leaders restate group goals. (Teamwork, Communication, and Trust)
•How will you contribute to the groups goals?
•Ice Breaker/ Initiative
•Shipwrecked on a reef in the South Pacific- Can get to Main Island by using buoyant water treads.
•Each activity following will have a goal of acquiring survival items, i.e. food, water, shelter, etc. Final activity is using Trolley to make it back to shipwreck to fix it.
• Safety
•Clarify Goal
►Every one needs to get to shore
•Set Boundaries
►Go from here to all the way across the line
• Rules
►Use the wood to get across the lagoon
•Create a Story
►Cross from the ship to the shore to get survival essentials.
• Debrief
►Port Hole (shelter in cave from mosquitoes)
• Safety
•Head never lower than waist
•No diving through the hole
•Spotters at all times
•Don't drop a person
•Clarify Goal
•Get everyone through the hole
•Set Boundaries
• Rules
•Two Leafs to avoid lagged edges
•No one else can touch the tire.
•Create a Story
•Get away from the malaria filled mosquitoes
• Debrief
►Wild Woozy
• No jewelry
•Spotting (teach spotting techniques)
•Be aware of slipping
•Clarify Goal
•Set a bold goal for your team and try to meet it or exceed it.
•Set Boundaries
• Rules
•Everyone participating
•Create a story
•(Island Gods will bestow fresh, drinkable rain if you reach a bold goal)
• Debrief
►Fidget Ladder (must climb to retrieve bananas)
• Safety
•Flipping over
•Spotting far enough away to not get hit by a flipping person.
•Participant should hang on if being flipped
•Clarify Goal
•Get to the top to get bananas
•Set Boundaries
• Rules
•Don’t jump
•Create a Story
•Get to the top and get food. BANANAS.
►Nitro Crossing
• Safety
• Spotters
• Don’t jump
• Rope Burns
• Getting foot stuck
•Clarify Goal
•Get the rope.
•Get everyone across safely to get the wood.
•Set Boundaries
•Lines and Wood
• Rules
•Can’t knock off the wood from the boxes or you will all go back and start over.
• Create Story
•Get across to get the wood to rebuild the ship
• Debrief
►Wall (climb up to get a view of the island)
• Safety
• Spotting
• Falling
• Grabbing
•Clarify Goal
•Get on top of the cliff
• Set Boundaries
• Rules
•Head cannot be lower than your waist
•Don't grab belt loops
•Cannot run and jump
•Don’tjump down the ladder
•Make sure they are all the way up before you let go.
•Create Story
•To see where you are. Find the Ship again.
• Debrief
• Story
•Get back to the ship.
•How was it different this time?
•What were the skills that you used?
•Whydid it go better?
•Evaluation/ Debrief
•Describe a time today when you were challenged
•When you were being challenged, what support did the group give you? (specifically, what were behaviors or words that helped you in the situation?)
•What is one change you saw in how your group interacted today?
•How can you use what you’ve learned today, about yourself and about the group in everyday life?
Evaluation/Debrief: (See above. )
Foul Weather Alternative:
•Participants areexpected to be prepared for outdoor activity. If weather is extreme we will reschedule.
Rohnke, K.; Tait. C.; Wall, J.(1994).The complete ropes course manual.Kendall Hunt. Dubuque. IA.Pp. 132-33, 139-141, 144-45.
Webster, S. (1989). Ropes coursesafety manual: An instructor's guide to initiatives, and low and high elements. Project Adventure. Kendall Hunt. Dubuque. IA. Pp 40. 44-46, 60-61