Woodgrove High School

Choral Department

Handbook 2015-2016

Teacher Name:Jessica Morgan

Address:36811 Allder School Road

Purcellville, VA 20132



Class Fee: $5.00 (Please make checks out to Woodgrove High School) and a box of tissues. If you’re planning to audition for district chorus, go ahead and add $8.00 to that, making it a total of $13.00.


  1. Learn to sing with good vocal technique
  2. Improve your range
  3. Improve your breath control
  4. Improve voice quality / remove air from the sound
  5. Learn to sightread music
  6. Notes and rhythms
  7. Relate music to the arts / travel / perform
  8. Have fun! Relax and reduce stress


  1. Be Ready
  2. The attendance policy as stated in the WHS Student Handbook applies at all ensemble classes.
  3. Arrive to class on time. You must be seated exactly one minute after the final bell or you will be considered tardy to class. Good time management is a skill necessary for success in all aspects of life. Learn to practice it now. If an emergency arises that causes you to be tardy, please enter without disrupting those who are already working.
  4. Have your pencil with you when you come to class. You will be given a folder to keep and protect your music. Choral music may only be marked in PENCIL.
  5. Rehearsal time is valuable time. Let your primary focus be on the music and class business. We all have other stressors going on in our lives and I encourage you to “leave them at the door” as you come in. The music deserves your attention and you deserve to take a break from everyday life and focus on making a beautiful sound.
  6. Be Responsible
  7. Participate fully in all class rehearsals, after-school rehearsals, performance activities and concerts. Your attendance is required because you are an important componentto the group as a whole. Many of our performance dates are already listed in this handbook. Please mark your calendars and make these activities a priority in your life.
  8. If you encounter UNAVOIDABLE conflicts, please tell me as soon as possible, not the day before the concert. Your parent or guardian needs to send me an email explaining the reason for your absence. As the Director, it is up to me to determine whether the absence will be excused. Emergencies such as a sudden illness or family problems require a written excuse submitted on the first day back to school after the absence. Written work will be given to compensate for any absence from a major performance.The highest grade you may receive for an alternate activity is a 90% as there is no way to truly make up performing in a concert. Alternate activities are located at the end of this packet.
  9. Unexcused absences will result in a grade of 50%for the missed event and this will severely reduce your Quarter grade. An unexcused absence eliminates the possibility of earning a Choral letter or pin. Repeated absences of any kind may result in dismissal from the Ensemble.
  10. All music and equipment should be handled with care. We are privileged to have wonderful property to use in rehearsals. Anyone who loses or damages music or equipment will be charged replacement costs.
  1. Be Respectful
  2. I will be listening to you and treating you with respect. Please do the same with me.
  3. Please refrain from talking when I’m talking. This is disrespectful and will result in points being deducted from your daily participation grade. Please do not take away from our music making opportunities by maintaining constant conversation with your neighbor.
  4. Support and encourage musical and personal maturity. Our performances are a reflection of who we are and how we do things. If we want to be a superior-rated choir, then we need to practice superior musical and personal manners.
  5. The chorus room needs to be a place where productive work can be accomplished. Chairs and music need to be in their appropriate places and used for their intended purposes only. Litter and trash are unacceptable. Backpacks and other personal items brought into the room must leave the room with you.
  6. Bring bottled water with you to class. It is disruptive having people come and go to the water fountain. Think ahead.
  7. Gum and other candy is not allowed in class. It is dangerous to sing with gum or candy in your mouth.
  1. Grades will be determined by the following each quarter:
  2. 40 % - Weekly performance assessment – 10 points per week

Flex Rehearsals will be 10 – 20 points each and will be included in this category

  1. 40% -Concerts – 100 points
  2. 15% - Concert evaluations, Quizzes, – 50 points
  3. 5 % - Worksheets, Daily practice work, etc. – 25 points


Students will be expected to demonstrate formal musical knowledge by taking periodic written and sight-reading quizzes. Students may be tested on any information which has been discussed or rehearsed in class including, but not limited to, sight-reading, rhythm and interval studies, vocabulary, and memorization of music.

Vocal evaluations may be done periodically by small groups performing short sections of pieces studied during the quarter. Grades will be determined by the preparation of notes, rhythms, dynamics, style, and memorization.

Group performance evaluations may also be done as we prepare for concerts and competitions. These grades will be determined in the same manner a choir is adjudicated in competition namely stage presence, intonation, blend, diction, dynamics, pitch and rhythmic accuracy, and breathing and posture.

Students will submit written evaluations after major concerts of the year, demonstrating their growing knowledge of performance level and expectations.

During flex, we will have sectional rehearsals. Flex attendance and rehearsals will be graded.

Prior notice will always be given for any major grading assessment.

If you take more than one choir during the day, you will be exempt from your midterm and final exam if you maintain an “A” in the class and miss no more than 3 classes per quarter per class.


  1. Being Ready (4 points)
  1. _____I was on time to class.
  2. _____I brought all necessary materials (pencil, music, water bottle).
  3. _____I maintained eye contact with the director instead of doing other work or talking to my neighbor.
  4. _____I sang when invited.
  1. Being Responsible (3 points)
  1. _____I was on-task and participated fully at all times.
  2. _____I used proper breathing, posture, and energy in my singing.
  3. _____I did not talk to my neighbor during instruction.
  1. Being Respectful (3 points)
  1. _____I listened to and watched the director when appropriate and tried to sing with correct musical expression and interpretation.
  2. _____I kept my personal belongings organized and the surrounding area free of clutter.
  3. _____I did not have gum in class.

Total possible Weekly Participation points - 10


As a member of any WHS performing ensemble, you are expected to look and act professionally in class and in performance. To achieve the kind of success that I want you to experience requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline and I am trusting that you are willing to work to attain that kind of discipline. It is also important that you know I am not expecting anything of you that I am not expecting more of in myself. I love and respect music and the art of singing and I assume that at this stage of your life you have chosen to be involved in this program because you do, too. Therefore, it is most important that you choose to accept that every student is subject to all school and county policies regarding behavior, and further accept that I want to see your best day in and day out as I pledge to give you my best at all times. For the protection of our choral organization, certain consequences will result from infractions of the school or choral policies:

First offense:Student will be given a verbal warning and points will be deducted from their weekly participation grade.

Second offense:Parents will be called/ Possible Referral

Third offense:Administration is notified, parent or guardian will be notified for a meeting or conference. Student will be placed on Non-Performance Status until situation is resolved. Further infractions may result in student dismissal from the ensemble.


As performers and music ambassadors, members of the WHS Choral program represent themselves, their families, their choral program, their school, and their community at all times. It is important that students consistently present themselves in an exemplary manner. Therefore, the following conditions are always in effect:

  1. All rules as stated in the official student handbook of both Woodgrove High School and Loudoun County Public Schools must be adhered to at all times whether on or off campus regarding substances, weapons, dress codes, and general conduct.
  2. Always show the proper respect for authority including, but not limited to, Mrs. Morgan, guest conductors, substitute teachers, parent volunteers, and chaperones. Foul language, obscene gestures, and mean or degrading comments toward anyone will not be tolerated.
  3. School property is not to be vandalized or defaced in any manner at any time; any such act will be considered an act of vandalism subject to student referral to school administration.
  4. Due to certain legal issues, school policy does not allow for student self-transportation to events where bus transportation is provided. Students should not assume that driving to school-sponsored events is acceptable; extenuating circumstances must be cleared in advance with the choral director and school administration.
  1. Three areas are off limits to students unless you have my direct permission to be there:
  2. The PIANO
  3. The Computers
  4. My office
  5. The drum set or other instruments


WHS concert attire will be as follows:

MEN: full tuxedo attire, black shoes, black socks

WOMEN: Choir gown, black pantyhose, close-toed black shoes, pearl earrings and/or necklace are the only jewelry allowed during a performance. It is also acceptable to wear no jewelry at all. There will be an exception for newly pierced studs.

ALL STUDENTS: Hair is to be clean and neat when in concert dress. Hairstyles that hide the eyes or otherwise interfere with the face are not acceptable for concert performances. Please remember to wear deodorant. Do not wear colognes, perfumes, or strong lotions during performances.

All Students will check in with their section leader prior to warm-ups before a concert so they may check your attire and promptness.


Students who consistently work hard in Chorus can receive recognition for their efforts. Certificates, Letters, and Pins are awarded to students who are willing to show the initiative to earn the points necessary each year. Students must accumulate 200 points in a school year to be eligible for awards; points do not carry over from one year to the next. Students will be responsible for keeping track of their own points and will fill out a form to be approved by Mrs. Morgan one month before our final concert of the year. The award system is structured as follows:

1st year meeting qualifications – Certificate

2nd year meeting qualifications – Letter

3rd year meeting qualifications – Pin

4th year meeting qualifications – Senior Pin


Each choral concert attended25 pts.

Each extra choral rehearsal attended10 pts.

Other performances (WHS or off-campus) attended15 pts.

Auditions performed15 pts.

Auditions selected10 pts.

All-County, All-District, etc. rehearsals attended5 pts./reh.

Spring Musical Roles:

Company/Ensemble10 pts.

Minor Character20 pts.

Lead Character25 pts.


Up to 5 items sold5 pts.

Over 5 items up to $10010 pts.

Sell $100 or more20 pts.

Highest Seller25 pts.

Choir Officers:

President20 pts.

Vice-President15 pts.

Librarian15 pts.

Publicity10 pts.

Historian10 pts.

Perfect Classroom Attendance (per Quarter)5 pts./Qtr.

Multi-Choral Ensemble membership15 pts./year

Assist Officers with special events/concerts10 pts./event

***Points not awarded for absences, even excused, in attendance-based categories***

Students must keep track of their own points

Please submit this form to be considered for a choral letter or certificate.

Forms are due May 12th, 2016.

Name: ______Choir(s): ______

School Year: ______

Please list your points earned. Mrs. Morgan will be confirming all points acquired.

Event / Date / Points Earned

Total points earned: ______What did you earn last year (if applicable)? ______


PRESIDENT:The President will oversee their specific choir. The president will help plan special events, plan and preside over officer meetings, establish committees for social and other activities, and communicate with the president of each ensemble.

VICE-PRESIDENT:The Vice-President will communicate all pertinent choral information to his/her ensemble, assist with organization and management of all fund-raising activities, give leadership to all other choral activities and act for the President in case of absence. The Vice President will be in charge of watering pianos.

SECRETARY:The Secretary will be in charge of writing thank-you notes and will help the librarian as needed.

TREASURER:The Treasurer will collect the class fee, district chorus fees, t-shirt fees, etc. and keep a record of who has paid.

HISTORIAN:The Historian will keep a pictorial record of the year’s activities from photos, newspapers, and newsletters. He/She will assemble all information into a scrapbook and maintain a current bulletin board.

PUBLICITY:The Publicity representative is responsible for publicizing all of our concerts and special activities. They are also responsible for making sure we get posters from the art department and making sure that they get handed out.

LIBRARIAN:The Librarian will file and catalog all repertoire in the Music Library.

SECTION LEADERS:Section leaders will be appointed by Mrs. Morgan and will be in charge of the following:

  • Keeping his/her section quiet during class
  • Assisting students who need extra help with notes
  • Leading sectional time during flex and in Mrs. Morgan’s absence
  • Checking in with each student in his/her section prior to concerts

PLEASE NOTE: All officers are required to attend monthly meetings plus all planned choir activities, social or otherwise. All officers are expected to assist the Choral Boosters with various projects as necessary throughout the school year. This year officers will be encouraged to attend monthly “volunteer days” to file music, organize, and help the choir program in other ways. These days will involve pizza! 


In order to participate in any extra-curricular choral activity, students must maintain at least a B+ average in music classes, be in good standing in ALL courses, and have NO disciplinary infractions in any school-related activity.

SENIOR HONORS CHOIR: This life-changing event is available to seniors only and will take place Nov. 19-21 in Norfolk, VA. Students will audition Oct. 10that Longwood University with an art song; this year it will be “I Attempt from Love’s Sickness” by Purcell. You will also have to sight-read in a live face-to-face audition. It will cost $15.00 to audition.

ALL-COUNTY CHORUS: Students who are interested in participating must complete an audition. Students chosen will participate in the event at Briar Woods High School Nov. 13-14. This year’s All-County performance will feature all SIGHT READING choirs: a 9-10 grade Women’s Choir, a Men’s Choir, and an 11-12 grade Women’s Choir.

ALL-DISTRICT CHORUS: All-District Chorus auditions will be Nov. 3rd (Election Day!) and the event will be at Dominion HS Feb. 19-20. Extra rehearsals are required to prepare for the concert performance in February. This year’s All-District event will feature a Women’s Choir and a Mixed SATB Choir.

ALL-STATE CHORUS: All-State auditions will be held in February and only those Juniors and Seniors participating in All-District Chorus are eligible to attend. Extra rehearsals will be required prior to the event which will take place April 28-30.

SOCIAL EVENTS: Many activities are being planned for this year and information about each one will be announced separately.


In the spring of each school year, auditions will be conducted for individual students to determine ensemble placement for the following school year.

January 11-15 I will hold auditions for a women’s acappella group and a men’s acappella group to perform on this year’s pops concert. Rehearsals will be during flex.


(Please turn in this signed form, the class fee of $5/$13, and your tissues by September 11th)

Student Name (please print) ______

I understand and agree to all of the rules, guidelines, and standards of conduct as stated in the Woodgrove High School Choral Department Handbook. I also agree to follow any additional rules, guidelines, and standards of conduct that may be presented by Mrs. Morgan or other persons of authority, including chaperones and substitute teachers while a member of the Choral Program. I understand and accept that infraction of these rules, guidelines and, and standards or otherwise inappropriate behavior may result in lowering of grades and/or disciplinary action including dismissal from choral activities, early travel home at my parent’s expense, and/or dismissal from the Choral Program.