Woodford County Retired Teachers’ Association

March 18, 2016

OPENING: WCRTA met at the Gathering Place with 30 members and 2 guests present.

PROGRAM: Before his program, Wendy Parsons, a Eureka native, shared his life’s work after graduating from Eureka College. Playing his guitar and sometimes his harmonica, Wendy sang and entertained us with songs from the past. He invited us to join in the singing which many did.

MEETING: The meeting was called to order by President Lynn Campbell who thanked the greeters, Goldie and Emerson Bill, along with Mary Tanton for reservations. Lynn noted that corrections need to be made in our booklets concerning greeters and reservations. The minutes of the November 20, 2015 meeting were approved as printed. She reported a balance on hand of $1,732.50 and will be consulting Treasurer Jane Roth about the amounts paid for attendance at the IRTA convention.


Membership: Judith Quiram gave an update on membership as of the end of 2015. We had 219 state members, 146 local members, and 3 deaths. For 2016 we have 225 state and 148 local. Judith announced that May 2-6 is Teacher Appreciation Week. Gift envelopes and candy will be prepared for active teachers as in the past. Elaine Cunningham, Jennifer Lindsey, and Jo Crowe volunteered to help. Judith also mentioned that 2010 surveys were sent to former members and only 127 returned. Members drop out for a variety of reasons ranging from health issues to lack of interest.

Legislative: Bill White expressed concern for Gov. Rauner’s considering having a pension holiday and the legislature’s continuing to discuss not funding our TRIP insurance. Bill stressed how important it is for us to call our legislators. Also, he reminded members who have not done so to sign up for having $2.00 a month taken out of our pensions to support PAC as we will probably have to return to court over future issues.

Public Relations: Lynn said that sympathy was extended to Louise Barber in the passing of her husband Don, who was as associate member. A donation of $25 has been given to the IRTA Foundation in his memory.

Member Benefits: Pete Hughes informed us that Dental/Vision insurance is now open to access and members can sign up on the IRTA website. Pete expressed his concern about our state not having a budget, and he also feels that since 67% of people in Illinois are not affected, the current situation will continue.

Foundation: John Byrne no longer wishes to report for the IRTA Foundation so a replacement is needed. Concerning the label campaign, as of December it had a net income of $159,914. Currently 10 people are being assisted on a monthly basis which totals $57,150.

Community Participation: Jo Crow announced that Operation Smile continues to need gowns. The sewing group always appreciates material (none related to religious holidays), bias tape, cash donations, and helpers to sew and cut. An additional need is toothpaste and toothbrushes. Their next meeting is March 29 at Jane Roth’s.


The IRTA Area 1 Conference is Monday, May 16, at IVCC in Oglesby. Attending are Lynn Campbell, Judith Quiram, Pete Hughes, Carol Hughes, and Sara Kaufman. Those wishing a ride are to meet at the Roanoke United Methodist Church at 7:30 am.

Lynn inquired if anyone would be interested in setting up a WCRTA website, but no one volunteered.

Tom Eckert, Lynn Campbell, and Mary Tanton will serve on a Nominating Committee seeking 2017-2019 officers and committee chairs whose names are to be announced at the September meeting. Carol Hughes will continue as secretary.


Carol Hughes reported that WCRTA will no longer have the Golden Apples team participating in the 2016 Woodford County Relay For Life. She thanked WCRTA for its 20 years of service in supporting the fight against cancer and that members continue to donate individually to the American Cancer Society.

Breakfast Lovers-April 11, 2016

Next Meeting-May 20, 2016

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Hughes, Secretary