Woodcraft Folk Scotland
Woodcraft Folk Scotland
c/o Woodcraft Folk
Units 9/10
83 Crampton Street
SE17 3BQ
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Scottish Gathering Weekend & AGM
Crianlarich Youth Hostel 27th – 29th January 2017
Dear all,
We are in the process of organising our Scottish Gathering weekend at Crianlarich Youth Hostel from Friday 27thto Sunday29thJanuary 2017. The weekend is open to all adult members and volunteers including families, Venturers and D.F’s.
This weekend is a great opportunity for everyone involved with Woodcraft Folk in Scotland to come together, share what we have been doing in different parts of the country, build links and plan for the future. We invite you to come and take part. These weekends are always very good fun in true woodies spirit. This year we are using Crianlarich Youth Hostel for Scottish Gathering for a third year so it’s a chance to visit or revisit this hostel and this dramatic part of the country.Crianlarich Youth Hostel is easily accessible by train or bus.
This Scottish Gathering will provide an opportunityto hear about what’s been happening this year, our Children’s Committee, ideas for funding local groups and also for facilitating local training.More information on the intended programme is detailed overleaf. We have to vacate the hostel by 10am on Sunday but we aim to plan an optional group walk for those who want to spend a bit longer together and appreciate the scenery.
Scottish Gathering weekend is where we hold our AGM. We need to elect members to our Scottish Committee which oversees the work of Woodcraft Folk nationally, including the role of the employed Scottish Officer. Six places are available on the committee and we are keen to welcome new members. We encourage you to consider the enclosed information on Scottish Committee roles and responsibilities and think about standing, or encouraging others to stand. It would be really beneficial for Scottish Committee to have representation from each district in Scotland.
For those of you who attended Scottish Gathering last year you will be aware that we listened carefully to what we was discussed at our AGM last year and we have had two key events this year to bring adults, children and young people from across Scotland together in Falkirk and Glasgow. We have included space within these events for children and young people to discuss issues of importance to them and to look at how we take forward their ideas from last year about a Children’s Committee and representation on our Scottish Committee.We hope that Scottish Gathering will be an opportunity to take the role of our young people forward further and we will be planning a workshop for children and young people, as well as including them in our AGM in an age appropriate way. So please encourage young people and children to come along with a view to fully participating in our Scottish Gathering.
We hope that all our groups can be represented at the weekend; it would be very useful if each group were represented by at least one person.Children are welcome, and childcare will be arranged during meetings and workshops. To enable us to arrange this we need to know numbers, ages etc. so please book in! However, because this weekend is dedicated to the business of Woodcraft Folk Scotland, parents will be responsible for their children outside meeting and workshop times.If you are interested in helping to organise/run the children’s programme for Scottish Gathering please get in touch.All adults who attend residential events organised by Woodcraft Folk, including Scottish Gathering, are required to be members of Woodcraft Folk and of the PVG Scheme. If you need to check your membership status or arrange membership please speak to the Membership Secretary for your District.
Weekend Programme: (Subject to change)
Friday: Arrive from 6pm onwards, light supper provided, project updates from Clare Ritchie & Alex Wilde
Saturday:Morning workshops (including workshop for children and young people),afternoonAGM and workshop, evening meal & social/sharing time
Sunday: Vacate hostel by 10am, local walk
Workshop Descriptions;
Funding local groups(Debs McCahon)
Inthis session participants will be supported to explore how to make ends meet, from effective budget setting to identifying external sources of funding.
Training local groups 1 (Brian McNee, Civicos Training)
Would you like to run more training locally? We’ll look at the role of the trainer, training skills and training delivery.
Training local groups 2 (Brian McNee, Civicos Training)
In this workshop we’ll look at good communication skills and managing the room.
The cost of the weekend is subsidised and is £25 per adult, £60 per family and £20 per those aged 20 and under & concessions. Children under 6 are free. This will cover the cost of accommodation, food & children’s activities. If you are able and willing to make a donation on top of these fees that will help Woodcraft Folk Scotland cover the costs of the weekend. We arelooking for at least two people to volunteer as KPs i.e. organise the food for the weekend (free places in exchange!), please get in touch. We are also looking for a volunteer/volunteers to be the designated first aider(s) for the weekend – again please get in touch if you can help.
You can book your place on the weekend online at it is quick and easy.Alternatively fill inthe booking form attached and email it to
At the time of booking please also transfer a deposit of £10 per person or £25 per family, or the full payment for the weekend to;
Account name: Woodcraft Folk Scotland Office
Sort code: 83 91 25Account number: 50599817
When you transfer money please quote your name and Crianlarich as an identifier.Bank transfer is preferable but you can also post a cheque to me at the above address.Spaces on the weekend are limited. To avoid disappointment and to help us with planning please book as soon as possible and by the deadline of Friday 16th Dec 2016.
Yours Faithfully
Fleur Gayet
Scottish Officer
- Booking form, AGM notice, Nomination form for management committee posts, Job descriptions for management committee posts.
Woodcraft Folk is a registered charity in England & Wales (1148195) and in Scotland (SC039791). And a Limited Company, registered in England & Wales, Company No. 8133727, registered office:Unit 9,83 Crampton Street,LondonSE17 3BQ.
Phone: 07833 051557Email: Website: