Exam One

Women’s Ministry WOMIN 4223/WOMST 3003 Name:______

1. List the ways that Jesus viewed women as is evident in the gospels. (2 points each)






2. For each statement below, was this quoted from one who holds an egalitarian or a complementarian view? (2 points each)

______Jesus’ treatment of women underlines our equality in being, our primary value to God as person, but it does not countermand Paul’s commands in 1Timothy 2:11-12 or 1 Corinthians 14:34-35.. Susan Foh

______Are restricted roles for men and women in the church, family and society God-ordained or are they the result of sin and/or cultural influence? I believe they are the result of sin and /or cultural influence. Alvera Mickelsen

______There are strong reasons for suspecting that either the teaching referred to in 1 Timothy 2:12 was some specialized kind of instruction or that there was some particular reason why the women in the congregation served by Timothy were not suitable as teachers. Walter L. Liefeld

______The text tells us to expect that in areas of life where authority is exercised over adults, men will ordinarily not be ruled by women, but rather, women will be ruled by men. . . . When, as not, this bit of social fiber is stretched and bent, there will likely be increasing resistance and a return to what must be regarded as normal. Most women prefer things the way they are, at least wherever biblical norms have prevailed. Robert Culver

______The concept of keeping women in a restricted place runs counter to the “freedom in Christ” that Jesus demonstrated and that Paul preached. Alvera Mickelson

______1 Corinthians 11:2-16 teaches that women can and should actively participate in worship by praying and prophesying. The only requirement is that they be covered so that the glory goes to God, rather than their husbands; this requirement is necessary because of the husband’s headship. Susan Foh

______It is not surprising to discover that, just as there are distinct roles between husbands and wives in the family, different roles between men and women are also mandated in the church. Women should not fill the role of pastor/elder/overseer. Thomas R. Schreiner

4. Two part question:

List the 5 tasks of a women’s ministry in the local church. (2 points each)






How do the 5 tasks listed above relate to the local church and its mission? (5 points)

5. True or False? (1 point each)

_____ Men communicate to maintain status; Women to maintain intimacy.

_____ Men complain about problems; Women offer solutions.

_____ Men give affirmation; Women give information.

_____ Men report-talk; Women rapport-talk.

_____ Men lecture; Women listen.

_____ Men use conflict to negotiate status; Women avoid conflict to establish connection.

_____ Men overlap; Women interrupt.

_____ Men talk more in private; Women talk more in public.

_____ Men talk about their accomplishments; Women hesitate to boast.

_____ Men avoid silence; Women use silence.

_____ Men often apologize; Women speak with confidence.

_____ Men use body language indirectly; Women use it very directly.

Short Answer:

5. How does the character of God as leader affect the way a Christian woman should lead? (5 points)

6. Vickie Lee Becker’s research revealed some common characteristics among female CEOs of faith based organizations. Name five (5) of these common characteristics (5 points)

7. One of the tips for women leaders is to be “faithful with small”. What does this mean? (5 points)

8. What tips have pastors offered to women serving with men? (5 points)

Essay (Use back of page if necessary):

9. A woman in your ministry has just completed a Bible Study that covered much of the Old Testament. She comes to you wondering what we can learn of God and how He views women from the accounts we read in the Old Testament. How do you answer her? (10 points)

10. Describe your view of women in ministry. Support your view with scriptural reference. (15 points)