Virginia A. Wagner

Director of Choral Arts

Work: 704-799-8555 ext. 1287


3rd Block Planning

WildCat Vocal Symphony Mission Statement

The Lake Norman High School Choral Department will provide an encouraging, supportive environment in which choral arts students will be given the opportunity to expand their musical knowledge and performance experiences through a sequential developmental music curriculum. It is our belief that the study of choral music instills a sense of pride and accomplishment; it fosters higher level thinking skills, self discipline and accountability to one’s self, the ensemble and the community.

Women’s Ensemble is a course study for students having already completed and or shown to excel in the techniques taught in Choral Arts I, II, and/ Women’s Ensemble. Students successfully completing this course will receive a quality point. Advancement into higher levels of notation and rhythm exercises, chromatic, natural minor, harmonic minor, and melodic minor scares and Curwen hand signs will be introduced. Students in this course will be eligible to participate in Young Women in Harmony and, par allotment and in-house audition, to audition fall semester for the NCMEA Honors Chorus. Those students who carry over from fall semester to the winter/spring semester will be eligible to participate in the NCMEA Solo/Small Ensemble Festival, NCMEA All-State Choral Festival, and the Mars Hill Choral Festival.

This course will offer ensemble singing, solo opportunities, small ensemble singing, sight-reading, SmartMusic and theory studies.

Students will be assessed according to the following NC Essential Standards.

P.ML.1.1 Use characteristic tone and consistent pitch when performing

P.ML.1.2 Using developing technical skills to sing personally challenging literature

P.ML.1.3 Apply the expressive elements of music

P.ML.2.1 Recognize whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, and dotted not and rest durations in simple duple, simple triple and simple compound and mixed meters

P.ML.2.2 Interpret standard notation symbols for pitch in appropriate clefs using extended staves and some non-traditional notations

P.ML.2.3 Use standard notation symbols for basic elements of music (pitch, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, articulation, expression) to notate their musical ideas

and the musical ideas of others

P.ML.3.1 Use improvisation to create simple melodies, over given chord progressions

P.ML3.2 Create original music using both imagination and technical skill in applying the principles of composition

P.MR.1.1 Analyze musical works in terms of the elements of music that make the works unique, interesting and expressive

P.MR.1.2 Critique musical performances and compositions, including ones own, generating suggesting for improvement

P.MR.1.3 Interpret the cues of a conductor when singing

P.CR.1.1 Understand the role of music in US History

P.CR.1.2 Understand music from the perspective of a variety of cultures and historical periods

P.CR.1.3 Summarize the ethical and legal issues surrounding the access and use of music

P.CR.1.4 Implement effective strategies for recognizing, monitoring, and overcoming performance anxiety

P.CR.1.5 Analyze the relationship between concepts and principles of music and those disciplines outside the arts

Attendance is crucial to success in this course. Students cannot expect to excel if they are not present daily. The success of the choir depends on each member; therefore, the entire class suffers on one member is not present.

Students will be receiving grades for daily participation, sight-reading, notation, and concert performance.

Sight-reading tests and theory tests will be given at regular intervals.

Our school music department will be using SmartMusic® to help students practice and perfect their music this year. Attached is a letter detailing what SmartMusic is and how it will impact your student this year. Although I do not require families to purchase a SmartMusic subscription, I do highly recommend it.

On a scale of 1-4 students will be assessed as follows

General Assignments1

Daily Participation/Homework2 Quizzes/SmartMusic Assessments 3 Performances 4

Written final exam20% of final grade

Each semester there are a variety of concert opportunities. First Semester annual performance opportunities include the Cabaret (Oct. 25th) Winter concert (Dec. 18th); second semester includes the annual Spring concert (tentatively scheduled for May 21th), Baccalaureate, and Graduation. Attendance at all concerts is mandatory. Failure to attend the concerts will result in the student's final grade being dropped at least one letter grade. It is crucial that all students attend all concerts. Our blend and balance is based on each student’s participation. In reality, it is impossible to “make-up” a concert grade. In the event that a student should miss a concert, they must have an excused absence with documentation; the student’s current raw Smart Music grade will be considered for their grade for the missed event

Students in this course are also eligible to attend the Spring Tour. Information about this event is in a separate packet.

Sight-reading, theory and SmartMusic assessments will be given at regular intervals.

Each student will be required to pay a $35 cleaning deposit each semester for their concert attire. This fee will be collected Sept. 10th and Feb. 15th. Families have the option to pay for both semesters at this time, that payment is $70.

Students should come to class with the following supplies

  • Black ½” 3-ring binder
  • Sheet protectors
  • Pencils (Colored recommended)
  • magazine holders (optional and available through teacher)
  • paper

All students are encouraged to participate in various fundraisers throughout the semester to assist in purchasing various need of the choral department. The choral department does not have a “budget” from the school. All funds for supplies, music, sound equipment, activities, substitutes, transportation fees, etc. are raised by our fundraising efforts. Thank you in advance for your efforts and support of our program.

I will use many forms of communication (including email, my webpage, and Edmodo) to help keep parents and students abreast of activities and events in our department. Please help me help you by checking these avenues of communication regularly. I will post student codes for Edmodo on my board (women’s code is: 78jdu5); parents can access their Edmodo code by going to their student’s home page to view their code or emailing me to have it sent to them. I will offer extra credit for all students who are registered for my class on Edmodo as well as for each parent who registers!

I am very excited to be teaching your student this year. Feel free to contact me any time via phone or email.

Virginia A. Wagner

Director of Choral Arts

Work: 704-799-8555 ext. 1287


Please fill out the information on this side, sign the back and return this page acknowledging you have received and read the contents of the Choral Arts I Syllabus. My receipt of this page will be your student’s first ‘A’ in chorus this year!

Student Name:______

Home phone:______

Cell phone:______



Parent(s) Contact information


Home phone:______

Cell phone:______




Home phone:______

Cell phone:______




A picture of your child or work created by your child may be included in a classroom project.

We may use the resulting project in one or more of the following ways:

• Use as a demonstration project/activity in educational workshops, classes, and/or


• Use as a sample project/activity on CDs created by Iredell-Statesville Schools for use in

educational workshops and student classrooms;

• Post work on the school or ISS webpage;

• Submit as samples to program publishers or as grant and contest entries;

• Use portions of the project on a videotape made during a student presentation of the

project or in broadcasts or videotapes demonstrating computer media in general.

• From time to time, the opportunity may arise for your child to be photographed* or

interviewed by district personnel or local news media regarding a school event or


This information may be used in local media transmissions, district promotional publications, on

the district website, or in any other district medium.

*Photograph in this release form is intended to only refer to photos of your child alone. Group

photographs (2 or more), with no additional identifying information, are considered directory

information. Please refer to the section on FERPA for more information.

Please initial each of the following statements to which you agree:

I give permission to:

_____ Post a picture which includes my child on the ISS webpage (first name may be included)

_____ Post work/projects created by my child on ISS webpages

_____ Allow my child to be interviewed and/or photographed by local news media

(extracurricular clubs and sports teams are included)

_____ Use my child’s work as an example in other schools, workshops, or conferences

_____ Use my child’s photograph in district promotional publications and media

_____Post a video which includes my child on ISS webpages

Student name:______


Parent/Guardian Name:______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______


Women’s Ensemble Dress-out Procedures

  1. Uniform: Student may choose from one of the following:
  1. LNHS PE uniform
  2. LNHS Showformance dance apparel (see warm-up apparel form)
  3. Basketball length shorts/yoga pants/sweatpants and t-shirt (no in-appropriate language on shirt, must meet school dress code standards as specified in the LNHS Handbook online). If ANYONE is caught wearing sweat pants over their regular pants the privilege to wear sweat pants/yoga pants will be revoked.
  4. Shoes: Students are not permitted to dance barefoot, or in sandals, flip flops, or open toed shoes.

Ladies should wear character shoes unless otherwise specified

  1. Rentals: I will keep a few extra shirts/shorts for you to rent if you forget your uniform. If you need a rental it will cost you your cell phone or car keys. Give “payment” to the teacher when you receive your uniform and it will be returned to you when the uniform is returned.
  1. Be on Time: You are expected to check-in in the chorus room by the tardy bell for attendance purposes. You will then have 5 minutes to change and report to either the auditorium or back to the class room for dance rehearsal. If you are not in your place to begin rehearsal after 5 minutes you will receive a tardy.
  2. Dressing out: You must dress out every day that is specified as a dance day. If you are absent the day before it is your responsibility to find out if the next day will be a dance day. Ignorance is not an excuse. No dangling jewelry is to be worn and cell phones must be left in your cubby/bag. If you do not dress out you do not dance and you will loose your participation points for the day (20pt out of 100 for the week).
  3. Dance rehearsal requires all of your attention. If you are asked to be quiet or pay attention repeatedly you will loose participation points for the day. 3 call-outs in one period will result in a 30 min afterschool detention with me. 3 detentions with me will result in a regular 45 min after school detention. 2 45 min detentions will result in a 90 minute detention and a call home to discuss your seriousness in taking this course.

Selection to participate in Women’s Ensemble is a privilege, honor it!

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature:______

Congratulations Parents!

Welcome to F.A.C.E.S (Fine Art Creates Extraordinary Students), the booster organization for Lake Norman High School’s Fine Arts Dept! We are so happy that your child has chosen to be a part of a wonderful program at Lake Norman High School. For this reason you are automatically a member. There are no membership fees involved; we just ask that you join with us so we can continue to give the much-needed support to the Fine Arts Dept.

FACES will meet on the third Tuesday of each month this school year. We are asking that you or a family member join us for at least 2 meetings per semester or in lieu of a meeting attend a Fine Arts function. Will send reminders and notices of meetings and events via email so please make sure your contact information is up to date.

Our focus is to be a resource to the teachers so that our students can develop their unique talents, and foster a life long appreciation for the Arts. Parent participation is a vital component to the success of this organization and your child’s experiences this year.

Throughout the school year, students in chorus and theatre classes have the opportunity to take part in concerts, competitions and performances at school and in the region. Your volunteer help and support are crucial to the continuity of these events.

Please complete the information below and return this sheet to Ms Wagner. We will use this information to compile an email list which will be our main mode of communicating events, requests for help and reminders to you.

Thank you for your time and interest in FACES. We look forward to an enjoyable and enriching year for the Fine Arts students of Lake Norman High School.

Caroline Zastrow

President of FACES at Lake Norman, Inc.


Home #______,Cell#______2ndemail______

Please check areas you would be interested in serving:

_____ Hospitality _____ Chaperone _____Photography/Video _____Board _____Sewing _____ Programs _____ Fundraising _____ Costumes _____ Backstage _____Performance Help _____Props_____ Record Keeping _____ Money Collections

_____ General Class Assistance Other ______

Chorus Apparel Due By 9-10-14

Student Name ______

Show Choir Boys (required items in bold)


Black Dress/Dance Shoes $37.00 ** Size ______


NOTE: It is recommended that boys performance shirts be cleaned once each mid semester. One Hour Martinizing on Williamson Road will do this for $1 each.

Show Choir Girls (required items in bold)

Dress*$35.00 PER SEMSETER or $70 FULL YEAR

Bloomers $15.00 (S M L XL)

Tights $15.00 (PT S/M L/XL)

Character Shoes$37.00** (Larger sizes may cost more) Size:_____

Total $______

Women’s Ensemble: (required items in bold)

Dress*$35.00 PER SEMESTER or $70 FULL YEAR

Character Shoes $37.00** (Larger sizes may cost more)

Size:______(Highly recommended)


Choral Arts – OPTIONAL


CHARACER SHOES$37.00** (Larger sizes may cost more) Size: ______

Total $______


Black Dress/Dance Shoes$37.00** Size ______

Total$ ______


Chorus Optional Attire (Warm-ups)DUE BY 9-10-14


Jerzees White Embroidered

Hooded Sweatshirt$25.50 ___ Size ___

Initials ______

Grad. Year ______

Tricot Tri-Color Jacket$32.00___ Size _____

Name Embroidery$5.00 ___ Name ______

Tricot Black Pants$20.00 ___ Size _____

Royal T-shirt (All)$11.00 ___ Size _____

Tie dye Tee (All)$15.00___ Size _____

Ladies Shorts with WCVS Logo$12.00 ___ Size _____

Mens Shorts with WCVS Logo$11.00 ___ Size _____


Make Checks payable to UNIQUE IMAGES, INC

And write student’s name & “warm-ups” in check memo.