ALL B.C.:- Marathon rules to be adhered to.


Division 1 - 6 Singles \ 2 - 6 Doubles Ironbridge Brewery / Wharf

Division 7 - 9 Singles \ Doubles & Lightening class Severn Park Bridgnorth


Divisions 1,2 & 3 singles 2 & 3 Doubles 12 Miles no portages

Divisions 4,5,6, singles 4, 5 & 6 doubles 8 Miles no portages

Divisions 7,8,9, singles 7, 8 & 9 doubles 4 Miles no portage

Lightning 1.5 Miles no portage

BOOKING IN: Bridgnorth Divs 7 – 9 from 10.30am Ironbridge Divs 1 – 6 from 10.30 am.

Please bear with us as we too have to travel to get to both starts


BRIEFINGS AT:- 11.35am at both starts. Lightning at Brignorth after main race.

START TIMES:- All Divisions 12 noon. Lightning race will take place after the main race has finished only if river conditions allow.

The club reserve the right, without prior notice to alter any of these arrangements should the weather or any other circumstances warrant it. In the event that we may have to cancel or alter the course we will post the information on our face book as soon as we are able. Wolverhampton Canoe Club can not be held responsible for any loss/damage/ injury incurred.

·  All boats to be fitted with regulation size WHITE vertical number plate and digital form for numbers using BLACK INSULATION TAPE. Boat numbers:- Only the number you are issued with at check in must be used and not the ones issued when sent in on the HRM programme.Incorrect numbering may result in disqualification.

SAFETY:- The wearing of a buoyancy aid is compulsory in divisions 7,8,9, under 16 years & lightning race. If you are paddling in divisions 1 – 6 it is advisable to wear a buoyancy aid. It is your responsibility to ensure you have buoyancy in your boat. Please remember in previous years boats have broken up or sunk at Jackfield Rapids. There is a Slalom event at Jackfield, they are stopping at 12noon please be aware there will be limited parking for spectators. Wolverhampton Canoe Club can not be held responsible for any damage/loss.


Current BC Membership cards must be shown a BC event fee of £5.00 is payable for non-BC members and those unable to prove their membership in Div 7 – 9. Divisions 1-6 are not allowed to race without proof of BCU membership.

Refreshments i.e squash/biscuit will be provided free of charge for all competitors after the race. Bacon baps will be on sale along with cakes,hot & soft drinks will also be on sale for competitors and spectators.

FEES:- All Divisions Adult /Junior £8.00 Per seat. (Late entry fee £9.00) Lightning:- £3.00 per seat Event Fee £5.00

ENTRIES:- Via the HRM programme to by 11.00pm Thursday 13th July 2017 any entries received after the date and time will be classed as LATE entries and will be charged £9.00 per seat. Numbers will be issued on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th July 2017. Cheques made payable to Wolverhampton Canoe Club

PRIZES:- First second and third places.


The council have installed a new pay & display system number plates are photographed upon entry to Severn Park please ensure you purchase a ticket upon arrival unless you are dropping off be aware there is a 20 minute leeway. All day parking £2.50 Ironbridge parking we have secured free parking at IRONBRIDGE Merrythought Village, Ironbridge TF8 7NJ (gates close at 4pm) next to the wharf car park if you park on the Wharf car park you will have to purchase a parking ticket. It is with regret we are unable to offer a shuttle service between the starts. (Wolverhampton Canoe Club can not be held responsible for any fines incurred for anyone who has not paid & displayed)

We look forward to seeing you all and wish everyone a good days paddling.

Canoe & Kayaking are “assumed risk” and “water contact sports” that may carry attendant risks. Participants should be aware and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement. W-Ton Canoe Club and its nominated officials cannot be held responsible for any loss life,limb or equipment however caused.