WNBA National Board Meeting

June 16, 2000—June 18, 2000


President Diane Ullius called the meeting to order at 1:20 P.M.


Diane Ullius (Washington DC) National President

Nancy Stewart (Nashville) Vice-President

Margaret Auer (Detroit) Treasurer

Lois VanStipdonk (Detroit) Incoming Secretary

Donna Paz Kaufman (Nashville) Past President

Sandy Paul (New York) Membership

Susannah Greenberg (New York) Publicity

Katherine Dibble (Boston), WNBA Award Chairperson

Grace L. Houghton, Binghamton Chapter President

Diana Altman, Boston President

Pam Lange, Dallas President

Pat Klemans, Detroit President

Sharon Goldinger, representing Los Angeles

Sue Bredensteiner, Nashville President

Jill Tardiff, New York President

Terri Boekhoff, San Francisco President

Eileen Hanning, Washington D.C. President

Lois VanStipdonk introduced Wayne Councilwoman Donna McEachern, who welcomed the National Board to the City of Wayne.

Diane began the meeting with a brief explanation of the course of the meeting. She announced that, in a break with tradition, Nancy Stewart would be installed as President on Saturday, June 17, 2000 at noon and would preside over the remainder of the meeting.

The members present introduced themselves and gave a brief history of their participation in WNBA.

The motion was made by Terri Boekhoff, San Francisco Chapter, seconded by Pat

Klemans, Detroit Chapter to accept the minutes of the June, 1999 National Board

Meeting, with the correction to Page 5 that Tina Johnson was the attendee to the

Zimbabwe Book Fair In July. Motion carried.

The larger group broke up into three smaller groups for discussion: two chapter groups and the executive committee, each with a discussion leader. At 3:30 P.M., the chapter groups reunited to examine common concerns and to discuss the chapters’ relationships with the national organization. The executive committee met to discuss preparing for the future.

At 4:30 P.M. the total group reconvened and shared the results of the chapter meetings, highlights of the reports are appended to minutes.

The meeting was recessed at 5:25 P.M.

Saturday, June 17, 2000

President Diane Ullius called the meeting back to order at 9:05 AM.

The Chapter Presidents had expressed a need for more support in their leadership roles last year. Diane distributed a self-test instrument Vision Risk Leadership Profile in which each participant answered questions and then the results were placed on a grid to determine the leadership styles present. Three groups emerged: Low-Risk! Low Vision; High Vision/High Risk; and Medium Vision! Medium Risk. The merits and drawbacks to each were discussed in small groups and then as a whole. Both the National Board and the local chapter boards need a balance of leadership styles represented.

At 10:45 A.M. the meeting adjourned to Executive Session to discuss the WNBA Award.

At 12:00 Noon the meeting reconvened to General Session.

The motion was made by Grace Houghton, seconded by Donna Paz that the secretary pro tern, who has not yet been installed, but is responsible for the minutes of this meeting and will be installed immediately, be authorized to cast a vote for the WNBA Award. Motion carried, acknowledging our past practice.

The motion was made by Margaret Auer, seconded by Pat Klemans that the minutes state that the 2000 WNBA Award nominee has been selected and her name will be added to the official minutes of the 2000 Board Meeting following the awardee’s acceptance. Motion carried.

Diane asked that each attendee respond to her in writing before lunch about what should be discussed and decided before the end of the meeting.

The nominating/election committee announced the slate of elected officers:

Terri Boekhoff President-elect

Lois VanStipdonk Secretary

Margaret Auer Treasurer

The motion was made by Pat Klemans, seconded by Sue Bredensteiner to ratify the slate of officers. Motion carried.

The official gavel was presented to incoming President Nancy Stewart. A gift of a leather portfolio was presented to outgoing President Diane Ullius with the appreciation of the board members.

The meeting recessed for lunch and reconvened at 1:45 P.M.

Margaret Auer presented the WNBA National Treasurer’s Audited Report. The audit was done by Mary C. Laird, an employee of UDMercy. She found no inconsistencies in the records.

Explanation of the report followed. Under Revenues, the number of sustaining members is down by 50%. The anticipated number of chapter members, as estimated by the chapter presidents was not realized. However, when the chapter member numbers are compared with the 1999-year totals, they are relatively stable.

Under Expenses, the officers’ expenses are uncharacteristically low. Many expenses were paid by employers or were not incurred. This might not be the case in the future and should be planned for.

Bookwoman expenses rose, because several members requested extra copies to take to conferences.

Despite the decreased income, the national organization is in good financial shape with enough cash balance to maintain the organization for two to three years even if no further revenue is generated.

The Ann Heidbreder Eastman Endowment Grant expenses exceeded revenues by about $200, so money was taken out of capital. Nevertheless, the fund is sound.

The Lucile Micheels Pannell Trust Fund is solvent; but no further principal may be expended, only interest. Bremer Trust is the sole administrator of the Fund. Interest will be withheld by Bremer until the principal is restored to its previous balance.

The motion was made by Margaret Auer, seconded by Terri Boekhoff that when the Pannell CD comes due in September 2000, $1000 of the account balance be transferred into the Pannell interest-bearing checking account. Motion carried with one abstention.

The motion was made by Margaret Auer, seconded by Donna Paz that WNBA and/or the Pannell Trust Officer at Bremer approach the Micheels family for an additional contribution to the Trust account. Motion carried with one abstention.

The motion was made by Margaret Auer, seconded by Pat Klemans that the per month late fee assessed a chapter for a late per capita payment be 2.02% for the 2000-2001 budget year. Motion carried.

Margaret Auer needs updated information from each chapter with the chapter treasurer, mailing address, telephone number and e-mail address.

Margaret developed and distributed a chapter treasurer’s packet with information, including how to conduct an audit for each of the chapters. By May 1, 2001, chapters are to send her feedback on whether or not the chapter treasurer information is helpful and suggestions for further revisions or additions. Chapters must maintain a record of receipts and expenditures for IRS purposes.

Margaret distributed requests for 2000/2001 anticipated expenditures to the National Board Officers and Committee Chairpersons. July 15, 2000 is the deadline for budget information to be returned to Margaret. Please use her home address.

Terri Boekhoff presented information on iUniverse. As part of the iUniverse Website, organizations may form communities and post information. As a community, a community leader must be designated to referee the material submitted by the individuals or chapters. Within the community, there could be a message board, chat room and an area to post information about events or about the organization. Terri demonstrated the Website on the computers within the library.

The meeting was recessed at 5:05 P.M.

The meeting was called back to order on Sunday June 19, 2000 at 9:05 A.M. by President Nancy Stewart. She extended a thank you to the Detroit Chapter for the local arrangements.

Jill Tardiff, President of the New York Chapter, reported that she had been instrumental in presenting a panel discussion at BEA. The topic was minorities in publishing.

The motion was made by Diane Ullius, seconded by Eileen Hanning that the WNBA Board ask Jill to continue to coordinate an educational panel discussion at BEA on behalf of WNBA. Motion carried.

Jill then reported that WNBA has been a charter member of the United Nations since 1949, with varying levels of involvement. With a new attitude generated by the UN Secretary General, the NGOs are now to be treated with more respect. The WNBA is a DPI member, with no voting rights. There are however opportunities to partner with other like and more powerful groups, particularly women’s groups. There is also the continuing opportunity to be involved in worldwide literacy organizations, such as UNICEF. The group present agreed that Jill should attempt alliances with organizations whose objects most fit those of WNBA: literacy, literary, women’s rights, and women in business, for example.

Jill asked where the group thought she should concentrate geographically, Asia or perhaps Global South. E-mail comments from members would be appreciated.

Eileen Hanning reported on her assignment as liaison with the Reading Promotion Partners at the Library of Congress Center for the Book. There are various State Centers for the Book, which archive writers and books and promote reading. Eileen will compile a list of states that have Centers for the Book and send to the various chapters.

The Reading Promotion Partners, which are groups that work to promote literacy, include WNBA, RIF, Department of Education, American Poetry Society, Pizza Hut and PBS, to name but a few. John Cole, who is at the Center for the Book, is a WNBA Washington DC member and is working with the chapter on a literary map. The Center for the Book has a website; WNBA is listed and its website is linked.

Donna Paz reported on the Pannell Award, which was instituted as an award to an organization that brings children and books together. WNBA has traditionally chosen to present this award to bookstores. One children’s bookstore is selected and one general bookstore, each of which has done outstanding promotion to children. Last year, the process was changed to a call for nominations rather than a call for submission. Each nominated bookseller was notified and asked to submit documentation. This change resulted in many more nominations than received in previous years. An additional person was added to the committee, which resulted in some confusion over assignment of duties. Donna has drafted a list of procedures for the committee to assist with streamlining the process. The Award has become a regular occurrence at BEA. Since the award engenders publicity for WNBA, more brochures will be needed to continue distribution at BEA.

The description of the Pannell Award engendered a comment that all incoming chapter presidents need a packet that covers WNBA historical information about the organization, such as the 75 books by Women whose words have changed the world; Eighty books for 21 century girls, winners of the Pannell award, and winners of the WNBA award.

Archives: All archival materials have been sent to Columbia University, which worked fine until the library school closed. The materials are now being placed in boxes; not catalogued and not accessible to members or others.

The motion was made by Margaret Auer, seconded by Jill Tardiff that Bill Raggio be paid $125 per day for up to 2 days work to assess the WNBA materials held in boxes at Columbia and the feasibility of organizing them. Motion carried. Sandy Paul will report back with the results of Bill’s observations.

Procedures Manual: Diane Ullius will pull the various pieces together to update the Procedures Manual. She will ask each officer and committee chairperson to revise her portion of the documentation.

I Universe: Terri Boekhoff explained more about the concept of the online community. Margaret Auer expressed the need to see if there are other similar options available. She will provide the resources to study other options and will report within thirty days to the Executive Committee.

The motion was made by Margaret Auer, seconded by Grace Houghton to maintain a maximum of a two fold (11”x14”) Bookwoman for the 2000-2001 year with the first issue content to discuss the future communication mechanics within WNBA, to be sent to all the members. The remaining issues are to be available in two forms: electronic and paper. Motion carried, with 3 abstentions. Chapters may submit for reimbursement costs for additional postage if they are requested to mail a future issue.

Discussion was continued on a communications timeline:

• Bookwoman is to be scaled back

• Margaret Auer is to check out alternatives to iUniverse, within 30 days

• Then, the Executive Committee has 5 days to look at other options and decide

• Then, the Recommendations of Executive Committee go the National Board to vote within 5 days

Meanwhile, a Communications Taskforce would

• Look for L, the community leader

• Assess present communication vehicles, including national publicity, brochures, websites and The Bookwoman; the goal is to analyze, recommend and plan for implementing new vehicles within 60 days.

• Sandy Paul and Donna Paz will gather historical information within 40 days

• The task force will present recommendations to the Executive Committee for approval within 60 days.

• The Executive Committee will disseminate information to the National Board. Members who are willing to work as the Communications Taskforce are: Nancy Stewart, Donna Paz, Terri Boekhoff, Eileen Hanning, Jill Tardiff, Grace Houghton, and Pam Lange.

• The starting date would be June 19, 2000; ending date August 19, 2000

The motion was made by Terri Boekhoff, seconded by Diane Ullius that the National Board authorize the President to appoint a Communications Task Force to bring a communication plan back to the National Board for action by August 21, 2000. Motion carried.

The motion was made by Margaret Auer, seconded by Eileen Hanning that the Chapter Incentive Program for sustaining members be continued for the 2000-2001 year. Motion carried.

The motion was made by Terri Boekhoff, seconded by Diane Ullius that the National Board authorize the President to appoint a task force to explore and evaluate all financial options for WNBA. The task force would be charged with making specific recommendations to the Executive Committee throughout the year and to the National Board. Motion carried.

Nancy Stewart, Sandy Paul, Margaret Auer, Diane Ullius and Pat Klemans volunteered to serve on the Financial Task Force.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 Noon.

Notes taken by Lois VanStipdonk, National Secretary