WLRCA 2017 Compulsory – Write Up

  1. Enter in Pairs at 1 horse space and 1 horse lateral space.
  2. 1,2 45 degree turn out heart back down 5,6follow. 3,4 roll out to create 10meter circle around center line.7,8follow at 1 horse space.
  3. Passing columns (Suicide Pairs) 1,25,6inside at 1 horse space.
  4. Dos Equis 3&1,4&2ride down rails 45 degree turn to cross on quarter lines at center. 3 & 4Cross first. 1 horse space.
  5. Pairs form at 12o’clock and 6 o’clock on center line at 1 horse space.
  6. Split left and right on short wall at 1 horse space.
  7. Suicide charge (Calvalry Charge) by pairs from 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock. Left to Left.
  8. Turn to 4 obliques, nose to hip riding toward 12o’clock2,6,4,81,5,3,7.
  9. 8, 7 Pivot obliques around creating one horse lateral (not tight lateral) Company Front moving from 12 o’clock to 6 o’clock. Riders fan off and reverse to Equitation Figure 8.
  10. Equitation 8 led by 7. 2 horse space in the circles ½ horse space when in center.
  11. 7leads out to 6o’clock sweep to the right. Horses should fall nose to knee.
  12. Sweep. Nose to Knee.
  13. 2 rolls to form circle Right. Riders follow at 1 horse space, continue in sweep until it’s time to join the circle.
  14. Circle right at 1 horse space. Circle closes when #2 reaches 9 o’clock. Circle one rev until #6 reaches 12 o’clock.
  15. #6 begins peel the apple at 12 o’clock.
  16. Immediately after peel the apple, and when #6 reaches 9 o’clock, reverse circle to pinwheel 6&8 should pivot into pinwheel 1 1/4 Rotations.
  17. As 6 is in line with 12o’clock and 8 is in line with 6o’clock, riders trot out 90 degree on quarter line. Right turn into right to right suicide.
  18. Right to Right suicide. When riders cross center line, pick up lope.
  19. Split left and right at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock
  20. Turn to pairs at corners on short wallat 2 horse lateral space.
  21. As 2&3 approach turn to pairs 7&8 left to left pass by behindand turn to chevron. As 1&4 approach turn to pairs 5&6 pass left to left and turn to chevron.
  22. Chevrons Suicide. 5 foot lateral nose to hip.
  23. Roll off for boxes 2 horse space 5,6,7,8 box first and turn to circle left.
  24. 1,4,3,2box second and pair up 5,18,47,36,2circle by pairs 1-1/2 revolutions. 1 and 5 should form at 12 o’clock.
  25. Pairs lead out by 3,71,5. Next pairs follow at 3 horse space.Inner rider pushes ahead (posse turn) in the turn and swap sides Across diagonal for weave.
  26. Weave right first by pairs.
  27. Weave – 3 horse space.
  28. Split left and right in corners. Tighten up to 1 horse space.
  29. 90 turn on each wall for death cross 5,8 from 9o’clock4,1from 12o’clock7,6 from 3o’clock3,2 from 6o’clock.
  30. Death cross 7,6 & 5,8 Left to left column ride by ½ Horse space.
  31. Immediately after 4,1 & 2,3 fall in line behind single file. 57 turn right to circles at 1 horse space on the diagonal.7,6,4,1 and 5,8,2,3 each in their own circle.Offset circles above and to the left of center and below and to the right of center. Each circle should be formed to touch but not cross the center lines.
  32. 7 & 5 Lead straight column ride by, left to left at 1 horse. ½ horse lateral space.
  33. Both columns turn toward 3o’clock. Turn into diagonal for single file thread at 1 horse space. 5’s line goes first.
  34. Columns across 6 and 12 walls 1 horse space.
  35. 90 degree turn toward center abreast.
  36. Suicide left to left @ center. Suicide Wheel 1 ¼ Rotations.
  37. 5,8,6,7 ride toward 9 o’clock wall stopping with riders on quarter line. 3&2 roll left, 4&1 roll right, and ride to opposite quarter line individual 180 degree turn and fall in line abreast with stopped riders. 1 horse lateral in standing front.
  38. Salute on ¼ line at 1 horse lateral space.
  39. Turn right loping into ½ horse space.
  40. Pairs down center at 1 ½ horse space.
  41. Individual turns right and left away from pairs and toward 12 o’clock. Pass left to left and turn back down toward 6 o’clock
  42. Exit in tight pairs at 1 ½ horse space.