With the words, God of our light, God of our darkness, you are invited to respond Hear our prayer.

As people given grace, love, and joy beyond measure, we pray for our church, for those in need, and for all of creation.

a brief silence

Sovereign God, you have placed veins of sapphires in the earth and sweetness into the fruit of trees. Enable us to instill blessing into the world, especially together with our partner Anglican Church of Canada, Bishop Logan, Bishop Greg and the congregations of our synod. We pray especially today for Good Shepherd in Coquitlam and Pastor Erik Krushel and King of Life in Coquitlam and Pastor Kathy Martin.

God of our light, God of our darkness

Hear our prayer.

Pull our attention away from the petty distractions of consumerism, jealousy, and discontent. Remind us daily of the good in our lives--safety, peace, friendship, community and more. Let us write gratitude in our minds until there is no room for dissatisfaction.

God of our light, God of our darkness

Hear our prayer.

Inspire us to conserve the bounty of creation and seek to share it with a hungry world. Bless the growing gardens and crops with rain and sun in good measure, that the harvest will feed people with nutritious, tasty food.

God of our light, God of our darkness

Hear our prayer.

Free us from the shame that can paralyze us and keep us from living as people preserved in the newness of life you offer. Make our leaders take the high road, challenging us and our society to be a beacon of security and sanity in a broken world.

God of our light, God of our darkness

Hear our prayer.

Make us people who are conspicuous for their love, patience, compassion and generosity. May we use our spiritual gifts to tend to those who are sick in body, heart, mind, or spirit. We pray especially for those we name aloud or in the depths of our being. Bless those who have requested your care and strength (name those on the prayer list)

God of our light, God of our darkness

Hear our prayer.

Let us find blessing in our weaknesses and fears that we may learn from them strength and the will to carry on. Help us to sit with pain, ours and that of others, and learn to let go of fear.

God of our light, God of our darkness

Hear our prayer.

Inspire our congregation to live boldly and passionately. Let us find ways to make a positive mark on our communities through programs, use of our space, and our individual witness to the faith that calls us out of isolation and into relationship.

God of our light, God of our darkness

Hear our prayer.

We lift our prayers to you, letting them rise on the incense of faith, trusting your promise to hear and to answer.
