With the wisdom of Nonviolent Communication, Contact Improvisation and Nature

Through many painful experiences in our past we have learned to lock vulnerable and precious parts of our beings in deep and safe places - as it was too dangerous to show them. It seemed like our authenticity was threatening our needs for belonging, for being loved, received and cared for, and we had to sacrifice parts of ourselves in order to protect our tender young beings. We have learned how to manage with these parts suppressed, but in this way we have often lost contact with our pains, fears, longings, hopes, power and inspirations... different parts of our liveliness.

These unintegrated parts are still within us, sometimes calling to us as dreams and deep longings, sometimes showing up as an addiction or a pattern we are unable to change, even when it is causing much pain. It seems like the parts of us which are held imprisoned by ideas of how we should or shouldn’t be, tend to keep bugging us - especially when we grow strong enough to meet them anew and step into a wider spectrum of our being. They are calling to be recognised, embraced and transformed, so that our being can again be whole and engage in this experience of life fully.

In this retreat we will be exploring together how to meet ourselves, each other and life in sheer openness, presence, and intimacy

We will explore it through:

  • Diving into our core beliefs, patterns of thinking and behaving that separate us from life and meeting them in a compassionate and healing way
  • Explore meeting ourselves and each other with radical honesty, in the field beyond ideas of rightdoing and wrongdoing
  • Use our body and movement to explore the magic areas outside the comfort zones and well-known selves, and let Life flow through us again
  • Explore the fullness of our engagement with life, with our pre-socialized authenticity
  • Learn to, step by step, show up with parts that were hidden and suppressed, and find the strength in fierce vulnerability.
  • Connect with Nature for support in revitalizing our hearts


Robert Kržišnik (Slovenia, EU)

From early teenager years I have been inquiring into the questions of meaning of life, the nature of existence and the ways of meeting each other in our innocence, at the heart level. The journey led me through studying Psychology, working as a psychotherapist for 12 years, and working as a trainer, facilitator for 30 years, covering areas from spiritual retreats to business trainings.

Within the context of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) I am most passionate about conflict mediation as well as its spiritual and embodied dimensions. Besides NVC, most important explorations on my journey have so far been Soto Zen, Enlightenment Intensives, Art of Hosting, Bohmian Dialogue, Contact Improvisation...

I am a certified trainer with CNVC, have been regularly serving as a trainer on 9-day International Intensive Trainings and 9-day European Intensive Courses, and have shared NVC in 25 countries in Europe, US, The Middle East, Asia, Australia…

Noa Ilay Shilo (Israel)

For most of my adult life my exploration has been guided by the following questions: What does it mean to live life fully? How to find the balance between authenticity and care in each moment? What brings most aliveness to individuals, to the connection among us and with the flow of life?

My formal educational background is in biology, but the thirst for exploring life had led me to focus on human connections through various teachings. The main ones are Kabbalah, Sufism, Shamanism, supporting Personal Evolution Processes, Dialogic-education, group facilitation and in the recent years - mainly through Nonviolent Communication.

From early childhood I have felt most free when dancing and still see movement as a direct form of self-expression, again and again I find how my body knows ways to bypass limiting patterns and open to a deeper connection with the flow of life.