Curriculum Skill: Begin to develop kicking skills
GLD Level: Moderate
Curricular Area:P.E.
Curricular Strand:Games / Attained / Extended
Acquiring / Becoming Fluent / Maintenance / Generalisation / Application / Adaptation
Observe the teacher and others kicking a ball around the room and show interest in the action of kicking:
  • with support, move his/her leg in a kicking action in sitting/ lying/standing position, make contact with a ball (light, large, coloured)

With decreasing help, make contact with a stationary ball at foot level, begin to imitate kicking action
Use a ball with sensory feedback in texture, sound and sight to participate in kicking games with peers:
  • attempt to kick a stationary ball on the ground or attached to a string, with appropriate support try to kick a ball to a partner and at a target, try to kick a ball to a partner or at a target

Participate in kicking activities with peers:
  • take turns kicking the ball at a large target (boundary created to control the direction of the ball)

Indicate awareness of others in the group:
  • with some prompting stayin line to take turns to play kicking games

Copy, repeat and explore simple kicking skills with basic control and co-ordination
Attempt to dribble the ball with his/ her foot:
  • within defined boundaries that prevent the ball rolling away dribble the ball with his/her foot toa target zone

Develop further and practise kicking skills:
  • kicking a ball to a partner along the ground using the inside and the instep of the foot
  • controlling the ball with the foot by trapping or stopping itkicking a ball to a partner or at a target along the ground using the inside, instep and outside of the footdribbling a ball with the foot and trapping or stopping it

Participate in kicking activities with others in the group:
  • stay in line and wait to take a turn while cheeringon the person taking his/her turn, kick the ball to a target and return to the line for another chance

Attempt to dribble the ball with his/her feet while moving it around a defined area
Attempt to dribble the ball with one foot around a simple arrangement of cones
Further develop and extend kicking skills:
  • kicking a round or oval ball from the hands
  • controlling a ball with the inside and instep of the foot
  • picking up a stationary or moving ball into the hands, using the foot
  • dribbling a ball around obstacles
  • passing and shooting the ball at a target
  • kicking a ball on the ground or through the air and moving into position to receive a pass
  • kicking a ball through the air over a short distance to reach a partner (a kick pass)
  • walking or jogging with a ball
  • taking a penalty kick
  • dribbling and changing the pathway taken by turning or twisting

The Curriculum Access Tool for Students with General Learning Disability (CAT-GLD) is a framework developed by the Special Education Support Service based on the Guidelines for Teachers of Students with General Learning Disabilities produced by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.