Witchcraft must Die By Babatope Babalobi


Exodus 22:18: "Do not allow a sorceress to live.

Leviticus 20:27:A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.

Micah 5:12:I will destroy your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells.

The power of witchcraft is one of the commonness, stubbornness and most wicked spirits unleashed upon the world, particularly in Africa by the Devil. It was one of the spirits used by Satan to torment nations, families, households, churches, Business, and destinies. Witchcraft is sourced from Satan. It is potent in killing visions, destroying destinies, manipulating careers, caging stars of men, and stagnating glories. It is the objective of the Satan to have a witchcraft agent in every household. The tragedy is that most of our loved ones have been initiated into witchcraft without our knowledge. They become the agents that Satan uses to attack us. Most business failures, accidents, bareness, academic failures and disappointments at the edge of breakthroughs are caused by witchcraft powers. Most patients in the Hospitals are victims of witchcraft. Most premature deaths in the mortuary or graveyards are the handiwork of witchcraft. The economic downturn of most countries not withstanding, most joblessness is as a result of a witchcraft arrows. If anybody should be jobless, why should it be you? Most people are unknowingly under the influence of witchcraft. The Powers of witchcraft like all other satanic powers are stubborn, unrelenting spirit, and torment ignorant people throughout their lifetime unto the grave.

Witchcraft powers can fire the arrow of anger, causing you to be provoked to your peril and forget the Holy Spirit. Witchcraft powers may fire an arrow of disfavour against you, resulting in lack of helpers to carry your vision. Witchcraft powers may release an evil odour on you, causing all men to distant themselves from you. Witchcraft powers may fire an arrow of death against you resulting in sudden life threatening occurrences or incurable diseases that may terminate your life. Witchcraft powers do cage destinies, and nail the glories of many to evil trees. Witchcraft powers place satanic embargoes or curses on several curriculum vitaes and applications. Witchcraft powers are wasters and emptiers, destroying the destiny of persons, towns, and nations through various manipulations.

God appointed Moses, but witchcraft powers fired an arrow of anger against him that caused him to incur the wrath of God. Despite leading Isralites for over 40 years through deserts and wilderness, he died at the edge of the Promised Land; he saw it afar but another man had to take his position. God anointed Samson with unnatural powers, but witchcraft powers fired an arrow of lust against him, he was ensnared by a Delilah, captured by his enemies, had his eyes plucked off, and he that was a destroyer of his enemies, had to pray to die with his enemies. Before you read further, pray like this: I refused to die with my enemies in Jesus name.

Satan can use the power of witchcraft to cause all passengers in an aircraft to die, all inhabitants of a town to perish in an earthquake, or a whole factory to be burnt down by a mysterious fire outbreak, in order to destroy the destiny of a human being. Herod killed thousands of children just because he was targeting Jesus Christ. This shows how witchcraft powers can be so hardhearted, merciless and wicked.

Witchcraft powers are not to be toyed with; its agents are in every household, every community, every business, every association and also thrive inmost prayerless Churches. Christians must realize the need for the power of witchcraft to die. The Word of God and unrelenting violent prayers will deliver you from the powers of witchcraft. If you are not ready to confront and overcome witchcraft it will torment your household into the grave. Witchcraft must die in your life before you can move forward. That Household witchcraft attacking your life must die before you can move forward. The power of witchcraft over your businesses must die before you can move forward. The power of witchcraft over your marriage must die before you can have the fruit of the womb and have marital bliss.

Do not be confused, I am not talking of physical death of witches and wizards, rather the paralysis and death of witchcraft powers over your life. However, if any witch or wizard needs to physically die to enable you fulfill your destiny, this is a welcomed development. Herod had to die before Jesus could remain alive to fulfill his destiny.Mathew 2:19-20:After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, "Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child's life are dead."

So why are you reluctant to pray for the death of your Herods? Is either they die or you die? You either overcome them or they overcome you. Stop negotiating and compromising with the devil, and decree the spiritual death and physical annihilation of your Herods. You must learn how to challenge your enemies spiritually and physically too. When Satan and one third of the angels of God rebelled, God did not treat the rebellion with kid gloves, he sent his arch angel to lead a battalion of angels to quell the rebellion. The Bible records that Satan and his angels were ‘hurled out’ of their place in heaven, banished unto the earth, and awaiting everlasting punishment in Hell. See Revelations 12:7 –9. When former President Sadam Hussein of Iraq stepped on American interests, President George Bush rallied allied forces to pursue him into submission, until he was caught in a hole like a rat.

The unfortunate thing is that most Christians ignore the power of witchcraft to their peril. The tragedy of most Christians and Christian leaders is that they do not know that life is a battle between the powers of light and darkness. They do not know that they are Soldiers belonging to an army of God. Most Christians do not know that God himself is a warrior and a man of battle. There is the reason behind the misfortune that befell most Christians, members of the clergy, and even the church of Christ. You can only be immuned from behind attack by the power of witchcraft, if you launch pre-emptive attacks on witchcraft to paralyse its activities in your life.

Mathew 11:12: From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. (NIV)

However, if you think that you are immuned from witchcraft attack, simply because you are a born again Christian who regularly attends Church services and pays the offerings and tithes, you really need deliverance from spiritual ignorance.. Jesus was divinely born, yet he was not immuned from satanic attack. In fact, when his life was at risk he had to be taken out of the land of Judea by his parents, in the middle of the night. See Mathew 2:13-22

In the book of Exodus, we see that God commanded that a Witch must be allowed to live. In Samuel 28, we see that the witch of Endor was afraid of being killed because of the law of King Saul that commanded the elimination of all witches in the land. And in 2 King 9:30-37, we saw how Jezebel was thrown down from the rooftop, and her head was smashed unto death as a punishment for her many witchcrafts and sorceries. In Exodus 14, Pharaoh and his subjects- the horseman and the riders- had to perish in the Red Sea before the Israelites can safely and finally go to the Promised Land. In Mathew 2:19, we see that King Herod and those who want Jesus Christ had to die, before Jesus could live in safety and return to the land of Israel, and later Galilee.

The Church is too cold, that is why the power of witchcraft thrives in most congregations; Christian’s homes are too gentle, that is why unexplainable unfortunate occurrences occur to them. The only language Satan understands is hot, violent, and continuous prayer bombardments. Jesus had won the battle over Satan, and has given you power to also win the same battle. All that is required of you is to claim your victories in prayers and faith, you cannot afford to be a Gentleman and Lady in the army of God. You cannot afford to watch your destiny being emptied and your glory being wasted. You must rise up today in prayers, and put witchcraft powers where it belongs in the grave. If you want the power of witchcraft tormenting you to die today, pray aggressively like this:

  1. Witchcraft power attacking my life, die in Jesus name
  2. Household witchcraft destroying my destiny die in Jesus name
  3. Anti progress spirit, plotting my downfall, I bury you today.
  4. Every power of Witchcraft in the air, tormenting my life, I pull you down in Jesus name.
  5. Every witchcraft activity against my life at night, back fire in Jesus name
  6. Every animal demonized by witchcraft powers to attack my life, I strangle you to death
  7. I withdrawn my name from witchcraft register.
  8. Witchcraft agenda for my destiny, be destroyed in Jesus name
  9. I released myself from witchcraft cage in Jesus name
  10. Witchcraft pot cooking my destiny be smashed into pieces.
  11. Every foundation of witchcraft in my life, be repaired by the blood of Jesus
  12. Arrow of witchcraft fired against me, out of my body, business, ministry in Jesus name
  13. Power of Witchcraft in my House, be paralyzed by the Blood of Jesus.
  14. Witchcraft meeting convened for my sake, scatter in Jesus name
  15. Programe of witchcraft for my life, I tear you into pieces in Jesus name