Wise County Youth Fair Inc

Wise County Youth Fair Inc

Wise County Youth Fair Inc.


November 20, 2017

President Fletcher called the meeting to order. Ken Murray led the board in prayer. Those board members present were: Tim Fletcher, Frankie Claborn, Robin Meadows, Mills Shallene (for Colby Shawn), Leslie Vann, Danny Hodges, Ken Murray, Brad Holley, Ron Womack and Brian Moore.

The minutes were presented. Danny Hodges motioned to accept the minutes as presented. Ken Murray seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The financial report was given for approval. Ron Womack motioned to accept the financial report at presented. Frankie Claborn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Ken Murray motioned to do the 2016 ShoWorks upgrade at a cost of $999. Brian Moore seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The board discussed the concession stand. President Fletcher had spoken with Chet Niblett about running it. The board would need to help. Adults need to be available to help with cooking and running the inside. The board also discussed the possibility of using a food truck.

Ron Womack motioned to use Raymond’s BBQ again at a cost of 7.50 per plate for the meal before the 2018 WCYF Auction. Ken Murray seconded. Motion carried.

Robin Meadows, Brad Holley and Danny Schertz were appointed to serve as the Award Committee. Leslie Vann motioned that the awards committee be given the authority to make the decisions on the awards. Frankie Claborn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Brian Moore motioned, Frankie Claborn seconded the motion to approve the budget for the Pet Show-$200, Queen Contest- $500, Tables-$10 each, Hostess committee-$300. Motion carried.

Ken Murray motioned to accept the bid of $2,283.75 for liability insurance and 866.26 for D&O insurance. Leslie Vann seconded the motion. Motion carried.

President Fletcher said the Hostess committee will remain the same with new Boyd representatives being added. Ken Murray suggested Michelle & Jake Tackett.

President Fletcher appointed Liz Hubbard, Robin Meadows, Colby Shawn and Cody Lowrance to the Sale committee.

President Fletcher told the board that we once again will be using the same website. It has been updated with the new rule changes and dates.

The board discussed asking Russell’s and NRS to bring a tack trailer to the youth fair. Tim was going to check on this.

Brian Moore said he would still like to have the Celebrity Showmanship after the hog show. He ask for help finding participants.

Ken Murray updated the board about the parade. He will be meeting with the Decatur City Council on December 11 to get approval.

The next meeting will be January 8, 2018.


Tim Fletcher, President


Danny Schertz, Vice President


Liz Hubbard, Secretary