Wirral Local Offer Steering Group
Minutes of Meeting held on 15th July2014
Wallasey Town Hall 1.00 to 3.00pm
Chair: Peter Davies
Minutes: PD
Present: Peter Davies, Louise Reecejones, Kirsteen Sheppard, Debbie Marchant, Shirley Callahan, Tamsin Coates, Josh Humphries,
1 Apologies Lynn Loughran, Katy Coxhead,Julie Hudson, Karen Ellis, Carolyn Duncan, Elaine Idris, Julie Hudson, Pauline Severs
2. minutes last meeting 1-07-2014 passed.
Items discussed or for follow up:
Discussion of feedback system and how this relates to commissioning information. This is a big piece and will be a focus in the Autumn
Also head teachers have debated ‘School Offer’ button on their web site but prefer ‘School Information Report’. LR took suggestion and will share with parents through the Family Forum.
Information has been put on the council web page about the SEND reforms. Comments from parents that this was not co-produced.
3. IT Platform. Community Action Wirral update. Discussion of wire frame. More cost to make major changes in future so need to get as much right as possible now.
Comments on;
Charity/Voluntary section needs to be clear
Links to other useful sites can be built up over next few months
KS has contacted council marketing team for advice
Content on the 1st September is dependent on authors.
Letter gone out to managers 30 June 2014 asking for content. If none provided then LO web site will use ‘old’ information from council website.
Terms and Conditions to be finalised by KS and Brabners Solicitors and shared with Council solicitors. Action KS and PD.
4. Information/guidance. Family Forum to develop information leaflet. KS offered to assist.
5. Headteacher update
Headteachers want to know what information has been given to SENCos as they do not feel in loop as to what is going on with the SEND reforms. An information event would be useful. Family Forum and School Forum to liaise and agree name for School Offer button.
Schools comment on services being eroded/ need better Health and Social Care involvement.
6. Any other business
LR There should be a presentation on the Reforms given to Council members. LR to take up with SEND Overview Group on 30th July.
TC some concerns that developments agreed at the Steering Group will be overruled by Service Managers. LR will raise at SEND Reforms Overview Group.
7. Date and time of next meeting.
Monday 29th September, 1 – 3pm – Orrets Meadow School