Winterslow Parish Council
Clerk Jane Tier, 40 Firs Road, Firsdown, Salisbury, SP5 1SL
Minutes of the Winterslow Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 5th September 2016 at 19.30 hrs at Winterslow Village Hall.
Present: – Cllrs Mike Taylor, Ivan Moody, Angela Sillence,Mick Brown, David Newton, Pam Robinson, Richard Sheppard, Tim Hoskins, Simon Port and Jane Tier (Parish Clerk);
Members of the Public
John Fry
Rob Hewlett
Robbie & Trish Williams
Mike Morgan-Jones
Public Question Time
Mike Morgan-Jones made a request to the PC to fund a new computer for the Tuesday computer training sessions as the old laptop is unrepairable.
The PC were provisionally in agreement to fund the new laptop.
Rob Hewlett reported he has experienced inconsistencies in his recent dealings with the WC Planning department.
Cllr Taylor reported the PC would not be able to comment on or investigate any inconsistencies as it was not part of their remit.
Cllr Brown commented on the strength of the NP with regard to the WC planning department and how they have used the document in progressing planning applications.
Robbie Williams describedthe planningapplication 16/07283/FULLto be discussed later in the meeting.
Robbie made a request to the PC for their continued support of his application and asked if the PCwould submit a letter supporting the application to WC planning department.
WC Cllr Devine was absent.
/ To receive apologies
Cllrs Beagle & Fletcher
/ Declarations of interest
Cllrs Hoskins, Sheppard and Moody with regard to the planning applications
/ To consider any urgent business raised by the public in public discussion, and any other urgent matters or items of information from councillors, or for referral to the appropriate working party.
/ Approve and sign minutes of 1ST August Monthly meeting
Cllr Brown proposed acceptance of the minutes, seconded Cllr Robinson, Cllrs Hoskins & Port abstained, all remaining Cllrs in favour.
/ Discuss and vote on Planning Applications;
16/07283/FULL; Erection of 2 new dwellings; Kingscroft Farm, Weston Lane, West Winterslow, Salisbury, SP5 1RL
Cllr Newton proposed that the PC support the application as the PC were the qualifying body for the NP and the sites relate to NP sites 6 & 8, seconded Cllr Newton, Cllr Sheppard abstained, all remaining Cllrs in favour.
Cllr Taylor proposed that the PC write a letter to WC in support of the application, seconded Cllr Sillence, all in favour. Cllr Brown will draft the letter.
Cllr Newton proposed to request a call-in for the application, seconded Cllr Robinson, all in favour.
16/07489/FULL; Demolition of single storey annexe & Lean – to – extension, and erection of new dwelling; Applewood Cottage, Witt Road, Winterslow, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 1PL
Cllr Brown proposed that the PC object to the application;
- Not in character with the other properties in the area
- Overdevelopment
- Unreasonable impact on neighbouring properties
- Restricted access for parking
- Safety issues for vehicles manoeuvring on the road
Cllr Port seconded the vote, Cllrs Moody & Hoskins abstained, all remaining Cllrs in favour.
16/07884/FULL; Construction of Detached Outbuilding for Ancillary Use to Principal Dwelling; Land at Court Lane House, Tytherley Road, Winterslow, Salisbury, SP5 1PZ
Cllrs Taylor proposed no objections, seconded Cllr Newton, Cllrs Moody, Hoskins and Sheppard abstained, all remaining Cllrs in favour.
/ Planning Applications Update;
16/04668/FULL; Land at Livery Road Salisbury,Wilts, SP5 1RJ: Planning Committee – update from Cllr Brown
New dwelling and alteration to existing access and parking
WC Approve
16/05343/FULL; Erect replacement of a Woolaway bungalow
Cotswold Farm, West Dean Road, West Tytherley, SP5 1QA
WC Approve with conditions
16/05263/FULL, Erection of single 3 bed dwelling with garage
Yew Tree Cottage, The Livery, West Winterslow, Salisbury, Wilts, SP5 1RH
WC Response - It is considered that the proposal is contrary to the Plan-led approach for housing intended to be delivered through the Neighbourhood Planningand Site Allocation processes
/ Discuss and vote on Draft Policy / Procedure documents
Cllr Brown proposed that the PC accept the Negotiate in Planning Policy, seconded Cllr Hoskins, all in favour
/ Discuss and Vote on Street naming for ‘Fralex’ site; Proposal – ‘KEEL CLOSE’
Cllr Taylor proposed that the PC support the street name for the Fralex site, seconded Cllr Brown, all in favour.
/ Community Projects - Update
Councillors to report on discussions with village organisations.
There were no updates on Community Projects.
/ Traffic and CAT- G projects
Change of speed limit at Weston Lane
Cllr Robinson proposed that the PC support the CAT-G project for change of speed limit at Weston Lane, seconded Cllr Port, all in favour
Road narrowing sign at Livery Road
Clerk to contact Julie Wharton regarding road narrowing signs
Speed Indicator Device
Cllr Sheppard reported there was a problem with the indicator device when it was first installed but it is working now.
Potential Speedwatch Scheme at Livery Road
Cllr Robinson reported she has contacted Dave Evans with regard to the Speedwatch scheme and has sent him the details of the police contact
/ Village Map–
No update. Cllr Fletcher was absent
/ Footpaths–
Cllr Robinsonreported the next footpath meeting has been moved to October
Cllr Moody has cleared footpath no.82
/ Finance-– To resolve, confirm and authorise Septemberschedule of accounts and to receive monthly report from Clerk.
Cllr Newton proposed acceptance of the monthly cheques and financial report, seconded Cllr Port, all in favour
To Discuss and vote on £200 contribution towards the Health & Well-being Project (Cllr Brown)
Cllr Taylor proposed to set aside £200 towards future projects for the H & W project, seconded Cllr Port, all in favour
To Discuss and vote on £300 contribution towards storage for Winterslow Brownies (Cllr Taylor)
Cllr Taylor proposed to support the request from the Brownies, seconded Cllr Robinson, all in favour
/ Car Parking – To discuss the issue of cars parking on the Triangle (Cllr Robinson)
Cllr Brown proposed to purchase signs to be placed on the Triangle to request people not to park on the grass, seconded Cllr Robinson, all in favour
/ Recreation
Cllr Hoskins & Cllr Moody have nearly completed replacing the wooden boards on the skate park at the Recreation Ground with steel sheets.
Cllr Taylor thanked Cllrs Hoskins and Moody for their continued hard work on this project.
Discuss and vote on replacement for rocking horse at Longcroft
Cllr Hoskins proposed to accept the quote for the new Rocker for Longcroft, seconded Cllr Port, all in favour
Discuss and vote on quote from D.Campbell-Smith regarding work in the village
Cllr Port proposed to accept the quote from D.Campbell-Smith, Cllr Robinson, seconded, Cllr Hoskins abstained, all remaining Cllrs in favour.
/ Highways and Rights of Way
Parish Steward Scheme initial priority list –
Cllr Newton reported he has not heard further from WC with regard to the Parish Steward scheme which is due to begin in October.
Update from the Clerk on other Highway issues and drainage work at Witt Road.
The Clerk reported the VAC machine is due back in the village in October.
On the previous visit by WC the VAC machine could not access the drain due to a parked car
Discuss and vote on the removal of the bin at the Village Hall
Clerk to refer to Clive Broadley
/ Barry’s Field, Flyers delivery and Open Day –
Cllr Brown thanked the Cllrs for delivering the leaflets and reported the Open day will be on 10th September.
Meeting closed at 9.05pm
Meeting re-opened at 9.08pm
/ New Web-site
The Clerk reported the web-site is up and running and is awaiting feedback from the Cllrs.
/ Area Board
Cllr Taylor reported on the meeting with Richard Britton and Tom Bray;
-Cllr Britton confirmed the target audience for the Area Board is the Parish Councils
-Cllr Britton has a remit from WC for presenting certain topics at the AB meetings
-Parish Councils can request items to be placed on the AB agendas
-If there are persistent issues which exist, they can be reported to either Richard or Tom for escalation
/ Correspondence –
Grant Thornton Audit Report completed with no issues
Highway issues – email received from Mrs Jowett regarding highway issues at Dunstable crossroads and the road leading from Winterslow to the A30
Action: Clerk and Cllr Taylor to write to Mrs Jowett re the above
The Code of Conduct Complaint regarding a Parish Cllr has been closed with no action to be taken.
There is a WC meeting in Salisbury regarding the future funding challenges of Wiltshire Council and the Parish Councils – Salisbury 28th September
Cllr Taylor reported on the Queens Birthday village fair funding whereby the PC donation will be re-fenced as ‘seed’ funds for the next years event.
Celebrate Winterslow Day 2016 – will take place on 12th November. The PC will take part.
Youth Club at Barry’s Field–there is a new time-table whereby all age groups will be able to attend from 6.15- 8.00pm
Cllr Brown reported on the N.P.
-The draft N.P. has been sent to the WC Link Officer and the unofficial feedback has been of a satisfactory nature
-The NP steering group is in the process of a Settlement Boundary review and,if agreed by the SG, this will reduce the number of site allocations to from 10 to 3.
Cllr Port reported the Youth Club are in the process of installing an underground cable at Barry’s Field to enable a telephone line and Wi-Fi
/ To confirm the date of the next full council meeting
Monday 3rd October 2016
/ To close the meeting
9.50pm meeting closed
Councillors are asked to note that in the exercise of their functions, they must take note of the following: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety, and Human Rights.
Anyone who may have difficulty with access to the meeting because of disability is asked to advise the Clerk (01980 862953 or ) at least 24 hours before the meeting so that every effort may be made to provide access.