Winter sportsponsorshipby LIQUI MOLY worthmillions
The motoroiland additive manufacturerisinvesting in bobsleigh, cross-countryskiing, skijumping, alpine and Nordic World Ski Championships
October 2016 – thisis a hugepackagethat LIQUI MOLY hasputtogether. The German motoroiland additive specialistisputtingseveralmillioneurosintoadvertising at wintersportsevents. "This isthebiggestinvestmentthatwehaveevermade in thisarea", said Peter Baumann, Marketing Director at LIQUI MOLY. "Itbringsourbrandtopeoplewhoare not yetawareof it."
In thepastwinter, LIQUI MOLY was alreadyvisible at sevenworldcups. The response was exceptionally positive. "Wehad TV coveragethat was beyondourexpectations", said Peter Baumann. This successisnowtobeexceeded.
As thecompanyhassignificantlyexpandeditsinvolvementforthiswinter. Itisnowadvertising at the FIS Cross-Country World Cup, at the BMW IBSF Bobsleigh & Skeleton World Cup (includingthe BMW IBSF Bobsleigh & Skeleton World Championships in the 2016/17 and 2017/18 seasons), at the Nordic World Ski Championships and in a numberof Alpine and Ski Jumping World Cups. "This large rangeensuresthatthereissomethingforeveryviewer", said Peter Baumann. From November to March ofthecomingyear LIQUI MOLY will beconsistentlypresent. "The winter break ofourmotorsporteventsthereforenolongercarriesasmuchweight. Andwearecreatingmorepublicityfor LIQUI MOLY outside ofmotorsport."
The competitionstakeplace in Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, France, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia andRussia), North America (USA and Canada), andAsia (South Korea). Peter Baumann: "Ourinvolvement in wintersportis global. Andaroundtheworldwe will usethecompetitionsto bring peoplecloserto LIQUI MOLY."
Witharound 4,000 items, LIQUI MOLY offers a global, uniquelybroadrangeofautomotivechemicals: Motor oilsand additives, greasesandpastes, spraysand care care, gluesandsealants. Founded in 1957, LIQUI MOLY developsandproducesexclusively in Germany. Thereitistheundisputedmarketleaderfor additives andisrepeatedlyvotedthebestoilbrand. The companyledbyownerErnst Prost sellsitsproducts in morethan 120 countries andgenerated 441m euros in salesoverthepastyear.
For more information, please contact:
Peter Szarafinski
Jerg-Wieland-Str. 4
89081 Ulm-Lehr
Tel.: +49 7 31/14 20 189
Fax: +49 7 31/14 20 82