ENGLISH (Class teacher’s name : Mrs. Uma Bhatnagar)

  1. Daily reading practice from the book – Unit 1-8
  2. Learn poem from the book and one poem from outside of the book.
  3. Draw a rainbow and learn the spellings of its colours.
  4. Write action words 10, Singular and plural words 10, opposite words 10
  5. Make daily use sentences using this and that.
  6. Make 5 words with the letters of your name using a letter sticker.
  7. Daily writing practice.


  1. Make a family tree using handmade paper.
  2. Make one cutout of one each of vegetable, fruit and animal.
  3. Make one puppet of male.
  4. Learn spellings of father, mother, brother, sister and also memorise your phone no.

MATHS(Teacher’s name : Mrs Rajni Joshi)

  1. Write number names 1-50.
  2. Make shapes with coloured paper.
  3. Write and learn Tables 2 – 5.
  4. Do and practice Addition and Subtraction.
  5. Write backward counting (100-5).


Class I







  1. Practice reading from the book. Unit 1 to 8.
  2. Learn poems from the book and one poem from newspaper on the topic – “NEW YEAR”.
  3. Write 10 action words and draw pictures also. Eg: Writing.
  4. Draw a Rainbow and colour it.
  5. Do 5 pages of handwriting.


  • Learn spellings of fruits ,vegetables ,months and week name, season ,animals wild, pet , water ,our helpers.
  • Pasting work in scrap book picture of our helpers as doctor, teacher, tailor , cobbler ,washer man ,police etc .


  • Write number name 1-50
  • Make shapes with coloured paper
  • Write and learn table 2 to 5
  • Do and practice addition and subtraction minimum ten sums
  • Write backward counting 100-50


  • lkQ vkSj lqanj nl ist lqys[k fy[kksA
  • lkr foykse ’kCn fy[kksA
  • jkst fdrkc dk ,d ikB i<uk gSA
  • dksbZ 2 dfork fdrkc ls ckgj dh ;kn djks rFkk fy[kksA
  • ykyw vkSj ihyw dk iisV cukdj ykuk gSA



  1. Daily reading practice from the book – Unit 1-8
  2. Learn one poem from the book and two poems from outside the book.
  3. Make one puppet of male and female each.
  4. Search singular and plural words from the Sunday newspaper, mininmum 10.
  5. Present and past tense words from the book.
  6. Make a mask of vowel letters using flourascent paper. eg:


  • Write tables 1 to 20.
  • Number names from 101 to 150.
  • Do Addition and Subtraction (5 each)
  • Cut and paste different shapes in a scrap book.
  • Paste the Name of Days and Months from Calendar and Learn it.


1. किसी भी एक ऋतु पर कविता याद करिये |

2.विभिन्न मात्रा वाले चीज़ो के चित्र चार्ट पर चिपकाएँ |

3. किन्ही पाँच हिंसक जनवरो के चित्र स्क्रेप बुक में चिपकाएँ |

4. यातायात के किसी भी एक साधन का मॉडेल बनाइये |

5. चार्ट पर १० विलोम शब्द ,१० एकवचन - बहुवचन शब्द लिखिए |


Make any three masks of animals.

Make any one happy new year or Christmas greeting card

Collect pictures of useful animals and paste them .(any ten)

Write any 10 animals and their young ones name



Ques1) Paste picture of your grandparents and write about their likes and dislikes and what make them good grandparents.

Ques2) Ask your mother to help you make a simple recipe. Note down that recipe on your notebook. Also share your experience of working in the kitchen and making food for the first time with your friends.

Ques3) Make animal masks- Donkey, Cat, Dog and Hen.

Ques4) Paste pictures of various musical instruments on a chartpaper. Differentiate them into wind, percussion and strings.

Ques5) Learn about the use of nouns in sentences and make a list of nouns.

Ques6) Write five page- Handwriting.

विषय- हिन्दी

१. चार्ट पेपर पर सूर्योदय या सूर्यास्त का चित्र बनाइयेसूर्य से सम्बन्धित अन्य कोई कविता भी लिखिये|

२. किसी भी एक ऋतु पर कविता याद करिये |

३. अपने परिवार के साथ बिताई यात्रा के अनुभवअपनी कॉपी में


४. किन्ही पाँच हिंसक जनवरो के चित्र स्क्रेप बुक में चिपकाएँ |

५. यातायात के किसी भी एक साधन का मॉडेल बनाइये | ६.पाँच पेज सुलेख लिखिये|


1.Learn Table 2 to 15 By Heart.

2.Paste the Photocopies of Rupees 5,10,20,50,100,500 & 1000.

3.Draw 04 different types of Patterns.

4.Solve the question of Page No.102 & 103 from your Mathematics Book.


Make any three masks of animals.

Make any one happy new year or Christmas greeting card

Collect pictures of useful animals and paste them .(any ten)

Write any 10 animals and their young ones name



  1. Write any one poem on “NEW YEAR” or “WINTERS” from your magazines or old newspapers and draw pictures on an A4 sheet .
  2. Practice reading from Unit 1 to 8.
  3. Creative writing work – Write at least 5 to 6 lines on the given topics:


  1. Revise and learn all the syllabus for FA- 3.
  2. Write present tense and past tense at least 5 on an A4 sheet.


(Do in holiday homework notebook)

  1. Write and learn tables from 11 to 20.
  2. Do two multiplication sums and two subtraction daily.
  3. Do pages 148 to 152 of your text book.(Play with patterns)
  4. FA-4 Activity – Make your own patterns based on numbers and figures.


1) Either draw or paste pictures of various means of communication on a chartpaper.

2) Visit a nearby post office and collect some postal stamps and paste them on your scrapbook

3) Draw your family tree and paste it in your scrap book.

4)Water is very precious for us, still people waste water. In your own words, write at least six ways through which you can reduce the wastage of water in your house and your surrounding.

5) Keeping our country clean is the need of the hour. How will you keep your country clean? Write a slogan on “clean India”.

6) Click a picture of your house and paste that picture on your notebook. Write a short description about your house and why it is important for you.


1. सर्दी आई कविता लिखो और याद करो

2. दस जानवरों के नाम और बोलियां लिखो

3. कोई भी एक संक्षिप्त कहानी लिखो

4. च्रिस्मस से सम्बंधित कोई एक चित्र बनाओ व उसपर पञ्च वाक्य लिखो

5. मीरा बहन और बाघ पाठ से पञ्च संज्ञा और सर्वनाम लिखो



  1. Reading practice from the book – Unit 1-8
  2. Learn and write twopoems from outside the book.
  3. Read the newspaper and cut the picture with news (festival Christmas day).
  4. Make a puppet of male and female.
  5. Write one thought in English in an A4 sheet.
  6. Write one small story on the white file paper.
  7. Creative writing on pet (cow,dog), postman, teacher.
  8. Revision work for FA3.

Write 10 on each - Singular, plural/ past tense, present tense/gender/ use a , an

  1. Preparation for FA3.

Lesson Unit 7,8


Ques1) Water is very precious for us, still people waste water. In your own words, write at least six ways through which you can reduce the wastage of water in your house and your surrounding.

Ques2) Either draw or paste pictures of various means of communication on a chartpaper.

Ques3) Visit a nearby post office and collect some postal stamps and paste them on your scrapbook

Ques4) Keeping our country clean is the need of the hour. How will you keep your country clean? Write a slogan on “clean India”.

Ques5) Click a picture of your house and paste that picture on your notebook. Write a short description about your house and why it is important for you.


  • Learn table 6 to 15
  • Trace different coins
  • Do practice of 5 Additions (carry), 5 Subtractions(borrow) and 5 multiplications of two digit numbers.
  • Make two floor patterns on drawing sheets.
  • Make a balance and 2 weights of 1 Kg and 500 grams by using cardboard.


  • 1॰कोई चार मुहावरे लिखकर वाक्य प्रयोग करो।
  • 2. आसपास के पेड़ से छोटे छोटे फूल पत्ते एकत्रित करके इनको सुन्दर आकार में चिपकाकर बधाई कार्ड बनाओ।
  • 3.पाँच पेज सुलेख लिखो ।



  1. 10 page handwriting.
  2. Write 5 lines on Hiawatha and 5 lines on ‘A Cow’.
  3. Write 50 words from dictionary with meanings.
  4. Write 10 ‘ly’ words, 10 ‘ing’ words.
  5. Make sentences of 10 words from your book.
  6. Write 5 lines on Christmas.


  1. Complete the table and write the names of vegetables/fruits of your choice:

Names / Colour / Length / Weight / Price


  1. Write the name of people who help in selling vegetables?
  1. Paste any six pictures of birds which you see around and make a model of a nest.
  2. On an A4 sheet write any one slogan on “Save water” and draw pictures related to it.
  3. Revise and learn all the syllabus for FA- 3.


1॰आपने विद्यालय बाल दिवस कैसे मनाया एक अनुछेद लिखो।

2॰किन्ही पाँच कलगी वाले पक्षियों के चित्र चिपकाकर उनके नाम लिखो।

3.हुदहुद पर एक अनुछेद लिखो।

4॰पाँच पेज सुलेख लिखो।

5॰पढाये गये सभी पाठो को पढों।


  1. Make a list of round things around you.
  2. Make a colourful design using compass.
  3. Write the code for the given message:




  1. Write any 2 messages of your choice and make a code of theme.
  2. Decode the given message:
  3. Make your own number tower on an A4 sheet.
  4. Revise the syllabus for FA-3 (Ch-8 to 11)



  1. 10 page handwriting.

2.Write 5 lines on Hiawatha.

3.Write 5 lines on ‘A Cow.’

4.Write 50 words from dictionary with meanings.

5.Write 10 ‘ly’ words, 10 ‘ing’ words.

6.Make sentences of 10 words from your book.

7. Write 5 lines on Christmas.


Revise and learn all the syllables for FA-3 exams

On A-4 size sheet write any one slogan on save water and draw picture related to it.

Paste any 6 pictures of birds which you see around and make a model of nest.

Complete the table and write the names of vegetables / fruits of your choice

Name / colour / length / weight / Price

Write the name of people who help in the work of selling vegetables.


  1. Make a list of round things around you.
  2. Make a colourful design using compass.
  3. Write the code for the given message:




  1. Write any 2 messages of your choice and make a code of theme.
  2. Decode the given message:
  3. Make your own number tower on an A4 sheet.
  4. Revise the syllabus for FA-3 (Ch-8 to 11)

शीतकालीन अवकाश (HINDI)

  1. अपनी दादी या नानी को पत्र लिखकर बताओ की आपने सर्दी की छुट्टियाँ कैसे बितायी !
  2. कोई भी दस मुहावरे लिखकर वाक्य में प्रयोग करो !
  3. अपनी विद्यालय पत्रिका २०१३-१४ से वर्ग पहेली पृष्ठ १४ को कॉपी में करो १
  4. हुदहुद का चित्र स्क्रैप बुक पर बनाओ तथा उसके बारे में पञ्च पंक्तियाँ लिखो



Q1. Find out from internet 10 water animals and cut them and write:

The difference between a turtle and a tortoise.

Draw a picture of any one animal and write a short paragraph on it.

Q2. Write a short paragraph on ‘How you can be a good friend.”

Q3. Revise from Rip Non Winkle to Nobody’s friend for FA -3


1.निबन्ध लिखिये - बाघों का संरक्षण|

2.गुरु से संबंधित पाँच दोहे याद करिए ओर कॉपी मे लिखिए| की पाँच नदियों को मानचित्र पर अंकित करिए |

4.अपने प्रिय जानवर या पक्षी प्र अनुच्छेद लिखकर उषा चित्रचिपकाएँ|

5.पाँच पेज सुलेख लिखिये |

6.विभिन्न अनाजो को इकट्ठा कर स्क्रेपबुक पर चिपकाएँ |


  1. Complete the table by recording the temperature on the given dates:

CITY / 24/12/14 / 25/12/14 / 26/12/14 / 01/01/15 / 10/01/15
  1. Find out the difference between the temp. of 24/12/14 and 1/1/15 of Delhi.
  2. Which city was cooler on 25/12/14?
  3. Which was the coldest day in Dehradun on the given dates?
  4. Which was the coldest day in Delhi on the given dates?
  1. Download the map of Dehradun city, take a print out and mark the following locations over it:
  1. FRIb. IMA c. Survey of India d. Clock Tower e. Shasthradhara f. location of your house.
  1. Revise the given syllabus for FA-3.(Chapter 7 to 10)


  1. Make a model of Wind mill.
  2. Paste pictures of Gandhiji and other social reformers in a scrap book.
  3. Collect pictures of famous athletes and players and paste them in a scrap book.
  4. Map work: Point on major dams built on the rivers of India. Also locate the states.
  5. Write a report on any natural calamity.



  1. 10 pages handwriting.
  2. Write 5 lines on Topsy – Turvy Land.
  3. Write 5 lines on “How to make a salad”
  4. Write 50 words from dictionary with meanings.
  5. Write 10 ‘ly’ words, 20 ‘ing’ words and 20 ‘ed’ words.
  6. Make sentences of 20 words from book.
  7. Write 5 lines on Christmas.


  1. Complete the table by recording the temperature on the given dates:

CITY / 24/12/14 / 25/12/14 / 26/12/14 / 01/01/15 / 10/01/15
  1. Find out the difference between the temp. of 24/12/14 and 1/1/15 of Delhi.
  2. Which city was cooler on 25/12/14?
  3. Which was the coldest day in Dehradun on the given dates?
  4. Which was the coldest day in Delhi on the given dates?
  1. Download the map of Dehradun city, take a print out and mark the following locations over it:
  1. FRIb. IMA c. Survey of India d. Clock Tower e. Shasthradhara f. location of your house.
  1. Revise the given syllabus for FA-3.(Chapter 7 to 10)

विषय- हिन्दी

1.निबन्ध लिखिये - बाघों का संरक्षण|

2.समाचार पत्र में आये जानवरों से सम्बंधित समाचारों व चित्रों को काटकर स्क्रेप बुक मेंचिपकाएँ|

3.बीस विपरीत अर्थ वाले शब्द याद करके कॉपी में लिखिये |

4.अपने प्रिय जानवर या पक्षी प्र अनुच्छेद लिखकर उषा चित्रचिपकाएँ|

5.पाँच पेज सुलेख लिखिये |


  1. Do 7 question and answers of lesson 9 to 14.
  2. Prepare Bills of : Water page-58 and Clinical report page-69 – 70 and Poster of Beware on Page 71. Change in Fuel chart Page No. 118.
  3. Paste festivals of India and Important buildings of India.
  4. Paste/draw Save oil.
  5. Write T.V. Report on Bhuj. Page – 135.