The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 24th June 2009, 7.30pm in Winkleigh Community Centre

Present: Cllrs Bowers, J.Turner, Judge, Johnson, Griffiths, Gledhill, Holman & N.Turner

Apologies: Cllrs Cooper, Stutt & Hodgson

1.6.9  The minutes of the AGM held on 27th May 2009 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.

2.6.9: Reports

Police: PCSO Sandra Brown addressed Cllrs and gave an update on recent activities in the Parish. Cllrs were advised that the police will attend the Wednesday mini-mart on a fortnightly basis for the foreseeable future.

Health Centre: Cllr Gledhill reported on his attendance at the latest meeting. Cllrs were advised that the Practice claim that they have received no complaints about their services and that the community will need to make a very strong case to acquire additional provision from the practice.

Chairman: The Chairman thanked Cllr Cooper and Andrew Bullen for moving and securing the seat on the A3124 opposite the bus shelter. Cllrs were given an update on the Travellers on Winkleigh Airfield.

3.6.9  Clerks Reports

1.  Cllrs were advised of TDC’s consultation document “Gypsy & Traveller Allocation Policy”.

2.  Cllrs were advised of the details of a “Parish Planning Surgery” on 10th July 2009.

4.6.9  District Councillor reports to and from TDC

Cllr Lausen advised that TDC are investigating shared services with North & Mid Devon District Councils to try to reduce the service costs and keep the District element of the Council Tax low. TDC continue to investigate internal changes to improve efficiency.

Public Period


A) Returned from TDC

a)  1/0277/2009/FULM: Erection of an 12000 bird free range egg unit, Westfield,

Hollocombe: GRANTED

b) Notification of Appeal

a)  1/1081/2008/FUL: Removal of existing timber agricultural/storage building. Construction of new agricultural/storage building of steel frame/timber clad construction. Clapper cottage , Bondleigh. An appeal has been made against TDC’s refusal of this application: Cllr J Turner proposed that the Parish Council reaffirm their original approval – 2nd Cllr Holman: A.i.f.: MOTION CARRIED.

c) Application for Environmental Permit

for the disposal of,or recycling animal carcasses or animal waste by rendering at a plant with a treatment capacity exceeding 10 tonnes per day of animal carcasses or waste, or in aggregate, of both: Faber International ltd, Forthglade Pet Food Site, Berners Cross, Winkleigh, EX19 8DH

The Chairman stated that the Parish Councillors were invited to a site visit at Forthglade and that most had been able to attend. The Chairman then gave details of her investigations into various issues that had arisen. Cllrs were advised that planning permission is required for the permit and that TDC have stated that a decision on the permit will be deferred until the planning issues were addressed. Cllrs were advised that TDC are aware of some drainage issues as well as grey water discharge. The Chairman stated that she was concerned that there has been no detailed scoping for noise or odours and that she felt the applicants indication in the paperwork that these issues can not be addressed until the plant is operational is unfounded.

The Clerk advised Cllrs that she had been in contact with TDC and gave an update on the situation between planning & building control and the need for the applicant to have formal planning permission for the building already on site. The Clerk advised that TDC’s Environmental Protection department will be responsible for ensuring the criteria of the permit are met and would deal with any complaints should the permit be granted.

Cllr N Turner proposed that due to the nature of some of the concerns and the requirement for additional detailed information that Winkleigh Parish Council request an extension to the response deadline – 2nd Cllr J.Turner: A.i.F: MOTION CARRIED.

The Chairman had prepared a draft document listing queries and concerns that require addressing . Following discussions Cllr Holman proposed that the queries be sent to TDC Environmental Protection, Forthglade, TDC Planning, The Environment Agency and District Cllr Lausen – 2nd Cllr Gledhill : A.i.f: MOTION CARRIED.


a) Receipts and payments

The following payments had been received:

W.J Fairchild ( Burial Fees) £ 270.00 100275

It was resolved that the following payments be authorised and ratified :

Allianz Conrhill ( Annual insurance Premium) £ 1154.95 Che 1314 & 1317

Mr J Mcginley (donation /flowerboxes) £ 40.00 1315

Winkleigh Community Centre ( Hire) £ 30.00 1318

Mr G Cooper ( Materials for fixing bench) £ 15.41 1319

DAPC ( Balance of annual subs) £ 29.95 1320

DAPC ( LCR subs) £ 13.50 1321

Mrs N J Bullen ( Clerks Salary + expenses June) £ 445.82 1322

b) Cllrs were each issued with a copy of the financial reconciliation and Statement of accounts as at 1st June 2009.

7.6.9 Current business matters

a) Discussions on Clerks Reports

Formal entry into the Burial Register of the late Albert North.

b) Winkleigh Development Brief

Cllrs had all been issued with a copy of the minutes of the last Steering Group meeting. The Chairman gave an update on the groups latest draft and advised that TDC have committed to better enforcement. Cllrs were advised that the Steering Group will meet again in September to discuss in detail and agree the draft. The new draft is to be prepared and presented to the public in October.Cllrs were advised that the next meeting of the Steering Group will be 8th September and that an open meeting is scheduled for 2nd October 7.30pm in the Village Hall.


c) Winkleigh Growers

Winkleigh Growers had previously approached the PC requesting assistance with their planning application for allotments . The Parish Council were informed that the details are not confirmed yet.

d) Footpath to Winkleigh Woods

The Clerk read out a letter from Ms Sharon Jeens requesting that the Parish Council contact Mr Parker and ask for his opinions on a footpath through carrion Pit Lane through to Winkleigh Woods.

The Clerk read out a letter from Winkleigh War Memorial Recreation Field committee written in response to the PC’s letter regarding a footpath through the Playing Fields to Winkleigh Woods which raised a number of queries that would need addressed prior to any further discussions.

Cllrs J Turner & N.Turner declared an interest as an adjacent landowner with right of way over Carrion Pit Lane . They said that they were concerned about public access close to their stock, working farm practices and machinery saying that it would be very difficult to operate with uncontrolled public access through the farm. Cllrs J.Turner and N.Turner then left the meeting.

Following discussions Cllr Holman proposed that the PC write to Mr Parker requesting his opinion on the footpath and that a copy of the War Memorial Recreation Field Committee’s letter be enclosed – 2nd Cllr Griffiths: A.i.f.: MOTION CARRIED


a) Winkleigh Directory

The Chairman informed Cllrs that she had received a request to assist with funding for the next Winkleigh Directory . The Chairman agreed to make further investigations.

b) Terms & Conditions for Winkleigh Cemetery

It was agreed to complete the review of the above terms and conditions at the next meeting.

c) Notice of Diversion of Footpath No 4 Bondleigh & No 27 Winkleigh

The Clerk gave details of the above notice of diversion of footpath. Cllr J.Turner proposed that the PC Support this application – 2nd Cllr Judge: A.i.f: MOTION CARRIED.

9.6.9 Late Items at the Chairman’s discretion

The Chairman advised that some consideration needed to be given to the APM.


There were a number of magazines and circulars for Cllrs to consider.

There being no further matters to discuss the meeting was declared closed at 10pm.