Integration with

Systems Management Server 2.0

WinINSTALL 6.5 Integration with SMS 2.0


This document provides a step-by-step procedure in integrating WinINSTALL 6.5 with Systems Management Server 2.0. It also covers some basic components involved with SMS 2.0 and WinINSTALL.

Here are some terminologies involved with SMS 2.0 software distribution.

Package: The basic unit that contains the files and instructions involved with software distribution.

Program: The command that runs on client machines when a package is installed. Each package contains at least one program.

Package Source Files: Files required by the program, such as software installation files.

Distribution Points: Shares containing the package source files.

Advertisement: An advertisement contains information relating to what programs are available, which clients can receive the package, and schedules relating to the package.

Client Access Points (CAP): Connection point for SMS and client machines. After an Advertisement gets created, SMS copies it to the Client Access Points.

Package Definition File (PDF): A formatted file containing information on creating an SMS package.

There are many ways to distribute packages through SMS. Because SMS can replicate packages to many Distribution Points, the steps shown here involves distributing the packages from the Distribution Points instead of a single shared directory, which is also possible.


(To integrate WinINSTALL with SMS, a .PDF file is not required. You can manually create the SMS package and verify that the Program 'Command Line' is correct in Step 8, depending on your installation method.)
Required Files:

These are the WinINSTALL files required to integrate with SMS 2.0. The files are located under the WinINSTALL directory.

32 Bit / 16 Bit
sfttr32.dll / ctl3d.dll
sswdbd32.dll / ole2nls.dll
sswlnkfl.dll / sfttree.dll
sswlog32.dll / sswdbd16.dll
sswlogmc.dll / sswmgmt.dll
sswmgmt.dll / sswnet.dll
sswmgt32.dll / sswpmd16.dll
sswn9516.dll / sswreg.dll
sswn9532.dll / sswsqz.dll
sswnet32.dll / sswutil.dll
sswnnt32.dll / swiwcm22.dll
sswpmd32.dll / swiwcx22.dll
sswreg32.dll / swiwdc22.dll
sswsqz32.dll / swiwdd22.dll
sswutl32.dll / swiwdg22.dll
swincm22.dll / swiwol22.dll
swincx22.dll / swiwpb22.dll
swindc22.dll / swiwrc22.dll
swindd22.dll / swiwrn22.dll
swindg22.dll / swiwtl22.dll
swinol22.dll / swiwuasm.dll
swinpb22.dll / winstala.exe
swinrn22.dll / wnstla16.exe

Integration Procedures:

Step 1:

Create a directory, WINSTALL, under the SMS directory.

(MSTEST directory is no longer used or supported by Microsoft in SMS 2.0)

Step 2:

Copy the ‘Required Files’ to the WINSTALL directory created in Step 1. You can refer back to this directory when you need the WinINSTALL’s ‘Required Files’ while setting up your SMS packages.

Step 3:

Create a .PDF file and compressed the WinINSTALL package for the application you would like to distribute with SMS.

Setting compression options:

3a) Highlight the package

3b) Go to 'Shared Properties

3c) Click on the 'Compression' tab

3d) Check all that applies

Creating .PDF file: (Optional)

3e) Click on the 'Notification' tab

3f) Click on the 'Management Platforms' tab

3g) Click on the 'Configure PDF' button

3h) Enter the ‘Product’ name, ‘Version’, ‘Manufacturer’, and a name for the ‘Setup Variation’ for the package.

3i) Click ‘Export PDF File’ and save it with a .PDF extension

3j) Click OK

3k) Click on the Save icon and the package will start compressing.

Step 4:

Under the ‘WINSTALL’ directory, create a subdirectory for the package you would like to distribute.

Step 5:

Copy the compressed WinINSTALL package, its .PDF file and the WinINSTALL’s ‘Required Files’ to the subdirectory created in Step 4. This will be your package’s ‘Source Directory’.

Step 6:

In the SMS Administrator Console, under ‘Packages’, create a New Package From Definition.

(To integrate WinINSTALL with SMS, a .PDF file is not required. You can manually create the SMS package and verify that the 'Command Line' is correct in Step 8.)

The ‘Create Package from Definition Wizard’ will appear.

6a) Browse out to the location of the .PDF file and click Open, click Next

6b) For Source Files, choose ‘Always obtain files from a source directory’ and click Next

6c) Browse to the location of the source files and click Next

6d) Click Finish and a new package will be added to the SMS Console

Step 7:

Create new ‘Distribution Points’ for the package. Select all that apply.

Step 8:

Under the Package's 'Program', General tab, verify the property for the package.

NOTE: After importing the .PDF file, the package will contain two programs, Deinstall and Install. When called, these are the commands the SMS client will run. ‘Deinstall’ removes the application and ‘Install’ installs the application.

Program General Properties:

Name: This name will identify the command of the package

Comments: Special notes regarding package command

Command line: This is the command the SMS package will execute. The package can be installed by the logon user or with the "Windows NT client software installation account".

Installing with current logon user's account
Command Line: / Installing with the "Windows NT client software installation account"
Command Line:

winstala.exe package.nai / wnstla32.exe package.nai /NTService

NOTE: If installing the package using the "Windows NT client software installation account", the command will be:

wnstla32.exe package.nai /NTService

Start In: Not required

(Will need the path to the WinINSTALL files and package location here if a shared distribution folder is used instead of Distribution Points.)

Run: Specify the Run property

After running: Can be set to restart computer or log user off

Step 9:

Verify that the ‘Requirement’, ‘Environment’ and ‘Advanced’ settings are correct for the Programs.

Installing with current logon user's account / Installing with the "Windows NT client software installation account"

Step 10:

Under ‘Advertisement’, create a new Advertisement for the package.

Step 11:

Configure the Advertisement Properties.

Name: Enter the name for the advertisement

Comment: Enter comments regarding advertisement

Package: Choose the package to install

Program: Choose the program to run for the package

Collection: Browse to the collection type desired

Leave the 'Include members of subcollections' option check.

Step 12:

Set the ‘Schedule’ and ‘Security’ options for the advertisement.


-All the files will be replicated to the Distribution Points. A good idea is to create sub-directories under the WINSTALL directory for each application and point the source directory to the sub-directory to keep the packages separated. For example:



And so forth.

Client End:

Once the package becomes available, the Advertised Program Wizard appears and the user can choose which package to install. After a package is chosen, the automatic installer takes over and installs the package.

(Will not see the 'WinINSTALL Automatic Installer' dialog box when installing with the "Windows NT client software installation account".)