Section 1 – Amendments:
1)The By-Laws may be amended twice a year (January and July). All mandatory changes made by the governing board (Rec. Council, etc.) will be made effective at any time. Proposals for changes to the By-Laws will be discussed at the January Executive Board meeting and will be voted on by the Executive Board. Proposals for changes to the By-Laws may be made by any member of the General Board, and presented to an Executive Board member at any time throughout the year.
Section 1 – Meeting Times
1)General Board meetings will be open to the entire membership of the Winfield Youth Football and Cheer Program (hereinafter referred to as the WYFCP), and shall be held the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with parliamentary procedures as defined by “Robert’s Rules of Order.”
2)General Board meetings are open to the public; however attendees with items for discussion must contact the WYFCP Secretary to have those items added to the meeting’s agenda.
3)Special meetings may be requested by any Board member by notification to the President. At the discretion of the President, it will then be the President’s responsibility to schedule the meeting. Special meetings require notification to all Board members at least 24 hours in advance.
4)Executive Board meetings may be requested by any Executive Board member. Such meetings will include the Executive Board members only. Invitations to Executive Board meetings will be made at the direction of the President.
5)The Executive Board has the power to suspend regularly scheduled monthly meetings.
Section 1 – Voting Rights
1)Each member of the Board (See Article IV for description of the Board) will hold one (1) vote, regardless of the number of board positions held.
2)Two (2) unexcused absences and/or four total absences from General Board meetings within a calendar year will cause the forfeiture of that Board member’s voting rights for the remainder of the board year (March to February). To be considered excused, the member must notify the Secretary via phone or e-mail prior to the board meeting.
Section 2 – Quorum
1)All voting requires a quorum in order for the vote to be valid. A quorum consists of two thirds of the Executive Board. Providing that a quorum is present, a simple majority carries the vote.
The WYFCP Board of Directors will consist of the Executive Board and the General Board. Unless otherwise specified, reference to the Board of Directors will includeboth the Executive Board and the General Board and herein after will be referred to as The Board.
Section 1 – Executive Board
1)The Executive Board of this organization shall consist of (1) President, (1) Vice President, (1) Secretary, (1) Treasurer, (1) Football Area Director, (1) Cheer Area Director, and (1) Person-at-large (to be appointed by the Executive Board). The Executive Board positions will also be referred to as the Officers of the board.
2)The Person-at-large position can only be filled by an individual who previously served as a Head Coach, a current assistant coach (either football or cheer), a former Executive Board member or a team mom. The Person-at-large position will be voted on by the Executive Board.
3)Members of the Executive Board may hold more than one board position each season. It is possible for a member of the Executive Board to also hold a non-Board position, such as a head or assistant coach position, subject to the performance of their duties. If they cannot efficiently perform both jobs, then it will be the responsibility of the Executive Board to require them to relinquish the coaching position. Their priority is to the Executive Position.
4)If there is a vacancy, the Executive Board has the authority to fill the position via appointment or special election. A vacant position may be filled by any current member of the WYFCP community.
Section 2 – General Board
1)The General Board shall consist of (1) Assistant Football Area Director, (1) Assistant Cheer Area Director, (1) Head coach from each team, (both football and cheer), (1) Equipment manager, (1) Field manager, (1) Fund-raising coordinator, (1) Apparel manager, and (1) Concessions manager, (1) Registration Coordinator.
2)If there is a vacancy, the Executive Board has the authority to fill the position via appointment or special election. A vacant position may be filled by any current General Board member. This member will only have one (1) vote.
Section 3 – Elections of Board Members
1)All Executive Board Candidates must complete an application for the position.
2)Nominations for the Executive Board and all positions other than head coaches and assistant areadirectors will occur during the regularly scheduled board meeting inDecember. Nominations will be made based on applications accepted prior to December 1st. Announcement of position candidates will be made within 48 hours. Un-opposed candidates will be elected at the regularly scheduled board meeting in December. Nominees must be present at themeeting and NO proxy votes will be accepted. Candidates facing opposition will make a presentation to the General Board at the January meeting voting will be by secret ballot during the January meeting, votes will be tallied by the Cheer Area Director and the Football Area Director.
3)Executive Board positions will be a one year terms. Each Board Member must reapply each year for their desired position. TheAt Large position will only be a one year term in order for each new Board to select an appropriate candidate to serve.
4)We intend to have ALL coaching positions determined and announced by the February General Board meeting in accordance with the Coach Selection Standard Operation Procedure.
5)A decision to leave a Head Coach Position unfilled must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Board.
Section 4 – Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors
Executive Board
1)Manage the affairs of the WYFCP in accordance with the By-Laws of the WYFCP.
2)Vote on all financial and personnel matters.
3)Select Head Coaches following an application and interview process described in the Coach Selection Standard Operation Procedure.
4)Ensure that all the WYFCP and CCFL rules are enforced.
5)Make the final decision as to disciplinary action taken against volunteers (including, but not limited to, coaches, assistant coaches, trainers), parents, players or fans, including reprimand, suspension, unvolunteering, and/or dismissal from any and all WYFCP activities. We will consult the Winfield Recreation Council “Discipline and Adverse Action Policy” although we reserve the right to review each action on a case by case basis.
6)Review and decide all cases of hardship.
7)Plan and organize the annual registration.
8)Ensure that vacant offices are filled.
9)Direct the Treasurer to receive and request disbursement funds for the WYFCP and keep proper record of all receipts and disbursements. Such records will be subject to audit at any time the Board of Directors may deem advisable, but no less often than once a year.
10)All decisions of the Executive Board will be determined by a majority vote.
11)At the close of the December election meeting, the duties and responsibilities of the elected Officers will be transferred to the newly elected Officers. For opposed candidates, these duties will take effect at the end of the January meeting. It is the obligation of the outgoing Officers to make a smooth transition to the new Officers.
Board of Directors
1)Annually review and approve appointment ofExecutive Board members, equipment managers, fundraising coordinator, field manager, apparel manager, andconcession manager before they become active in the program. It is the responsibility of the Board to supervise all volunteers who are part of this program.
2)Determine annual registration fees
3)Select end-of-year trophies
4)Attend all WYFCP meetings. If unable to attend, notify an Executive Board member (see Article III, Section 1.2 regarding voting rights).
Section 6 – Duties of the President
1)Serves as the authorized official for the WYFCP.
2)Call and preside at the WYFCP meeting and preserve decorum therein.
3)Decide all questions of order without debate, subject to appeal by the Board.
4)Serves as the communications link between all Board members.
5)Approve newsletter and any correspondence before publishing, if available.
6)Attend Winfield Recreation Council meetings to represent WYFCP.
7)Have name on the WYFCP checking account along with the Treasurer.
8)Be the second signature on all checks and/or contracts
9)Ensure the WYFCP is run smoothly and efficiently while keeping harmony among the Executive Board, Board of Directors and parents to benefit the children participating in the Program
Section 7 - Duties of the Vice President
1)Be vested with all the powers of the President and, in case the Office of President is vacated for any reason, act as President until the annual election is held for said office.
2)Fulfill the duties of any vacant Executive Board position until it can be filled.
Section 8 - Duties of the Football Area Director
1)Attend all CCFLmeetings representing WYFCP and be responsible for the one vote cast by WYFCP. Communicate the meeting content to the Board at the next regularly scheduled meeting. If not able to attend the CCFL meeting, arrange with reasonable advance notice to have another WYFCP Executive Board member attend the CCFL meeting in his/her place.
2)Attend and supervise all home game day activities. Serve as the Site Director; enforce the CCFL and WYFCP rules pertaining to weigh-ins. During the course of any CCFL game in his/her area, has the authority to interpret and enforce all CCFL rules, subject to a final decision by the CCFL Board of Directors. In the absence of site director, Football Area Director must assign a representative.
3)Ensure all players on teams conform to the age/weight requirements.
4)Communicate with the Equipment Manager to ensure that all equipment used by teams from his/her area meet CCFL standards.
5)Be responsible for determining the playability of the field, notifying the visiting Area Director of any changes regarding the scheduling of games and arranging the make-up of cancelled games within the framework of the general rules of the governing league’s postponed games.
6)Provide all head coaches in his/her area with a current copy of the League and High School Football Rules.
7)Provide the CCFL with current copies of his/her team’s rosters. Maintaining copies of all current registration forms and assist the CCFL in validating a player’s eligibility.
8)Act as liaison between activities for football and cheerleading with the Cheer Area Director.
9)Be available at all practices, games and special events to support coaches, and assume responsibility of any team when the coach must be away from the children.
10)Obtain copy of roster from all coaches and supply copies to the Secretary prior to the first game of the season.
11)Ensure officials are paid on home game days.
12)Complete injury report on any child who is hurt and submit copy of report to secretary within 24 hours of the injury.
13)Collect all Code of Conduct forms and submit to the secretary prior to the first game.
14)Ensure all coaches, assistant coaches and team volunteers maintain adherence to the rules and regulations regarding “Coaches Conduct” as outlined and defined by the WYFCP board. Report in writing within 48 hours, any infraction of these rules and regulations to the Executive Board.
15)Submit annual requested budget to treasurer by May meeting for approval by the Executive Board.
Section 9 – Duties of the Assistant Football Area Director
1)Be vested with all powers of the Football Area Director and in case the office of Football Area Director is vacated for any reason, shall act as Football Area Director until the annual election is held for said office.
Section 10 – Duties of the Cheer Area Director
1)Be ACCAA Certified
2)Attend all CCFL meetings representing WYFCP and be responsible for the one vote cast by WYFCP. Communicate the meeting content to the Board at the next regularly scheduled meeting. If not able to attend the CCFL meeting, arrange with reasonable advance notice to have another Executive Board Member attend the CCFL meeting in his/her place.
3)Ensure all players on teams conform to the CCFL age requirements.
4)Ensure all players have a uniform that complies with CCFL rules.
5)Provide all head coaches in his/her area with a current copy of the CCFL rules and the National Federation of High School Spirit Rules Book.
6)Maintain copies of all current registration forms. Provide a roster for all teams to the Secretary prior to the first game.
7)Certify rosters at the CCFL scheduled meeting.
8)Attend and supervise all home game day activities. During the course of any home game, has the responsibility to enforce CCFL Cheer game SOPs.
9)Be available at all practices, games and special events to support coaches, and assume responsibility of any team when the coach must be away from the children.
10)Be knowledgeable of stunt, pyramids, etc, each squad is capable of performing, or allowed to perform for safety reasons.
11)Have knowledge of cheers of all teams.
12)Coordinate all necessary activities concerning the cheer competition at the end of the season and report to the Board of Directors.
13)Coordinate, with approval by the Executive Board, WYFCP Homecoming Activities for each season.
14)Scheduling, in coordination with the Secretary, all indoor practice space for all teams.
15)Complete an injury report on any child who is hurt and submit copy of report to the secretary within 24 hours of the injury.
16)Collect all Code of Conduct forms and submit to the secretary prior to the first game.
17)Ensure all coaches, assistant coaches and team volunteers maintain adherence to the rules and regulations regarding “Coaches Conduct” as outlined and defined by the WYFCP board. Report in writing within 48 hours, any infraction of these rules and regulations to the board of directors.
18)Submit annual requested budget to treasurer by May meeting.
19)Work with the Cheer AD to schedule indoor space with county coordinator.
Section 11 – Duties of the Assistant Cheer Area Director
1)Be vested with all the powers of the Cheer Area Director and in case the Office of Cheer Area Director is vacated for any reason, act as Cheer Area Director until the annual election is held for said office.
Section 12 – Duties of the Secretary
1)Keep minutes of each WYFCP meeting and make copies available to all board members before the next meeting and make sure a copy is kept in the binder.
2)Notify all board members, within 24 hours, of upcoming meetings.
3)Maintain an up-to-date- roster, mailing, and e-mail list of all WYFCP football and cheer members and a board of directors contact list.
4)Send out appropriate notices and alters to all WYFCP football and cheer members.
5)Work with the county coordinator to schedule space for sponsored WYFCP events and meetings also known as Use of Facilities. Keep copies of these in binder for WYFCP.
6)Submit monthly football and cheer volunteer hours to the county coordinator.
7)Submit Code of Conduct and Volunteer forms to the county.
8)Submit injury reports to the county within 48 hours of the injury. Also keep records in binder for WYFCP.
9)Publish newsletter and any correspondence if deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
10)Keep an updated copy of the WYFCP By-Laws in the binder for requested review.
11)Submit annual requested budget to treasurer by May meeting.
Section 13 – Duties of the Treasurer
1)Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all credits and debits to the WYFCP account and report the current status at each regularly scheduled WYFCP meeting. Be prepared at any time to respond to an audit by the Board of Directors.
2)Gather information from Board members and submit annual budget for upcoming season by theJune meeting for approval by the Executive Board.
3)Provide current check register and updated budget report at each meeting for approval by Board of Directors.
4)Determine assets, collect registration and other fees, establish a budget; and cause same to be implemented.
5)Make and record all withdrawals and deposits for the WYFCP.
6)Be in attendance for all registration and equipment handout activities.
7)Collect concession stand monies once a week to be deposited within 48 hours.
Section 14 – Duties of all Coaches
1)Be responsible at all times for all members of the team that they are coaching.
Be responsible for assuring that all children on the team/squad participate in every game, provided that they meet the age and weight requirements of the CCFL and that they are not injured. Each child will be given a reasonable amount of playing time based on skill level, dedication and attendance at practices.