
Winfield Youth Football and Cheer Program

Date | time4/10/18|called to order at 7:02pm


Jim Mullen, Kelly Duncan, Brian Faya, Laurie Jone, Ronnie Barnard, Scott Stohlman, Cody Covell, Shaun Poulton, Derick Brightful, Deana McKee, Debra Marick, Lisa Humphries, Jeff Reed, Marsha Reed, Tracey Bible, Cati Childers, Patricia Bruning, Kevin Bruning, Todd McKee, Steve Blahut

Presidents report

Update on open house held 3/24 including registration numbers – it was not as well attended as the 1st but we had not promoted it as well

Brian and Deana attended Winfield Elementary Bingo.

Brian attended the science fair at Winfield as well.

We want to focus on our community presence. We will attend the following events for recruiting:May 5th SCYL day, May 19th Winfield Spring Fair, May 20thKrimgold Fishing Rodeo. Brian would like to go to each ages lacrosse practice and talk to parents about football and cheer.

Jim reported that we have about 20 cheer leaders and 80 football players - 20 players at 13U, 18 players at 12U, 10 players at 11U, 9 players at10U, 4 players at 9U, 6 players at 8U, 9 players at Pitbull.

Committee Reports

  • Football AD – Shaun mentioned that there are some weird emails or posts going around about Reisterstown – someone is going around saying offensive things. Reisterstown was voted into the CCYFCL and the CCYFCL is addressing concerns raised by other programs. Montgomery County was not voted in with the 1st vote but they were given the opportunity to give evidence that they have made improvements. They have been given support and are aligning with the high schools that they feed. They may be admitted under probation. There will be another vote at the CCYFCL meeting on Sunday. Shaun wanted to know if we change our vote to admit them. Brian suggested that EB discuss further and decide our vote. Shaun has 2 Jersey designs – one looks like Towson, one is similar to last year with gold letters and gold around the collar. A CCYFYL coaches clinic with coaches and trainers from US Football is being worked on by Ferg. We are required to put a foursome in the golf tournament. The super playback was passed meaning that players that turn 2 years older before 12/1 will not be allowed to playback. 2 items pending before the CCYFCL – no OBLs, which would hurt us because we need to be able to move players to fill teams and Westminster suggested combining age groups 7/8, 9/10, 11/12, 13/14. Other suggestions may be unlimited weight, just play at your age group. We will argue that those things are unsafe.
  • Cheer AD - nothing to report, registration is open, camp registration is open
  • Treasurer – Ending balance is $16,799.62. Shaun asked what it costs to run the program for a year. Laurie will run the numbers.
  • Equipment Manager – Helmets came back from reconditioning. Cody will need to buy 100 sets of stickers for the helmets. Cody will order from Fuzzy.
  • Field Manager – Kevin looked at the containers and will come up with an estimate for what we need to buy. Then we can set up a day for people to help out. Cody and Schuster will work on the driveway. Schuster donates the material. We should advertise them as a sponsor since they donate and do the work.
  • Fundraising Coordinator– Debra requested a list of those who have donated so far so that she can start on thank you cards. Green Turtle was supposed to do a larger sponsorship so Debra reached out to Joe to see why their donation was low. TBH and the Schley family donated this month. The last restaurant night made $129.38. May meeting will be at the Greene Turtle. When are we doing the next registration? Debra was going to set up a restaurant night at Glory Days. We could do registration at Vanessas or Green Turtle. Debra to check on dates with Vanessa.
  • Marketing – Needs email addresses for 2014, 2015, 2016. She has 2 surveys - program satisfaction and why I left? We were asked to donate waters for playday at Linton Springs. Patricia asked to set up table so that we can talk to parents and pass out flyers with coupon code for discount for limited time. Patricia will label the bottles with our website.
  • Apparel–Meeting with vendor next week.If vendor remains unresponsive, Todd will go back to the online store.
  • Concessions – nothing new. Locks have been changed. Lisa would like to have contact person for softball.

New Business

  • Community input – Laurie mentioned that a family in the program had let us know that the Sykesville is having a parade on July 1st and we could have some cheerleaders and football players march in the parade. Laurie has registration form. Mt. Airy also does a parade in June. Softball said that we can march in their parade and we can have a table set up for opening day.
  • Motion to approve March minutes, 2nd by Ronnie Barnard, none opposed.
  • Recruit, recruit, recruit – for Poms too!
  • Meeting was adjourned at 8:10.

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