Windygoul Primary School
** April Update **
Staffing Update
I am delighted to inform you that we received a very high standard of applications for our teaching posts here at Windygoul and we have successfully appointed staff to take over from Mrs Siday and Mrs Cummings in Primary 3B and Primary 4A. Miss Gemma Thomson who will be joining us from Trinity Primary in Edinburgh will be leading the learning in Primary 3B as soon as her clearance checks are progressed and we hope she might even be with us as early as next week! Miss Helen Thomson who has been working with Primary 4B in Mrs Ferrier’s absence will now be with us on a permanent basis and will take over the lead in Primary 4A as of Monday 27th April 2015.
We are delighted Mrs Ferrier will be returning to Primary 4B next week. This will be on phased return basis with Mrs Rees covering the class on Monday, Tuesday and Friday next week and Friday the following week before Mrs Ferrier resumes her full duties week beginning 11th May 2015.
We are happy to acknowledge the strengths of our staff here at Windygoul and encourage all staff to develop their careers and build on their skills. Mrs Rees is taking on such an opportunity and will take a career break from Windygoul as she travels to the other side of the world to take on a Depute position at an International School in Hong Kong. It is to her great credit that her skills and talents have been recognised worldwide! She will be missed by us all at Windygoul for the huge contribution she makes to our school community. We wish her well and look forward to establishing our International links before welcoming her back in August 2017!!
Information about how we cover the post during Mrs Rees absence will be with you in due course.
Lunch Buddies
We are constantly looking at how we can develop links with our wider parent body and how we can use their support in school. We are looking to encourage volunteers to come and work as Lunch Buddies with us in our Dining Hall during lunchtimes to support children in making this a positive place and experience for all. Lunch Buddies would come in and sit with the children while they ate their lunch, encouraging them to use their cutlery correctly, helping some of our younger children with cutting up their lunch, encouraging some children to eat a little more and generally supporting the children to engage conversation and make this into a nice, social situation!
Due to the size of our school population, we have three different lunchtimes and we would be looking for volunteers to work alongside us at whatever combination of these worked best. If you are able to commit regularly then that is great, but equally if you are only able to manage along to one lunchtime, once a month, it would help us to further encourage good eating habits and social etiquette. We discussed this idea with members of the Parent Council this week who were positive in their response and we hope to get this started in the coming weeks.
We would encourage wider family members to help us out too, gran, granddad, aunts, uncles, neighbours all welcome!
Please complete the slip at the end of this update and return to school by Thursday 30th April.
20th Summer Term Starts
Science Week
24th Parent Council Quiz Night 6.30pm
28th Read Write Inc Information Evening open to all 6.00-7.30pm
(please complete the slip attached to let us know if you plan to attend)
4th May Holiday
13th Curriculum Evening 6.00-8.00pm More info to follow please keep the date in your diary
18th In Service Day
19th All Pupils Resume
Class Assembly Dates: All P1-3 Assemblies are at 9.00am and all P4-7 Assemblies are at 2.25pm
30th April P1/2 & P6A / 14th May P1D & P6B / 21st May P2A & P4A28th May P2B
P3/4 (performing at both Assemblies) / 11th June P2C & P4C
Pupil Name: Class:
I/We will be attending the Read Write Inc Workshop on Tuesday 28th April
Signed ______
Lunch Buddies
I am interested in volunteering to be a Lunch Buddy and am available on the following days/times.
Please tick and complete the information below:
MON / TUES / WED / THURP1 & 2 11.45-12.30pm / P1 & 2 11.45-12.30pm / P1 & 2 11.45-12.30pm / P1 & 2 11.45-12.30pm
P3 & 4 12.10-1.55pm / P3 & 4 12.10-1.55pm / P3 & 4 12.10-1.55pm / P3 & 4 12.10-1.55pm
P5,6,7 12.45-1.30pm / P5,6,7 12.45-1.30pm / P5,6,7 12.45-1.30pm / P5,6,7 12.45-1.30pm
I am available at these days/times every week
I am available at these days/times once a month
I am available on the following days/times:
Pupil Name:
Lunch Buddy Volunteer Name:
Relation to pupil:
Contact details:
Signed: ______