Windy City Wing Chun Gung Fu Federation, Inc.
School Rules
1) All students will only use their Wing Chun skill and knowledge in defense of themselves or to defend those who cannot defend themselves. (Translation, use wing chun only for good not evil, and only when your life is in danger)
2) All students must address the teacher as, “Sifu” unless instructed other wise. (Both Ken and Ed should be addressed as Sifu within the school or seminar setting. Outside of class you can call us by our regular name. But if we are teaching we are in fact your Sifu’s and should be addressed appropriately. This is in fact a business/school and not a club, there is a clear definition of who is student and teache.)
3) All students must be courteous to your fellow student. (We understand that no matter what, certain individuals will not get along, we expect and demand that you still be courteous to one another and we will do our best to separate problem situations. We will not tolerate any effort less than that)
4) All students must wear complete Windy City Wing Chun uniforms for classes and seminars. (The appropriate color shirt) (This will be strictly enforced to old students by the beginning of 2004 curriculum; all new students joining must buy a shirt upon starting. Thus, if you don't have a uniform yet, get one, you will be required to wear it to class)
5) All students must pay tuition on time. (We understand that sometimes individuals will fall on hard times, and we would like for that individual to continue training, regardless... thus, something can be worked out, but outside of that we are first and foremost also a business, thus pay on time and don't pay with excuses.)
6) All students are expected to come to class on time. (While classes span usually 2-hour segments, in the past you were allowed to come whenever you felt like it,understand that this is a class room setting, and students are required to come on time. If your running late then call, but if class starts at 7:00, then all students interested training that day should arrive at 7:00, if the hours are difficult for some due to traffic, work, distance, etc, etc... We can make the appropriate changes for class time scheduling. This will be strictly ENFORCED)
7) Only instructors, teaching assistants or appointed helpers may teach others. (If we ask a fellow student to teach, then he carries the same respect and authority as we do)
8) Anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted to train. (Say no to drugs)
9) Profanity is not permitted in the academy. (This is a school setting, have respect for it)
10) You represent the academy in public; don’t do anything bad to affect the academy’s reputation. Do credit to the academy in public. (Don’t bring shame to the school)
11) Do not criticize other martial arts or people. (Don't get involved with the politics of wing chun, spend that time and energy training)
12) Do one good deed a day. (Understand the laws of karma)
All rules carry equal weight regardless of the order in which they appear. The Sifu’s will discipline students who violate the school rules.