Windsor Human Relations Commission
Minutes of Meeting
April 12, 2006
Present: Max Kuziak; Joyce Armstrong; Evelyn Smith; Nellie Holmes-Mason; Richard Armstrong; Staff Liaison Diane McDougald;
Guests: Linda Rickard and Stephanie Wall.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:15 at the Town Hall, Ludlow room.
Approval of minutes: The minutes for the Windsor Human Relations Commission (WHRC) meeting of March 8, 2006 were accepted.
Committees: There were no committee reports.
Old Business: The joint committee of the Windsor Human Relations Commission and the Windsor Commission on Aging and Handicapped showed the DVD of the Windsor Community forum for inclusion. Joyce Armstrong will present Stan and Chris with a DVD copy and will ask for suggestions the best ways to present the DVD to civic groups, employer organizations, etc to. Diane will send the Joint committee a list of Windsor groups for presentation. A thank you letter on Town of Windsor letterhead along with a copy of the DVD will be given to each of the panel members of the Windsor Community forum for inclusion.
Len Swade and Frank Stewart submitted a rewritten proposed resolution in opposition to the Iraq war. The resolution was tabled for further editing and discussion during the next meeting Wednesday May 10, 2006.
Yvonne Mitto’s discussion with Dr. Johnson on the issue of “well meaning whites” was tabled for further discussion during the next meeting Wednesday May 10, 2006.
The lack of diversity among the participants during the Dr. Martin Luther King Day celebration/concert at the cathedral in Bloomfield appears to be resolved. The Hopewell Baptist church chorus apparently was invited to perform, but had other commitments.
New Business: The Windsor Human Relations Commissions agreed to sponsor the Windsor Bridge Builders in September. The location will be in the Town hall council chambers.
Windsor High Principal Mr. Arcarese will be able to attend the September 13th meeting.
The next Windsor Human Relations Commission meeting will be on Wednesday May 10, 2006 at the Town Hall Ludlow room at 7:00 pm.
Adjournment was called at 8:40pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Armstrong, Secretary