COT 061_101_Call 23354 (Benson, M.)Print Date: December 20, 2008
Introduction to Windows (For the Anxious Beginner)One Semester Hour
Spring 2009
Section 101 – 11:00 AM - 1:45 PM Tuesdays, March 03 thru April 07
Basin Street, Room 5
(Instructions in blue are hidden text that will not appear on the printed syllabus)
Instructor: / Mr. Martin Benson
Office: / Message at PVC Main Office
Phone 775-727-2000
Office Hours: / By appointment
Texts/Materials: /
WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL BARCHARTby John Hales, ISBN 978-1-5722-2668-5; title is linked,or try any bookstore.
Catalog Description:
COT 061 Introduction to Windows (.5-1) A course for those with no previous computer knowledge, focusing on basic Windows skills. [P/W]
Course Description:
Course description: COT 061 – Introduction to Windows is designed as a continuation of introduction to computers using the Windows XP operating system on IBM compatible computers. The course is primarily for those who have limited computer experience. Offering a gentle approach, the instructor will inspire confidence, and encourage further computer use. The student can learn at a self-paced rate.
This is not a contract.
Content-Specific Learner Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
Possess a basic understanding of the components of a desktop computerUtilize useful terminology for computer hardware components
Understand the relationship between computer hardware and software
Understand the relationship between system software and application software
Have a basic understanding of proper file management and locate “lost” files;
Work effectively within the Windows environment.
=+/- Measurement: totally self-paced and largely self-assessed.
Method of Instruction: Lecture, discussion, videos, and reading assignments.
Assignments and Expectations:
Reading: Students who enroll in COT 061 will work hands-on with handout assignments.
Attendance and Participation: This course requires attendance. Those who do not attend can learn nothing. Make every effort to attend every class. If an absence is unavoidable, so be it, but remember that this strictly is a participation class -- you have to be present to participate! GBC’s attendance policy allows only one absence in this five-week class. Two or more absences will necessitate issuance of a “withdrawal” grade.
Evaluation and Grades:
Final grades for the course will be computed as follows:
Attendance and participation100%*
Policy of Academic Integrity:
GBC subscribes to the traditional policy of academic integrity: students are expected to be honest. That means that students are expected to do their own work. However, in the course of learning basics, the student will benefit from collaboration with others. One of the best ways to learn is to share something you already know, and most of us probably know more than we think we do about unfamiliar subjects.
Reasonable Accommodation Policy:
Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact me personally as soon as possible so we can discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate your educational opportunities. ADA STATEMENT: GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer (Julie Byrnes) inElkoat 775-753-2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.
PVC Computer Login Information:
Please record your account information here and carry this paper with you to class each day.
USERNAME: ______
PASSWORD: ______
Rev. 20081220mb