Wind Environment Resolutions, Korea, 2010
The resolutions prepared by the group on “Wind Environment” are given below:
Resolution 1.
APEC-WW/WG of Wind Environment will exchange further information on outdoor air pollutants according to the format prepared (Appendix-I). Remaining countriesshould send the above information to Professor Ajay Gairola bythe end of January 2011, it will be summarized/checked by the end of February 2011 and sent to all the participating countries for their feedback.
Resolution 2
APEC-WW/WG of Wind Environment will exchange further information on indoor air quality criteria according to the format prepared(Appendix II). Remaining countriesshould send information to Professor Cheng-Hsin Chang by the end of January 2011. It will be summarized/checked by the end ofFebruary 2011 and sent to all the participating countries for their feedback.
Resolution 3
APEC-WW/WG of Wind Environment agrees to obtainmore information on current assessment criteria and statutory requirements in APEC countries for the pedestrian level wind environment. Remaining countriesshould send information to Prof. Richard Flay by the end of January 2011. It will be summarized by the end ofFebruary 2011 and sent to all the participating countries for their feedback.
Resolution 4
Concepts and investigation methods for pedestrian winds using a standard building and prescribed approach flow. The details are described in Appendix III. Results from remaining countriesshould be sent to Prof. Flay 6 months prior to the APEC-WW 2011, for discussion at that meeting.
Resolution 5
APEC-WW/WG of Wind Environment agrees to perform benchmark tests on pollutant dispersion and urban ventilation. Prof. Young-Duk Kim will sendthe specifications for experimental conditions to the new APEC-WW delegates for review by the end of October 2010. Remaining countriesshould send experimental and/or CFD results to Prof. Young-Duk Kim 6 months before the next APEC-WW, for discussion at that meeting.
Resolution 6
APEC-WW/WG of Wind Environmentshould send information on building energy efficiency related to natural ventilation to Prof. Ohba 6 months before the next APEC-WW, for discussion at that meeting.
Resolution 7
APEC-WW/WG of Wind Environment agrees to discuss draft publications from resolutions 4 & 5 at next APEC-WW meeting.
Note: all information collated will be sent to participants and put onto the APEC-WW website and the Environmental Wiki.
The above resolutions will be discussed at the next APEC-WW meeting.