Wincanton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Notes of meeting held on 17th November 2015 at Churchfields
Present : Cllr Colin Winder (CW – WTC CW), Matt Day, (Consultant MD) , Howard Ellard (WTC HE), Dawn Old (WTC DO), Vicky Vagg (WTC VV), John Smith (JS), Richard D’Arcy(RD)
1.Apologies: Tim, Nigel Engert
2.Notes of Last Meeting not covered later
The notes of the last meeting were agreed
3.Update On Funding
Tim has collated all the information and has asked Matt. Issue on submission is that it needs dates, Matt has suggested we date the end of March. The application for funding is to Locality. The funding needs to run until we are ready to submit. There will be a six week public consultation before submission to an examiner. £9k to fund Jo, but to cover Matt too more like £12k in total.
Application for funding needs to be in by Friday 27th November.
Queen Camel has decided not to proceed with Neighbourhood Plan, Frustraingcause they were chosen for the pilot funding.
4.Response to Hopkins
A holding reply has been sent out to Hopkins to acknowledge the information that he has provided so far but have been invited to come and present their plans to WTC in December. (This date is now arranged for Tuesday 6th December at 6pm)
Matt then drafted a more positive response which he then showed to Jo, Jo pointed out the response was more the views of those on the working group than those of the town or from the public consultation. It was agreed that as long as we make that clear in the letter we could still send it.
5.Draft Traffic Scheme
The draft traffic plans were discussed and the working group updated on the meeting held with highways last week. It was mentioned that the 20 mile an hour limit could be funded under the small improvement scheme which will be backed by Anna Groskop. It is possible there could be further funding available from market town investment scheme for the two improvement areas outside the banks.
Action : Colin to talk to the Police in regard to the flow of traffic at Shadwell Lane
6.Land Ownership List
Action : Matt to resend the file as a PDF to the whole group and for people to fill in the blanks on the ownership list
It was agreed that the group should meet at 6.30pm on the 22nd December 2015.