Wilton Soccer Association
Board Meeting
March 15th, 2010, 7:30pm
Board Members Present
Dedrick, Davatzes, Bonnist, Sullivan, Silverberg, McNamara, Lilly, P Hoffmann, A Hoffman, Vanderwall, Zizzadoro
Board Members Absent
Castaldi, Isaacs, Dean
Presidents Report
Risk Management:
It is important that all volunteers (including parents coaches, professional coaches, managers) go through the online risk management process before the season starts. As a reminder, a blast email will be sent out regarding the risk management policy.
Red Bulls Arena:
There are group package deals offered for the new arena. Discussed the possibility of sponsoring a game as a club and purchasing a block of tickets.
Boston Breakers:
Discussed possibly sponsoring a game for the newly formed woman's team.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes to the meeting on Jan, 19th. Motion approved unanimously.
Motion to approve the minutes to the meeting on Feb 22nd. Motion approved unanimously.
Motion to approve the minutes to the February Special Meeting. Motion approved 7-1 with 1 abstain.
Email Voting:
Email voting should only be used in 'emergency situation'. Voting results should be posted in the following month's BOD meeting minutes.
Travel team rosters have been submitted.
We have volunteers for field setup for this weekend.
There is a managers meeting on 3/23 at Comstock, 7:30pm.
There will be a skills clinic for the travel players this season. There will be a separate fee for this for those who wish to participate.
E. Schneidman is updating the Travel Manager Handbook.
There is a player from Ridgefield who asked if we'll accept an out-of-town player for a girls travel team. SWD allows us to have up to two out-of-town players on a roster. Our WSA rule is that an out-of-town player must not displace a Wilton player. The player may make a formal request to the WSA Board to attend tryouts. The Board will then decide if this player may tryout.
There is a player who played premiere during the Fall Season. The player is a goalkeeper who did not attend WSA tryouts. The player would like to be considered to be on a travel team this upcoming season. The player may not be considered unless we are looking for additional players for the respective team. The player may not displace an existing member of the team.
CT Cup Registration deadline is March 31st. CT Cup will not allow teams with double-rostered players.
Discussion of C-teams in the CT Cup. We agreed that the team should make the decision on this.
Nutmeg – first meeting on 3/18. There are 17 teams already registered. Discussed refund policy for tournament in case of poor weather. Our current policy is no refunds but we have consistently done everything possible to get the games in.
Travel Tryouts and Registration
Boys U9-U14 All teams certified to play except U13B
Boys U16 Awaiting 2 Foreign Waivers
Boys U18 Not yet started. Did not have minimum required documentation to start process
Girls U10A, U13, U14A/B certified to play
Girls U9 blue/white, U10B/C, U12A/B - Awaiting NOGA coach arrivals for photos/signatures for passes
Next appointment with CJSA is Wednesday 3/17. C Castaldi hopes to complete Boys U13B, U16 and start certification for U18. When C Castaldi finds out when NOGA coaches are scheduled to arrive she can make that appointment with CJSA.
Trial run completed using scanned birth certificates for registration process. While they are “acceptable” as documents it is not the preferred method as it slows down the certification process significantly. Perhaps WSA can scan and return (but keep all rising U9 since we will need many of those) and then print only the ones (U10-U14) we need. Then we have hard copies for CJSA and record of all of them moving forward. Need to develop a uniform method to label and sort documents. Also need to have copies on more than one flash drive. Following roster certification, WSA will shred all the hard copies.
Cathy Castaldi will be resigning from Board after the registration process has been completed. She is currently working with Nancy Ward to get rostering process completed. We need to find another volunteer to fill the Travel Tryout and Registration Director role.
Rec (k-2)
There are 381 enrolled children – so far, down 13 (down 15 on the girls side, up on the boys side) from last year's totals. Registration deadline is 3/31 but we will take more players only if there is still room on the rosters.
P Hoffmann showed up the new Rec uniforms.
Motion to provide Rec coaches with the same team jerseys (cost is about $10/uniform). Motion approved unanimously.
A few age groups still need additional players. Discussion whether other towns are still participating or keeping their respective programs in-house only.
Motion to adjourn meeting. Motion approved unanimously.
B Lilly is pricing new goals (maybe 3 new goals) that we are going to need for the upcoming seasons. Motion to approve the purchase of 3 new goals, if necessary. Motion approved unanimously.
ABC program – B Lilly purchased uniforms, ball, bag, shoes. Cost was $200 x 2 kids. Motion for the WSA to reimburse B Lilly for the expense. Motion approved unanimously.
Discussed setting up additional small fields on Ambler and Merwin for Rec clinics in areas where we have extra space.
Discussed Fall tournament that Wilton will host at Merwin Meadows. We will setup 3 8x8 fields for this tournament.
G Davatzes discussed the cash position of WSA.
Coaches are now in place for Spring season. We have 70% turnover from Fall season.
Discussed questions regarding Medical Release Form. This form will be posted on the WSA website.
Meeting Adjourned.