“Wilson, War, and Peace” Outline(based on the U.S. History textbook)

  1. America Gives the Allies the Edge
  2. How did Germans respond to the U.S. declaration of war? (189)
  1. How did the American and British navies deal with German aggression on the high seas? (189-190)
  1. Why did Russia pull out of the war in 1918? (190)
  1. How did this benefit the Central Powers? (190)
  1. What was Germany able to do because of this? (190)
  1. Why did American troops prove to be so effective in the war? (190)
  1. How many American lives were lost in the war? (192)
  1. How many U.S. soldiers were wounded? (192)
  1. Why did the Germans surrender on November 11, 1918? (192)
  1. How many European soldiers died on both sides? (192)
  1. How many European civilians died? (192)
  1. Wilson Promotes Peace Without Victory
  2. How did Vladimir Lenin prove that the war was based on imperialism? (193)
  1. How did President Wilson respond to this? (193)
  1. What was Wilson’s plan? (193)
  1. What were the main principles of this plan?
  1. What did Wilson mean by self-determination? (194)
  1. Why did Wilson want to create a League of Nations? (194)
  1. How come Wilson did not invite Republicans to join him at the conference? (194)
  1. Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference
  2. What did the allied powers want out of the Paris Peace Conference? (194)
  1. Why did French and British diplomats reject Wilson’s ideas? (194)
  1. Why did the Allies ultimately create a League of Nations? (194-195)
  1. What did the Allies do to Germany? (195)
  1. What did the Allies do to the former provinces of the Ottoman Empire? (195)
  1. How did this affect Iraq? (195)
  1. How did the Versailles Treaty pave the way toward another world war? (195)
  1. America Rejects the Treaty
  2. Why did German-Americans oppose the Treaty of Versailles? (196)
  1. Why did Irish-Americans oppose the Treaty? (196)
  1. Why did most members of congress oppose the Versailles Treaty? (196)
  1. What did they dislike about the League of Nations? (196-197)
  1. Why did congress ultimately reject the Versailles Treaty? (197)