Willmar Skating/Hockey information:
Please make sure to visit this site, scroll to the bottom and under Cardinal Message Center we have updates and information on our Skating/Hockey program along with the schedule.
Outdoor Skating: Ice rinks are located at Garfield Park, Hilltop Park and Lincoln Park. Warming house hours will be Mondays & Thursdays from 5-8pm as well as Saturdays and Sundays from 1-5pm. The warming house will not be open if the wind chill drops below -10 degrees. for any updates and when rinks open!
Stick Length: Have your son or daughter stand in place without skates, place the toe of the stick on the ground between their feet and position the stick vertically against their body so that the stick comes to about their nose. If the player’s skates are on, the stick should come up between their nose and chin. This is a general rule, but important to be close to this for stick handling.
Practice Plans: Sometimes it may not look like Skating or Hockey but every station and every drill has a purpose. Interested in learning more about where we come up with our plans? Visit.
New players: We still have plenty of room on the ice...Please invite your friends kids to come out and skate with us….We have a deadline so we can plan accordingly but would never turn anyone away. We still have equipment available, all they need to do is register at WCER by calling. 320-231-8490. or emailing, Becky at stopping in their office at 1234 Kandiyohi Ave Sw Willmar.
Changing Session:Please make sure tovisit with Darin about changing sessions or times so we can keep things organized.Our goal is to keep the kids the same grade level to build those lifelong friendships.
Locker Rooms/Getting dressed: It's always tight with locker rooms at the civic center. Please have your son or daughter put on all of their equipment at home...When they get to the rink have them find a bench in the lobby or outside the rink and they can put their skates and helmet on.
Equipment:If at some your kids are in the Learn to skate program and would like to get a set of equipment please contact Becky Sorenson stop down at WCER and put a deposit down. For us to keep this a low cost program we need all of the equipment, jerseys, and sticks returned at the end of the year for the following season.
Weather Policy: Anytime the Willmar public schools are canceled or dismissed early due to weather all WCER Youth Skating/Hockey sessions are canceled for that evening. Check the website at If you have older kids in High School or Association Hockey check with those coaches/coordinators that is different.
Figure Skating: Enjoying the program but interested in more specific information about figure skating? We have a wonderful Figure Skating organization, contact: Diamond Edge Figure Skating Club
Goalie Gear: If any of the boys or girls would like to try on the goalie gear for the sessions on Saturday please stop down and check out the gear by the shooting cage and help yourself!
Willmar Hockey Facebook: Please make sure to like us on Willmar Hockey Facebook to keep up on other Hockey updates.
Darin Strand On Ice Director
Becky Sorenson WCER
Matt Dawson Off Ice director
Laugh, Learn! Family, Friends, Fun!