Rules and Regulations Governing Participation in

Williamsport Area School District Athletics

Athletics in the Williamsport Area School District are an essential component of the total curriculum. Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, commitment, competition, discipline, and winning and losing gracefully are integral parts of our athletic program, beginning at the middle school level. Participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege extended to students, not a right which is inherent in the educational process. In order to achieve a consistency of athletic regulations across a broad spectrum of male and female, varsity, junior varsity and middle school interscholastic sports, it is necessary to establish a district-wide two-tiered platform of rules and regulations which govern WASD athletics, coaches and student-athletes. The first tier of rules, the “Umbrella” rules, are those mandates, which apply to all WASD athletes in all interscholastic endeavors. They are the foundation upon which any athletic participation rests. The second tier of rules, the “sport-specific” rules, are those, which individual coaches may choose to apply to student-athletes participating on their athletic teams. These rules, unlike the district’s umbrella rules, will likely differ from sport to sport, coach to coach, but still require parent and student-athlete agreement. It is the adherence to both tiers of regulations that allows a student-athlete to continue his/her athletic career in a particular sport. Please note that both tiers of rules are of equal importance. Please note, too, that no rule or regulation set forth here will supercede any rule or regulation promulgated for a district, sport or athlete by the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association.



I.  Participation in athletics is subordinate to academic development. Coaches shall not take any action or make any rule that requires or might require an athlete to compromise his/her education. Conversely, an athlete who does not meet minimal published PIAA academic standards, or those academic requirements of an individual school within the district that chooses to exceed PIAA academic standards, is immediately ineligible to participate in the competitive events of that sport for the duration of time specified by that body (See VI, page 3).

II.  All Williamsport Area School District coaches are responsible for the behavior, safety and welfare of the members of their teams during practice and games and during the transportation of teams to and from away games. Players must be supervised at all times when under a coach’s purview.

III.  Athletes shall not be deterred or discouraged from competing or participating in more than one school sport, or in any other school activities outside of the athletic arena.

IV.  Following are expectations of all WASD coaches in supervising and directing their respective teams:

1.  Each athlete should attend all practices and games, being punctual, unless excused by the coach. Coaches will develop and distribute to their teams a statement which defines clearly the relationship between unexcused and excused absences from practice, and the consequences, including loss of game time, which will result from violation of these team regulations. Coaches will also provide each team member with a complete schedule of anticipated practices and competitions, and their expected durations that acknowledges the primary importance of each student-athlete’s academic and family responsibilities.

2.  The use of obscene or profane language or gestures is not permitted of WASD coaches or athletes, and will be dealt with according to PIAA regulations and school district policy.

3.  Athletes must be in school on time the day of athletic contests, as well as the day following a contest, unless injury or other legitimate reasons preclude attendance on the day following such contest.

4.  Since the student athlete represents both the school and community, he/she should be neatly groomed and properly dressed when traveling to a game or contest.

5.  Smoking, drinking of alcohol or the illegal use of controlled substances is strictly forbidden and will be dealt with according to the school district’s policy in these matters just as if the infraction had occurred in school. No student athlete will be permitted to practice or compete unless he/she and his/her parents have properly signed to affirm their compliance with the district’s reasonable suspicion drug testing policy.

6.  Coaches are responsible to promote health and safety of student-athletes at all times. Coaches are also responsible for knowing the health status of their players, as well as being sure that all injuries are given proper attention by, at minimum, one of the district’s athletic trainers.

7.  Athletes are ineligible to practice or compete unless they have fulfilled all requirements for athletic physicals or re-certification.

8.  Athletes are ineligible to practice or compete unless they have paid the district’s athletic participation fee, or made a deposit on same with a written agreement to make regular payment to complete this obligation prior to the end of the current sport’s season. An athlete whose fee remains unpaid at the end of a season may not participate in another sport until the obligation is completed.

9.  At athletic contests, in the absence of a principal or athletic director, the coach is the acting authority on behalf of the school district.

10.  Should a scheduling conflict arise between a non-district, non-PIAA athletic event and a district-sponsored, PIAA-endorsed practice or competition, it is recommended that the latter commitment will be fulfilled. Any final decision in this regard remains at the sole discretion of the head coach.

11.  The head coach of any sport in the Williamsport Area School District is the sole determiner of his/her student-athletes’ playing time, player placement and the needs of his/her team at any point during the season. The head coach of a WASD squad is the decision-maker with regard to all aspects of his/her team’s daily operation, answering to the athletic director and the building principal.

V.  Williamsport Area School District athletes will observe the following rules of conduct:

1.  They shall not use or possess illegal alcohol, tobacco products or controlled substances.

2.  They shall not intentionally destroy public or school district property.

3.  They shall not indecently expose themselves at any time during their affiliation with a district athletic team.

4.  They shall not steal or unlawfully borrow any athletic equipment.

5.  They shall not wear any WASD uniforms or equipment outside of regular participation in the sport for which the uniform has been assigned.

6.  All student-athletes and those students representing WASD at away athletic contests are required to return home on the same bus/van with the team in which they arrived at the contest. The only exception to this policy is that with a request written by the parent or legal guardian and approved by the coach, a student may be released to his/her own parents or legal guardians at the conclusion of the away contest/activity. Coaches, advisors, or the athletic director may not release a student who is representing WASD to the custody of a family friend, relative, boy/girlfriend for the ride home, or for that matter, to arrive at a game. The school accepts responsibility for the safe transport of the students and cannot be compromised on this issue.

7.  Good sportsmanship, as defined by the PIAA, its game officials, the coaching staff of the sport, and the commonly understood behavioral expectations of the sporting community, is an absolute necessity on the part of WASD athletes, in both defeat and victory. Recognizing that violations of this mandate compelling good sportsmanship may be active or passive, the student-athlete is solely responsible for his/her own behavior on the field or off, before, during or after games.

Violation of any of the above rules of conduct may result in any of the following sanctions:

a.  Suspension of the individual from the current sport team.

b.  Elimination of the individual from the interscholastic sport for the remainder of the current season.

c.  Forfeiture of awards and banquet/ceremony attendance privileges for that particular sport.

d.  Banishment from any further interscholastic competition.

e.  Other appropriate disciplinary action, to include suspension from school, or in the extreme, a request for expulsion from the district.

VI.  The Williamsport Area High School and Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) adhere to the following standards of eligibility:

1.  Academic: A student athlete must pursue a curriculum defined and approved by his/her principal as a full-time curriculum. The student athlete must be passing at least four full-credit subjects, or the equivalent, in order to participate. Grade checks are done on a weekly basis, effecting eligibility on a week-to-week basis (Sunday-Saturday) throughout all seasons. Grade checks are also completed after each marking period, effecting eligibility for fifteen (15) school days subsequent to the issuance of report cards.

a.  The secondary schools of WASD may each enact more stringent academic guidelines, as each principal deems appropriate.

2.  Attendance: If a student athlete is absent from school during a semester for 20 or more school days (out-of-school suspension time included as part of that total of 20 days), that athlete will lose his/her eligibility until he or she has been in regular attendance for a total of 45 days following the 20th day of absence.

VII.  College Recruitment Policy: In the event a college recruiter should contact an athlete personally, he/she has an obligation to work through his/her coach, guidance counselor and the athletic department. Coaches should be informed immediately of recruiter contact. College recruitment information is available in the athletic office. NCAA standards are available to students and families in the athletic director’s and guidance offices.

VIII.  Parent Expectations & Protocol

1.  Support your student-athlete’s efforts to success

2.  Work to promote a positive environment that is conducive to the development of your student-athlete as a person, a student and an athlete.

3.  Treat all coaching personnel with courtesy and respect.

4.  Assure that your student-athlete will attend all scheduled practices and athletic contests.

5.  Promote and model mature and sportsmanlike behavior at all athletic events.

Parenting and coaching are both extremely difficult undertakings. As parents and coaches become more aware of each other’s roles and responsibilities, all of our children benefit. When your child becomes involved in our athletic programs, you have a right to understand what expectations are placed on him/her. This is facilitated by clear communication between you and your child’s coaches. Research indicates that students involved in co-curricular activities have a greater chance for success in school and during adulthood. Many of the character traits developed as a successful participant are exactly those that will promote a successful life after high school. We hope the information provided here helps to make both your child’s and your experience with the Williamsport Area School District athletic program less stressful and more enjoyable.

Communication parents should expect from your child’s coach:

·  Expectations the coach has for your child as well as the players on the team.

·  Locations and times of all practices and games.

·  Team requirements, i.e. practices, special equipment, out-of-season conditioning.

·  Lettering Policy

·  Discipline that may result in the denial of your child’s participation.

·  Procedures if your child suffers an injury during participation.

·  Procedures for contacting coaches.

Appropriate Concerns to Discuss with coaches:

·  Situations involving your child.

·  Ways to help your child improve

·  Your child’s attitude, work ethic and eligibility

·  Concerns about your child’s behavior.

Issues that are not appropriate to discuss with coaches or AD:

·  Playing time of any student-athlete

·  Team strategy, practice organization or play calling.

·  Other student-athletes.

Procedures to follow if there is a concern to discuss with a coach:

·  Your child should speak to the coach about an issue, before you intervene. This will help our student-athletes grow into young adults. Often, concerns can be resolved at this level.

·  Contact the coach to set up an appointment. If the coach cannot be reached, contact the athletic director. They will assist you in arranging an initial meeting with the coach.

·  If a meeting with the coach did not provide a satisfactory resolution, call to schedule an appointment with the athletic director to discuss the situation.

o  The AD will only intervene if the issue has already been discussed with the coach.

·  Please do not confront a coach before or after a game or practice. Meetings of this nature normally do not assist in creating a resolution to the situation.

Athletes are encouraged to develop good study habits and work to their maximum potential academically. Athletes should be reminded that they, too, are student leaders and role models for younger citizens, and therefore must assume additional responsibilities at home, in school and in the community.

Student-Athletes and Parents—Signature Form

I have read, understand and agree to these rules and regulations. I agree to abide by these rules and regulations, and to accept the consequences outlined for my and/or my child’s failure to abide by these rules and regulations.

Student: ______

Parent/Guardian: ______

Date: ______

Coach: ______

(Second-Tier Rules, those that are sport or coach-specific, may be attached to this document, and, if so, will be part of the signed agreement.)

______Coaches, please check this line if second tier rules are attached!
