Governing Board Meeting
September 21, 2016
1. Roll Call
Fred Moore, Robert Sket, Marisol Rodriguez, Jill Wilch, Scott Brownell.
Also present: Kim Penman, Mihija Daniel, Cathy Choate, Sandra Pridemore, Jamara Clark, Brian Flynn.
2. Review of Public Notice
Meeting was noticed on school website and on sandwich board.
3. Approval of Minutes
June 22, 2016 minutes to be approved via email.
4. Reports and Discussion
A. Principals Report
- Giving Partner update:
Live feeds and permission from parents for live streaming. Will be asking parents to write letter to school if they would like to opt out of allowing same to involve their child.
- Therapeutic Potentials is current contract for speech therapist. Given raise, and we will assume a portion of that cost. Motion to approve: motion approved.
- Grants: Awarded uniform grant for approximately $10K. Waiting on Dept. of Ed for disbursement of funds to district. These funds will then be dispersed to Rowlett. We are waiting to be advised in terms of utilization of this sum. Unknown at this time.
- Go Math update: looking at additional component for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and taking it on computer to prepare them vs. paper/pencil. They will be tested this year on computer and this will prepare them for same, and allows for practice. $5 per student plus teacher fee. Amount is under $5,000.
- Gala committee: Bid Pal discussion. Cost may exceed $5,000. Makes checkout simple, can be done by phone. Generates a receipt. Can begin bidding in advance. Non attendees can also bid on items without presence at event. They will run first event at $4,940, and can do add on event for $595. If they do not set up and run event, $2,100. To be reviewed further.
- Weather updates were delayed 2 hours recently during tropical storm. We have capability to text, as well, for future use. We will be testing same.
- Cop Sync 911: electronic link for staff to sheriff’s department now available.
- Middle school update: application has been approved. Contract negotiation meeting to be scheduled. We have requested same. We have a 90 day extension on land under contract, due to expire in near future. Price is 345K, 19.2 acres. Appraised at 575K. This was from over 8 months. We have invested $15K to conduct preliminary assessments of land/due diligence. Recommendation from B. FLynn is to purchase property. Subdivision is to be built near property.
Motion to approve purchase of property: motion approved.
We have not received answer regarding Orange Ridge. Castaldi report presents valid concerns regarding Orange Ridge. Discussion with Miner who would support expediting process of moving forward with use of Orange Ridge for middle school. Dr. Greene would like presentation of comments/concerns/questions with regard Orange Ridge at 10/11/16 workshop 3-5pm. Parents will be notified at next RFA/SAC meeting on 10/4/16 about this upcoming workshop. Fred and Brian to develop bullet points for this workshop.
- Review of Volunteer Policy 2016/2017. Motion to approve for inclusion in school policy: motion approved.
- Bussing: Some challenges with A&S bussing. Concern is communication and customer service, improvement is needed. Air conditioning is also a concern. Two formal complaints have been filed. Calls to school have lessened since beginning of school year. Improvements have been noted, but concerns remain. 363 children registered to ride the bus at this time.
B. Committee Reports
Finance: Review of Statement of Financial Position. Have not received funds for additional students at this time that is due. September payment has come in. Paid out on 947 students.
Motion to approve July and August: motion approved subject to audit.
C. Other
- Crossing guards: paid by state grant, not covered for charter schools. Some went to training. Vicky Traynor was trained and acting as guard and is going to “train the trainer” in November. We use Safe School funding to pay for crossing guards.
- Board member: discussion regarding adding Dr. Stephen Rushton to board. He is in Manatee County and supports Rowlett Academy and our professional development. We are not eligible for certain grants because we are not a credentialed charter school. We would also be able to have interns from FSU. He would be a beneficial addition to the board. Motion to approve invitation to add Dr. Rushton to board of directors: motion approved.
- Looking to create MS curriculum. Need to purchase books to begin process. Need figure, funds to be pulled from RFA funds.
6. Action Items
7. New Business
- Lobbyist group for charter schools, a “coalition” through the Florida Consortium. Vicky Marble is a member. They hire to lobby for us. Fee is $1000 per month, 12K per year. They lobbied for decrease in time for receiving capital outlay money, and were successful in reducing from 3 years to 2 years.
8. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
9. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm. Next meeting: October 19, 2016.