Nancy Shields Kollmann

P. O. Box 20050

Stanford, CA 94309

650-497-0108 (home); 650-723-9475 (office)

e-mail: FAX: 650-725-0597

Employment: Department of History


Stanford, CA94305

William H. Bonsall Professor in History (2004-)

Professor (Sept. 1996)

Associate Professor (Sept. 1989)

Assistant Professor (Sept. 1982)


Ph.D.HarvardUniversity History June 1980

A.M.HarvardUniversity History March 1974

A.B.MiddleburyCollege History-Russian May 1972

Language and Literature

Selected Honors, Grants:

2011-12 – Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford

2007-8 and 1998-99: Internal Faculty Fellowship, StanfordHumanitiesCenter

June 2007: Kahn-Van Slyke Prize for Graduate Mentoring, Dept. of History

2003-4: Stanford Institute for International Studies Faculty Research Fellow

2003-4 and 1986: National Endowment for Humanities Faculty Research Fellowship

2003-4: American Philosophical Society Sabbatical Fellowship

June 2002: Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching for 2002

1994-95: John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship

1995, 1986, 1976-77: International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) travel grants

toMoscow and St. Petersburg (Leningrad)

1995, 1986, 1976-77: Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad Fellowship

1984-85: Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching, StanfordUniversity

Recent Professional Service:

2007-13: Member, Board of Directors, National Council for Eurasian and East European Research (Washington, D.Cand Seattle)

2009 March: Chair, External Review Committee, Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Michigan.

Nov. 2006: Member, Ad hoc Appointment committee, HarvardUniversity

2006: Chair, Committee to award the Bruce Lincoln Prize, American Association for

theAdvancement of Slavic Studies

March 2002 and March 1998: Chair, Committee to Visit the Ukrainian Research Institute, HarvardUniversity (Oct. 1993: Member of same)

1995-97: Member at Large, Board of Directors, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies

1995-98,1999-2003, 2004-7: Director, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, StanfordUniversity

1992-95: Member, Selection Committee, International Research and Exchanges Board

1992-96: Member, Editorial Board, Slavic Review

1989-: Member, Editorial Board, Soviet Studies in History, now Russian Studies in History

Selected Publications:

Kinship and Politics: The Making of the Muscovite Political System, 1345-1547. Stanford University Press, 1987. 324 pp.

Excerpts anthologized in:

Daniel H. Kaiser and Gary Marker, comp. and ed., Reinterpreting Russian History (New York and Oxford, 1994), pp. 154-58

James Cracraft, ed., Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia (Lexington, Mass. and Toronto, 1994), pp. 37-46.

Book chapter: "Muscovite Russia, 1450-1598," in Gregory L. Freeze, ed., Russia: A History (Oxford and New York, 1997), pp. 27-54.

"Murder in the Hoover Archives," Harvard Ukrainian Studies 19 (1997): 324-34.

"Russia," in The New Cambridge Medieval History. Vol. VII. c. 1415 - c. 1500 (1998): 748-70, 976-84 (bibliog).

"The Extremes of Patriarchy: Spousal Abuse and Murder in Early Modern Russia," Russian History 25 nos. 1-2 (1998): 133-40.

By Honor Bound: State and Society in Early Modern Russia (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999).296 pp.

Russian translation: Soedinnenyechest’iu, trans. A. B. Kamenskii (Moscow, 2002).461 pp.

"The Principalities of Rus' in the Fourteenth Century," in The New Cambridge Medieval History. Vol.VI. c. 1300 - c. 1415 (Cambridge, 2000): 764-94, 1051-58 (bibliog.)

"Lynchings and Legality in Early Modern Russia," Forschungenzurosteuropaischen Geschichte 56 (2002): 1801-6.

“Judicial Autonomy in the Criminal Law: Beloozero and Arzamas,”in Die Geschichte Russlandsim 16.und 17. Jahrhundertaus der Perspektive seiner Regionen, ed. Andreas Kappeler(Wiesbaden: HarrassowitzVerlag, 2004), 252-68.

“The Quality of Mercy in Early Modern Legal Practice” Kritika 7, 1 (2006): 5-22.

“Law and Society in Seventeenth-Century Russia,” in Maureen Perrie,ed. Cambridge History of Russia (Cambridge, 2006), pp. 559-78.

“27 October 1698: Peter Punishes the Strel’tsy,” in Days from the Reigns of Eighteenth-Century Russian Rulers. Newsletter of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia (Cambridge, 2007), I: 23-36.

"Thoughts on Beauty and Violence: Images of the Crucifixion in Russian Iconography,” inAnfologion(Moscow: Indrik, 2008), pp. 362-69.

“The Cap of Monomakh,” inPicturing Russia Explorations in Visual Culture, ed. Valerie A. Kivelson and Joan Neuberger (New Haven and London: YaleUniversity Press, 2008), pp. 38-41 and Illus. 7.1.

“Torture in Early Modern Russia,” in V. Kivelson, K. Petrone, N. S. Kollmann and Michael Flier, eds., The New Muscovite Cultural History (Bloomington, Ind.: Slavica, 2009), pp. 159-70.

“Marking the Body in Early Modern Judicial Punishment,” Harvard Ukrainian Studies 28, no. 1-4 (2006; publ. 2009): 557-65.

“The Concept of Political Culture in Russian History,”A Companion to Russian History, ed. Abbott T. Gleason (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), pp. 89-104.

Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Russia, 1500-1725. Cambridge University Press, 2012

Winner: Frances Richardson Keller Winner: Frances Richardson Keller-Sierra Prize, Western Association for Women Historians 2013

Honorable Mention: 2013 Heldt Prize, Best Book in Slavic/Eastern European/Eurasian Studies from Association of Women in Slavic Studies

“Pictures at an Execution: Johann Georg Korb’s ‘Execution of the Strel’tsy’,” Dubitando: Studies in History and Culture in Honor of Donald Ostrowski. Brian Boeck, Russell E. Martin and Daniel Rowland, eds. (Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers, 2012), 399-407. Russian version: festschrift for NataliiaDemidova, Moscow.

“The LitsevoiSvod as Graphic Novel: Narrativity in Iconographic Style,” ReinhardFroetschner, ed., Collected Papers from International Conference on the Moscow Illuminated Chronicle, Munich, Germany (forthcoming Moscow: AKTEON,).

Work in Progress:

Book: “The Russian Empire, 1450-1801” –200,000 words, Oxford University Press

Articles and eventually a book on the theme of visuality in early modern Russian culture.

Long-term book project on works of history as political discourse in seventeenth-century Russia.