William A. Fraser Middle School PAC Meeting
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Present:Shari Wetmore, Taryn Cross, Tanya Walters, Theresa Blais, Shelley Godwin, Michelle Rodde, Wendy Nelson, Paula Schieven, Lorisa Janzen, Karen Copeland, Shannon Torhejelm Wilson, Ed Visser
Staff: Todd Arseneau
Administration: Charlotte Siemens, Heather Reid
Call to order: at 7.06pm
Acceptance of Minutes: Shelley moves and Theresa second. All in favor
Additions to Agenda: Signing of petition for crosswalk at DeLair Park and Outdoor Athletic Club
Requests by staff
Todd Arseneau for Outdoor Athletic Club:
To build stewardship for students with nature. So far 23 kids signed up. Would like PAC to purchase strength and cardio training equipment so the kids are prepared for hikes and outdoor activities involved with the club. They will also be learning first aid and wilderness training. Todd has asked for: 2 racks of bar bells, bench press, set of dumb bells, chin up bar, and if possible stationary bike. After some discussion if was asked if Todd could submit a list of the items and their prices for the PAC.
Draw: Lorisa’s name was drawn for a Timmy card
Principal’s Report:
Charlotte has been invited to go to the Annual Conference for Middle Level Education in November to represent our school at their meeting in Nashville!!
We have 701 children attending this year so as of Friday the school will receive their funding for this number.
The musical this year will be Seussical headed by Sarah Dussin and Pam Farley. The school will be doing a Dr. Seuss theme throughout the year. They have started a Facebook page.
Web day was awesome with around 200 people in attendance. Gr.6 immunizations tomorrow. Photo day was today.
Three Pro D Days are coming up – Oct 24, Nov 10 (in lieu of Sept), Nov 28
Chairperson’s Report:
Not much to report as this is the first meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Jenny Goertz was not present but had submitted the financials. General account is $14,614.99 and Gaming is $15,778.97. Went over proposed budget and Shelley moved to have $2000.00 (to be spent on two stationary bikes) from general and $1000.00 (misc. workout equipment) from gaming to go towards Todd’s outdoor club. The reason for the split is that the stationary bike(s) would be able to be used not just for extracurricular for a total of $3000.00. Theresa seconded and all were in favor.
Theresa moved to have $5000.00 from gaming for musical. Michelle seconded and all were in favor.
Lorisa moved to accept the budget and Tanya seconded and all were in favor.
DPAC Report:
Theresa will still be our DPAC rep and next meeting is Oct 24th at school board office at 7pm.
New Business:
Christmas Craft Fair is happening again. It was a huge success last year!! So far 9 tables booked and paid for. Most other tables booked and cheques in the mail.
Non fundraiser of $20 for families has had no bad feedback so far. Lots of nice comments from parents in the envelopes. Some divisions we have had nothing back from? Charlotte will be looking into that. Approximately $2100.00 raised so far.
Tomorrow is meet the teacher night from 7-8pm
Reminder that at Hemingway’s parents and children get 10 % off.
Draw: Shannon’s name was drawn for Timmy card
Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm
Next meeting on Wednesday,November 12, 2014@ 7pm