Will-South Cook Soil and Water Conservation District
1201 S. Gougar Road, New Lenox, Illinois
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Directors Present: Everett Moeller, Burton Barr, Cathy Ruchaj and Mike Wisniewski
Associate Directors Present:Brian Benninghoff, Harold Liberman, Marlene Liberman, Kathy Pecora, Dick Smerz and Wayne Wagner
Staff Present: Kim Mitchell, Bruce McGowan, Jamie Newton, Neil Pellmann andRandy Edwards
Wayneopened the meetingwith the Pledge of Allegianceat 7:00 p.m.
Following the pledge Everett requested a motion to approve the August 13th Board Meeting Minutes. Burtonmade a motion to approve the minutes. With asecond by Mike, the motion carried.
Financial Reports:
The consent agenda was approved with a motion from Mike and second from Burton. The motion carried.
The consent agenda includes:
-YTD Profit & Loss/ Report~ Unrestricted
- YTD Programs Account ~ Restricted
- YTD Balance Sheet
Everett requested that the AugustBills be considered for approval. A motion to approve the Report of Bills was made by Mike and with a second from Cathy, the motion carried.
All staff reports were accepted as written.
Randy distributed a NRCS document (1619 Compliance) and spoke regarding the protection of personally identifiable information that is contained in the information handled by the office. It is the responsibility of all staff to make sure that documentation that contains PII be handled according to the policy of NRCS.
Cathy made a motion for Executive Session to finalize 2014 Performance Reviews and 2015 Contracts. With a second by Burton, the motion carried.
After the return of the Directors, Cathy made a motion to resume the regular Board meeting and with a second by Burton the motion carried.
Cathy reported that reviews and contracts were completed and signed in closed session.
Burton reported on a Building committee meeting regarding a potential roof leak. It was agreed that there was no evidence of a leak and that no further action would be taken but staff would continue to monitor the situation. In addition it was agreed that the sign out by the road would be updated next year.
Neil reported that he had received applications for 2 NRIs that were in progress. One of them was no-effect and the other would require a report. He also advised the Board that a Farm Tour of Yunkers farm in Will County is also being planned for early October. Details will follow via an email.
Kim gave an update on the 2015 Recognition Dinner. She has contacted Hog Wild (11.30 per meal) and Everett has confirmed the Atrium for Thursday, March 5th.
The Board agreed to recognize the Lange family at the November Board meeting. Cake and coffee will be served. A monetary award was discussed and will be address further at the October Board meeting.
Randy had nothing to report on the Illiana project.
Kim updated the Board on the 2015 Conservation Partners program and requested additional input on potential sponsors.
Neil updated the Board on the 2015 CPP docket. Cover crops will pay at 60% this year. He was not aware of any other changes from 2014. The Board asked Kim to get bids for signage to be posted at locations / farms where CPP practices have been cost shared by the District. They feel that it would possible generate additional interest in our programs.
The Fall Tree and Fish Sale sign up form was distributed.
The Board agreed to keep Rust Bros. for snow removal this winter. Kim will pursue an agreement with them. If they are no longer available she will get bids from other contractors.
Burton advised the Board that FSA has requested the windows be cleaned. Kim will get some information for the next meeting.
Kim advised the Board that George Johnson is planning a move to Arkansas. He will be closer to his grandchildren. It was agreed that we would recognize George’s service to the District. George has been Associate Director since 2008.
Time sheets were approved with a motion from Mikeand a second from Cathy. The motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by,
Bill Hnetkovsky
September 10, 2014
Executive Session
7:40 pm
Directors present: Burton Barr, Everett Moeller, Cathy Ruchaj
and Mike Wisniewski
Staff present: Kim Mitchell
Kim presented the directors with the performance reviews and contracts and gave a brief explanation of how the performance reviews were determined. She explained that contracts are the same as the previous contract year with salary information to be determined/completed by the directors. With no questions, Kim returned to the boardroom.
The Directors took some time to review the performance reviews and agreed to sign the documents as presented. Salaries were discussed.
Everett signed the performance reviews and the directors returned to the Board meeting.
Respectfully submitted by,
Bill Hnetkovsky, Secretary