
Wilderness – Wild Trout – Wild Water


Stonycreek-ConemaughRiver Improvement Project (SCRIP) PO Box 164Windber, Pennsylvania15963

Deep in the mountainousterrain of the eastern slopeof the LaurelMountain lie the origins of the BensCreek. The South andNorth Forks of Bens Creek, bothlocated in SomersetCounty, are theprimary tributaries of the main stemof the BensCreek.

The South Fork, which encompassesthe Conemaugh TownshipReservoir utilized as a drinking watersupply, flows 12 miles mostly throughsteep valleys, while the North Forkflows five miles and encompasses theNorth Fork Reservoir operated by theJohnstown Water Authority.

Both the North and South Forkswere originally designated as HighQuality cold water fisheries. At therequest of the PA Fish and BoatCommission (PFBC) the South Fork, NorthFork and two tributaries to theNorth Fork Reservoir, Allwine andRiffle Runs, were evaluated forredesignation as Exceptional Value. On December 15, 1992 the EnvironmentalQuality board upgraded theupper portions of both the North andSouth Forks, as well as Allwine andRiffle Runs to Exceptional Value. Thiswas in part due to the documentationof wild reproducing rainbow trouton the North Fork, Allwine andRiffle Runs. Wild rainbows are alsofound on the South Fork abovethe Conemaugh Township WaterAuthority impoundment. Reproducingstocks of rainbow trout areextremely rare in Pennsylvania andtheir existence demonstrates theexcellent water quality found in bothheadwater basins.

The headwaters of both the Northand South Forks lie in difficult toaccess mountainous regions. StateRoute 0271crosses the headwaters ofthe North

Fork and Township Route534 parallels the South Fork for a distance. Otherwise access is limited to water authority maintenance roads and jeep trails which entail walk in access only.

Although the water quality in both the North and South Forks allow for resident wild populations of trout, including brown and brook trout in the section below the reservoirs, the waters are also poorly buffered freestone streams. This makes them highly susceptible to acid rain, which is a documented, major problem on the LaurelRidge. Fortunately, the forested region through which both branches flow helps to keep the water temperature cool and relatively stable, maintaining an overall habitat conducive to fish propagation and existence.

Investigation by DEP's Bureau of Water Quality Management has also revealed positive evidence of healthy populations of diverse benthic macroinvertebrate communities. Allwine Creek possesses 35 taxa, Riffle Run 32 taxa, the North Fork 28 taxa and the South Fork 30 taxa. Although

the densities of each taxa are not high, the

diversity of the taxa are typical ofwhat is

required to have an exceptionalquality freestone stream. TheSouth Fork, after exiting its moreremote sections, enters a more populatedregion consisting of residentialhouses along Route 985 as it flows north toward its confluencewith the North Fork that createsthe main stem of the BensCreek.

The upper portion of the SouthFork has been stocked by the PFBC with brook,brown and rainbow trout since the1940's. Currently, the Greater FerndaleSportsman's Club also supplementsthis stocking with their own plantingseach year.

However, in the vicinity of ThomasMills mine drainage becomes the firstsign of man's negative impact on theSouth Fork. There are several deepmine discharges left from abandonedmine operations dating back to thefirst half of this century. The smallerdischarges have low pH's, highiron contents and large amounts ofacidity. The major source, however, isnearly neutral in pH and relatively lowin iron since the alkaline dischargecauses the metals to drop out quicklyafter the water exits into the creek. Unfortunately, this can cause ared carpet of ferric hydroxide thatsmothers aquatic insect life making survival of fish in theaffected area impossible because ofthe lack of a food source.

For many years the entire sectionof the South Fork below this alkalinedischarge was not stocked with fishbecause of the assumption that thewater was too polluted to supportthe trout. Ironically, a coal companysurvey in 1976 determined that theiron

content of the discharge settledout after about two miles and that the

South Fork below that point held a somewhat stable and recovering insect population. Once this information was brought to the attention of then PFBC Fisheries Biologist Blake Weirich, an experimental stocking of 500 fish was commissioned. That stocking proved to be a success and the lower portion of the South Fork and the main stem have been stocked heavily with trout each year since. In addition, the trout that are stocked each spring have been able to hold over throughout the year providing for a year round viable trout fishery all the way to the mouth of the BensCreek.

However, the alkaline discharge near Thomas Mills, which has come to be known as Rock Tunnel, continued to be a constant problem as far as water quality was concerned. Fortunately, for the creek and its recreational users, this site, which has tainted the South Fork for many years, was remediated during the summer of 1994 through the networking efforts of the Stonycreek-Conemaugh River Improvement Project (SCRIP) and cooperative efforts from the Somerset Conservation District and Lion Mining. A passive treatment system consisting of holding ponds and connecting trenches was installed, which now essentially eliminates the last major source of mine drainage into the South Fork. The Pennsylvania DEP is scheduled to rectify an additional site upstream from Rock Tunnel in the near future. These projects will eventually resurrect a once dead section of the South Fork and allow water to flow relatively untainted downstream to its conflux with the North Fork.

Also during the summer of 1994 the PFBC surveyed the South Fork to determine what changes had taken place in the fish population since the last survey in 1987. It was determined that the South Fork is a class B stream with 20 - 40 pounds of wild trout per acre.According to current Area Fisheries BiologistRick Lorson, this is above average for what isgenerally regarded as a stocked trout stream.

The downside is that the total populationof trout was somewhat lower than foundin 1987. This could have been caused byheavy spring rains and higher than normalflows, which may have caused mortality inmany of the young fish during the pastseveral springs.

The other detraction to this section of theSouth Fork and to the main stem as well is alack of suitable holding water. Both PFBC personnel and areasportsmen believe that the addition ofsuitable holding water would greatlyincrease the number of holdover, wild andstocked fish throughout the BensCreek.

With this in mind the Mountain LaurelChapter of Trout Unlimited has implemented numerous stream enhancementprojects that have increased the type of structured holdingwater required by trout for increasedsurvival. This effort coupledwith the current effortsto reduce minedrainage problems is greatly enhancingthe BensCreek's role as an outstandingrecreational resource.

In addition to its past and future importanceas a viable fishery, the BensCreek hasgarnered a reputation, especially in earlyspring as an excellent location for raftingand canoeing. The Bens Creek CanoeClub holds canoe races on the stream andrecently marked its 20th anniversary racein 1992. The race is usually the earliest ofits kind held in Pennsylvania each year. The utilization of the BensCreek in thismanner brings participants from outside thelocal region and offers an opportunity forthe public to better understand the multiuserecreational capacity that exists in thestream.

As the main stem of the BensCreekheads toward Johnstown and its confluencewith the StonycreekRiver, it meandersthrough a more urban setting. This section ofthe creek is also surrounded by the richindustrial and historical heritage of the area.Some of the first iron furnaces in the regiondating back to the 1840's were constructednear the villages of Benscreek and Millcreek.Pig iron produced at these furnaceswas floated on rafts down the BensCreekand then the Stonycreek on their wayto Johnstown and Pittsburgh.

A regionally significant 45 acrerecreational facility known as IdealPark once sat on the shores of the BensCreek where thousands of people cameto recreate during the 1920's and 30's.Although not in use today, the park onceboasted of having the largest swimmingpool in North America measuring 300 feetby 600 feet.

The lower end of the BensCreek hasalso fallen victim to the floods thatencompass the history of the Johnstownarea. Although much of the focus of thesedisasters went elsewhere, residents andthe structures they erected at the lowerreaches of the stream suffered mightily fromthe numerous floods that have befallen theregion.

Actually the flooding of the lower BensCreek is a distinct and tragic side note towhat can occur when man interferes withthe natural environment without muchforethought. The St. AndrewsChurch anda shopping center, both situated alongthe BensCreek, were built on filled inwetlands adjacent to the mouth of thestream. When nature's own flood controlsare infringed upon by man a high pricecan and usually will be extracted.

All considered however, the BensCreekand its tributaries have faired better thanmany of its counterparts in southwesternPennsylvania. Its headwaters exist todaymuch as they have for centuries. Theconstruction of reservoirs on the brancheshas aided in economic development, buthave not had negative effects on the streams.Although tainted by mine drainage, theBensCreek has survived as a fisherythroughout a period when many streams ofsimilar origin and location have beencompletely decimated. Even by flowingthrough more densely populated regions,the Bens Creek has afforded recreationalopportunities to the masses while retaining its natural and physicalcharacteristics which has made is sounique.

Stonycreek-ConemaughRiver Improvement Project (SCRIP) PO Box 164Windber, Pennsylvania15963