Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes

Executive Committee Meeting Agenda for February 9, 2010 7:30 CST


  1. Approve minutes from Dec. 3, 2009 XO conf call – Joe
  1. Exec Director - Donna
  1. Treasurer report/Financial update – please see the year-end report for 2009 that Donna emailed and will post on the web under XO meeting documentation – Marty


  1. Results of priority setting exercise – Joe (see attached; 3 minutes)
  1. Journal plan for rest of 2010 – Maryann; Please see Maryann’s email (also uploaded to web site) (15 minutes)
  1. Finalize decision to officially sign up and pay for WebEx

COMMITTEES (10 minutes total)

  1. Committees – briefreports/issues
  2. SFE Committee report from Mark Charles
  3. Web Comm and web update project status (if I get in touch w/ Scott Woodbury)
  4. Membership Comm – Chris
  5. Marketing Comm – Carol


  1. Ideas for agenda for March 13 full Board –
  1. Exec Director update – include info on how we’re doing with our “staff budget” (e.g., average hours/week since the last Board meeting or just general commentary) along w/ usual info;


  1. Report results of staff time prioritizing efforts - Joe
  2. Update on implementation of measures re: Journal and SFE adopted by the Board to balance the financial and staff time budgets for 2010 – discussion led by Carol or Maryann or ?
  3. Deer policy (Janet) this has been postponed many times


  1. National WO Structure – Carol and/orKaren
  2. Propose a somewhat revised list of committees
  3. Propose a new system of assigning a couple committees to each member of the XO Comm to oversee and be their liaison to XO
  4. Proposed org chart
  5. Proposed new policy re: budget setting and tracking – Marty – is this anything you would be willing to work on? Can we re-start a small Finance Committee to help?

PAST ACTION ITEMS I came across in reviewing minutes from past 2 XO and past 4 full Board meetings that I think remain to be completed; do not be discouraged by the list – we DID complete >50%!

Notes / ACTION / Responsible person(s)
12/3/09 XO / Re-send (or even snail mail, at least to Carol Phelps) the 2010 Board Schedule / Carol or Donna?
12/3/09 XO / Propose details re: plan for 2010 Journals / Maryann and Chris
10/30/09 XO / Andrews to re-send the table of possible
expense cuts for everyone to rank. / Carol(no longer needed?)
Q0110”A” full board / Find a way to better advertise to Directors and all WO members which efforts need help that volunteers could provide. / (no lead person assigned)
Q0409 full board / try to post quarterly meeting documents earlier / Andrews/VanBeuken
Q0409 full board / continue w/ research on cost-
effective alternative for phone conferencing / J Powelka
Q0409 full board / Membership Committee to work on creating a “chapter lite” program as a priority. / Membership Committee
Q309 full board / Wild Center Steering Comm role - form a task force to establish the interactive guidelines between the Steering Committee and the National Board. Andrews to provide example format for policy (was sent to Syverson) / Powelka, Syverson & Windsor; lead = ?
Q309 full board / Finalize Membership Comm members and
schedule a first meeting. / Andrews and
Q0209 full board / prepare a draft DEER statement, to be
reviewed by Rappaport. / Barb Holtz &
McCullough (but already = done by Janet Allen)
Q0209 full board / to draft a policy for Chapter Closings that addresses fate of equipment they own / Rappaport and
Q01a09 full board / Review the committee purposes to verify
extent of overlap, if any. / Andrews