Market Road, Wickford, Essex SS12 0AG

Tel: 01268 733071

Fax: 01268 570214


Headteacher – Mr T. Flitman

17th June 2016

Newsletter 610

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Arts Week

Next week is Arts Week. The children will be taking part in the National Gallery’s Flagship Project, ‘Take One Picture’. The children will use a piece of art work from the gallery collection to inspire them to produce work in all areas of the arts. Year 4 will be making musical instruments and would be very grateful if you could send in any unwanted small boxes, tubs and cardboard tubes. (Not toilet rolls please). Year 5 also need a range of cardboard boxes including thick cardboard for their printing. A separate letter has been sent home with your child explaining more and parents are invited to come into school next Friday from 3.15 – 4.00 p.m. to view the children’s work.

Swimming Survey

Our swimming survey for Years 3 & 4 were sent home Monday. Please spare a few minutes and let us know your views and return the form to school, thank you. To date the responses have been overwhelmingly positive and I will let you know the outcomes in due course.

Summer Fun Evening Friday 1st July 4.30 – 7.00pm

The Summer Fun Evening is only two weeks away today. Helpers will, of course, be needed. Please put your name down in reception from Monday afternoon. We will be having a non-uniform day on Thursday 30th for tombola and will give more information about this in next week’s newsletter.

Diana Award Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Congratulations to Amber Rayner (5F), Freya Caetano (4W), Hannah Wingrove (5E), Adam Squires (5W), Lauren Freeman (4F) and Megan Penn (4E) who have all completed the Diana Award training and are now our Ambassador Leaders to work with the children and staff on developing strategies to prevent bullying. The children have already suggested ideas to help other children and will begin their work next week. My thanks to Mrs. Champion for supporting the children through the training programme.

Creative Arts Festival – Wednesday 22nd June at Oakfield Primary School.

Please can the children bring in their festival costumes for Monday morning, thank you.


Two, yes two, parents parked on the zebra crossing this week to ‘drop’ their children off! Another driver, due to the inconsideration of our parents, drove around a parked car, on the crossing, whilst parents and children were trying to cross - seriously?! We are fortunate enough to have a crossing so our children can cross safely, or so I thought, so it’s unbelievable that parents choose to park there and put other people’s lives at risk. I would be grateful if any parents spot this happening again that they take the number plate of the culprit so we can pass the information onto the police.

Class photographs

The class photographs were given out today. Please return orders, along with payment, by Tuesday 28th June. We are aware some forms say ‘April’ but please ignore this. Braiswick may charge a fee for any late orders. As Year 3 are on their trip today they may not bring theirs home until Monday.

End of school

I know it can be frustrating if you have to wait for your child to come out of school at home time but please remember that school ends at 3.15p.m. and children will therefore not leave until after this time. Whilst teachers do endeavor to get children out punctually please give your child a few minutes to gather their things and get out to you.

Bikeability – Group 2

Due to the bad weather this was cancelled Tuesday for Group 2. A new session has been put in place for Tuesday morning on 20th June. Please remember to bring your bikes and other essentials, thank you.

Bikeability – Group 3

Group 3 starts on Monday. Full details are on the school website. Please remember to provide your child with everything they need as we will not be ringing parents for any forgotten items and unfortunately your child will lose their place on the course. Please note that Bikeability is a commitment and it is expected that every child completes the course.

Mother and Daughter Evening Thursday 30th June 6.30 -7.30pm

Our annual mother and daughter’s will be held on Thursday 30th June. At the meeting we cover the changes the girls will go through in the coming years so they are prepared for them. The meeting is aimed at year 5 but if you have a daughter in year 6 and did not come last year please feel free to do so this year.

Beauchamps Study Support Club

We have received notification this week that the Study Support Club at Beauchamps will no longer run from September due to cuts in school budgets. I would like to thank the school for providing this facility over the past few years.


Please may I remind you that aerosols are not permitted in school due to asthmatic children. Please provide your child with a roll-on deodorant if needed.

Sports kits

Please can all sports kits be returned as soon as possible, except from the rounders team.

Lost Property

Yet again we have many items in our lost property box. Parents are welcome to come in any day after 3.15pm to have a look for any lost items.


(Please check the school website for further information)

Dinner Statements –Year 6 dinner statements were sent home today.

Rounders Competition This has been rescheduled for Wednesday 22nd June.

Summer Concert – Thursday 23rd June 7pm (2 tickets per family).

Year 5 Braintree Museum – Thursday 7th July. We still need more helpers for this trip. If you’re able to help please contact the office, many thanks.

Year 6 Legoland - Tuesday 12th July. If you have a Merlin pass for Legoland the coach cost will be £12.50. Your child must have their pass with them on the visit and we need to be informed that they have a pass in advance so we can apply for a refund on the entrance ticket.

Year 5 & 6 Choir – Leigh-on-sea Music Festival Thursday 30th June. Selected pupils only.


Athletics Club – Please note Athletics Club will be holding its last session on Wednesday 29th June.


Lana Dyball (3E) came 2nd place for her trampolining at the club competition and 8th place for her high score out of all the competitors.

Jamie Philips (5W) won 1st place in a team tournament at the weekend. This gives him 45 points to add to his score for the 6 month tour he is taking part in with JW Tennis Academy.

Owen Page (4F) has completed his 100m badge and moved up to Level 7 at swimming.

Joe Penny (3F) was awarded Most Improved Player at his football presentation.

Hannah Page (4W) won the Gold Medal with distinction at the Leigh-on-Sea Music Festival for Violin.

Enjoy the footy this weekend, or if you’re already fed up with it – have a relaxing weekend away from it! By the way, why is it that watching can be so stressful? I thought it was supposed to be a pleasure, not torture.

Mr T Flitman


Working For Everyone