Market Road, Wickford, Essex SS12 0AG

Tel: 01268 733071

Fax: 01268 570214


Headteacher – Mr T. Flitman

15th September 2017

Newsletter 656

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Autumn Term

The autumn term curriculum letters are now on the website. The letters outline what the children will be learning over the term.

Year 3 Welcome Meeting

Reminder: We are inviting our Year 3 parents to come in on Wednesday 20th September at 9.00am for a Welcome Meeting, which should last approximately 30 minutes. Please come in via the main reception. If you are unable to make the meeting, please feel free to contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions regarding your child starting the juniors.

I am always pleased to see our new children settle into school quickly but must just say that this year the children have made a fantastic start to their school life with us. Long may it continue!

Nut products

As I am sure you will be aware we have children in school who have nut allergies. As part of our safeguarding for these children we have a strict ‘no nuts’ policy in place. This includes both lunch and snack products. Please respect this – children must not bring any nut products in school including Nutella. Thank you.

School Money – Teachers2Parents

Passwords have been sent to parents. This will enable you to pay for trips, swimming and dinners online. If you have not received one, and would like to use our online system, please inform the office so we can check we have the correct information.

Please note that we are investigating becoming a completely cashless school with all payments for dinners, swimming and trips etc. being online only. I will provide more information as soon as I can.

Catch-Up Club

I hope that I am not tempting fate but there has been far fewer children needing to come to catch-up club this week than last term. Thank you for ensuring your child arrives at school punctually, it does make a difference to their day to arrive in good time and prepared for the day ahead.

Epipens/Asthma Pumps

Whilst we do our utmost to remind parents of epipens and inhalers due to expire, it is the parent’s responsibility to make a note of the dates and replace when necessary.

Beauchamps – Open Day

Our year 6 children will be on their residential trip when Beauchamps hold their open day. They have kindly organised a date just for our school on Friday 13th October starting at 9.30 a.m. The session will last for around an hour. Please let our office know if your child will be absent that morning and to pre-order your child’s school dinner or ensure that they have a packed lunch on that day. Please contact Beauchamps on 01268 735466 to book a place.

Scrapbook Competition

I am delighted to see so many scrap books entered this year – probably double the number from last summer. I will get back to you with winners as soon as possible, once we have had time to have a look at them all.

Dates for the Diary

This is now on our website. Dates may be added so please check on a regular basis.


Assemblies start at 9.00 a.m. and last around half an hour, including time for a cup of tea or coffee.

Our first assembly is for 5W parents which will be on Friday 29th September. We will inform parents via the newsletter on future class assemblies.

Year 6 – Overstrand Residential Trip

The medical and emergency forms were sent home this week. Please complete and return to us by Monday 18th September.


If you have not sent in your fees for swimming please send in as soon as possible. Year 5 fees are £13.20 and Year 6 is £11.00. Please note if your child is not going on the residential trip, fees are £13.20. Years 3 & 4 start Tuesday 31st October (7 sessions - £15.40). We do not contact parents for forgotten swimming bags so please remember to bring them in, thank you.


Clubs start next week. ALL fees must be paid to the relevant club either before or on the first session. If a payment is not made your child will not be able to attend and you will be contacted at 3.15pm, to collect your child. If your child is attending a morning club please wait in reception and a member of staff will open the door and let the children in when the club teacher is ready to start. Please make sure your child wears appropriate clothing for their club (i.e. activity clubs) and remembers to bring their school uniform to change into. Pupils attending School Football and Chelsea must wear shin pads and football boots. If it’s raining football clubs will take place inside so please provide trainers too.

Recorder (Fridays) – Mr. Rhys-Morgan will be holding recorder lessons for Years 4, 5 & 6 on Fridays, 12.40 – 1.10pm, in the Sunshine Room. If your child is interested please let the office know.

Homework Club (Tuesday 19th September) – All children who applied for this club have a place. Children need to get an early lunch pass from their teacher and after they have eaten their lunch they need to meet Mrs. Griffiths in 3F.

We now only have spaces available at the following clubs: Dance, Magic Club, Multisport and Chelsea Football. Please see details on the club list for dates and payment details.

Dinner Statements

Year 4 dinner statements, for any debit/credit for dinners, have been sent out today.

Headteacher’s Award

This week’s award went to Hollie Farrant (4E) and Riley Draper (3F). Hollie has made a great start to the year and shown a really positive attitude to school. Riley has started the year with a broken arm, of course it had to be his writing arm, but has simply come into school and got in with things without a murmur of complaint. In both cases for a great attitude the award is well deserved.


Congratulations to the following children:

Kaelie Treter (4E) achieved a Distinction in her Primary Tap Dancing exam

Megan Penn (6E) completed and achieved her Level 1 and Level 2 Bikeability during the school holidays.

Sophie Lepper (5F) has moved up to Green Ball in tennis and also moved up to Stage 8 Elite Group at David Lloyd.

Gabriella Schito (4W) received the ‘Student of the Week’ trophy at Shinfodo Jujitsu on Friday 8th September.

Lucy Hasler (4F) has completed 200m and 400m in swimming and is now Stage 7.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr. T. Flitman


Working For Everyone